SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Osaka Bay Tower (大阪ベイタワー)
Today, following yesterday's Aizan drinking event, I went to the Osaka Bay Tower's Japanese sake festival event 😀. I was informed in advance by bouken-san that there was a sake that Saku-san usually does not have, so I made a toast with his wife with that sake 😇. The sake was even clearer and fruity than Saku's usual sake, and we were very satisfied from the start 😀. During the live taiko performance by three women, my wife and I, who are both learning taiko, were overwhelmed by their amazing performance 😇. We were able to compare over 130 different types of sake, but my favorite was from Yamazaru, a brewery located in Asa, Yamaguchi Prefecture 😇. From the aroma to the mouthfeel, it was right up my alley👍! I had a chance to talk to the brewer and asked him about the stores in the Kansai area that carry it.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbaye 😃 Is it a Don Picha sake... 😳⁉️ I'd love to drink it but Yasbaye's range is wide... so it's very possible that it's out of my range🤣.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I only tasted a sip of this sake, so I would like to try it more properly 😀. The store is near Maruriki in Tenma and it looks like they will be at the Hanshin event in September 😇.