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Nobuaki ShishidoNobuaki Shishido
日本の全蔵の日本酒制覇を目指し、行く先々で酒屋巡りをし、見たことがない日本酒を入手。主に宅飲みで楽しんでいます。料理も好きなので、週末はスーパーでアテになりそうな食材も物色してます。 基本、フレッシュ&ジューシー、酸味有りが好みです。 ★★★★★ 超好み ★★★★☆ 好み ★★★☆☆ 好きな部類 ★★☆☆☆ 好みではない ★☆☆☆☆ おすすめしない

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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Nobuaki Shishido
Nemuro City, Hokkaido Usui Katsusaburo Store This freshly squeezed sake is said to be a rare brew by Katsuzaburo Usui, a brewery located in the eastern most part of Japan. This rare sake is sold out in 10 minutes at the local Nemuro City supermarket. I got a hold of it unexpectedly, and I let it sit for about a year. It's delicious to good, but at over 18% alcohol, it gets drunk very quickly. I don't think I'll be able to get it next term.
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Nobuaki Shishido
Kokuryu Shuzo Co. Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui Prefecture Rice polishing rate 55%. Five million gems from Fukui Prefecture, 100%. 15% alcohol. The aroma is moderate and the sweetness is light, but it has a nice taste and a refreshing finish.
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Nobuaki Shishido
Ogawamachi, Hiki-gun, Saitama Prefecture Matsuoka Brewing Co. Junmai-Ginjo Rice polishing rate 60%. 16% alcohol. Sake meter value -8.0 Acidity 3.0 Yeast for wine With a sake rating of -8.0, I was expecting sweetness, but it's not sweet. A unique aroma spreads in the mouth, the acidity is pleasant, and when the alcohol begins to assert itself, it quickly disappears and there is a clean aftertaste. Wine yeast, but firmly Japanese sake.
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Nobuaki Shishido
Hato Masamune Co. Towada City, Aomori Prefecture 15% alcohol. Rice polishing rate 60%. Hana Fubukiuki snowflake 100% from Aomori Prefecture It has a refreshing sweetness that is typical of summer sake. The aroma is not so gorgeous, so you may think it is an orthodox sake, but it has little alcohol content and is easy to drink.
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Nobuaki Shishido
Yamanashi Meinjo Corporation Hakushu-cho, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture 15% alcohol. Rice polishing rate 70%. Sweet aroma and sweet mouthfeel. But it also has a stronger alcohol presence. It becomes easier to drink after a period of time.
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Nobuaki Shishido
Ryouseki Sake Brewing Co. Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture 16% alcohol. Rice polishing rate 60%. I looked at the specs and found that I liked it, so I bought it. I was told that it should be warmed up from room temperature, so I had it warmed up. The sweetness and acidity are just right, and it tastes even better when it's warmed.
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Nobuaki Shishido
Shinzawa Brewery Co. Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture 16% alcohol. Rice polishing rate 60%. Shinzawa Brewery has started brewing flat-poured rice in 2020. I can't compare it to Hakurakusei itself, as it's almost the first time I've had it, but I do feel that it's a clear drink with very little bitterness. You can taste the flavor, but it's not overly assertive, so it's easy to pair with just about any food.
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Nobuaki Shishido
Fukushi Sake Brewing Company Kushiro City, Hokkaido 15% alcohol. Rice polishing rate 60%. alongside A local brewery "Fukushi" released a limited number of 1000 bottles of this sake this year. It was sold out when I dropped by a nearby liquor store. Additional orders were also sold out immediately. In the end, we got a bottle at the brewery's direct sales counter. It's a calm drink, probably because I tasted it at room temperature. It's the kind of sake you can drink slowly on a long night. It has a nice aroma, sweetness, and not too much alcohol, so it can be drunk in a leisurely fashion. It's easy to drink, and I have a feeling that I might drink too much.
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Nobuaki Shishido
16% alcohol. I don't often drink Alsoe, but I was curious about the "Super Honjozo", so I bought it. It has a moderate sweetness and alcohol content, and while it has a freshness to it, it is not insistent and easy to drink. It seems to have a blend of daiginjo and other ingredients, and considering the price, it's very tasty. I drink too much of this. Today's 99-person wall, Mirai Moriyama's sake problem, the people here could have gotten a grand slam. That's too easy.
Rokkasenひやおろし 蔵の隠し酒
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Nobuaki Shishido
Rokkosen Corporation Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture Rice polishing rate 60%. 15% alcohol. I don't drink hiyaoroshi (a type of grated daikon) very often, but I came across a liquor store that carries Rokkusen, so I bought some. Lightly aromatic. It has a light sweetness to it. Perhaps due to the low alcohol content of 15 degrees, the alcohol is lightly assertive, and there is a clean aftertaste. It is easy to drink in a light way.
Sharaku純米吟醸 一回火入れ
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Nobuaki Shishido
Miyaizumi Meibozo Co. Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture 16% alcohol. Rice polishing rate 50%. Purchased at Saito-san in Chitose. It's a stable Sharaku Junmai Ginjo. Whether chilled or at room temperature, it's fluffy and mellow, giving you a sense of freshness while the flavor spreads. This time it was in a bottle, but I drank it in about two sips. Yuck.
Kure特別純米 番外二十四
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Nobuaki Shishido
Kure Special Junmai Banga 24 Nishioka Sake Brewery Co. Nakatosa Town, Takaoka County, Kochi Prefecture Rice polishing rate 60%. Sake meter reading -8 Acidity 1.8 Amino Acid 0.8 Alcohol 14%. There are many dry and crunchy sakes in Kure, but this one is the complete opposite. This sake is the exact opposite of what it should be. Even the owner of the liquor store was surprised that they could make such a sake. It has a fruity aroma and a sour taste. It has a sweet taste and is very easy to drink. Women like it.
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Nobuaki Shishido
Musical Instrument Masamune, Raw Zume Honjozo Okiyo-Yoshin, LLC. Yabuki-cho, Nishi-Shirakawa-gun, Fukushima Prefecture 16% alcohol. 70% rice on rice 60% koji rice I don't drink Alsoe very often, but I tasted this popular Gakki Masamune. Slightly stronger alcohol flavor, slightly fizzy, not sweet, but a little salty. It doesn't leave a lasting impression and doesn't leave a residue on the palate. It's easy to drink and popular.
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Nobuaki Shishido
Special Junmai 13-degree sake Otawara City, Tochigi Prefecture Kikunosato Sake Brewing Company 13% alcohol. Rice polishing rate 55%. 100% Yamada Nishiki I see this Ona often. So I hadn't had a chance to try it, but this eye-opening jacket made me buy it without thinking. It has a solid taste for its low alcohol content.
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Nobuaki Shishido
16% alcohol. This is a junmai sake with undisclosed specs. I'm not sure if it's the only one available in a single bottle, but I can't help but buy it. It's juicy schwag, which I like. It has a sweetness but doesn't leave a sweetness in the aftertaste, so it's refreshing to drink. I love Machida.
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Nobuaki Shishido
It was my first time to drink from Ibaraki. The label was colourful, but I bought the blue label on a small bottle. It was unexpectedly fresh and tight-fitting sake, which I liked. I want to drink this next time in a four-pack bottle.