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宮泉熟成純米吟醸 秋あがり 火入
宮泉 Check-in 1
宮泉 Check-in 2宮泉 Check-in 3
I thought this would be the last of this year's fall sake. This is the first time for you to purchase Aizu Miyaizumi. I was surprised at the dryness of the mouthfeel, but the deliciousness of the rice chased me and then ran through me. The remainder is a slight melon taste and bitterness. As a result, be careful not to drink too much of the swishy type. It was delicious!
Shinshu Kirei美山錦 純米吟醸
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2Shinshu Kirei Check-in 3
Today I wanted to drink Shinshu Kameari, so I bought it at Akimoto Shoten in Nakameguro. I'm happy to be able to drink such a delicious sake at any time. It's fire-aged, mildly sweet, and slightly carbonated. Delicious! Happy birthday🎊We enjoyed it very much!
Gassan裏月山 縁 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸
Gassan Check-in 1
Gassan Check-in 2Gassan Check-in 3
Today is the end of September, but it was a hot and humid day. This time, I'm going to have Ura-Getsuzan-En from Gassan, which was recommended to me before but I haven't had it yet. The mouthfeel is slightly carbonated. And it has a fruity taste, a bit like melon. The taste of the rice is chasing after you. It's clean and crisp and doesn't interfere with the meal. It's easy to drink! We enjoyed it very much.
Isojiman駿光の雫 撰抜・本醸造
Isojiman Check-in 1
Isojiman Check-in 2Isojiman Check-in 3
Bought at Vinos Yamazaki in Shizuoka in summer. This is my first time to taste this wine. Good alcohol feeling and sharpness. There is almost no sweetness or sourness. It does not interfere with food and the drink goes on easily. It is an outstanding one for everyday drinking. We enjoyed it very much!
Yamakawa Mitsuo山川牛男 2021 あき
Yamakawa Mitsuo Check-in 1
Yamakawa Mitsuo Check-in 2Yamakawa Mitsuo Check-in 3
It's the long rainy season in autumn. I thought it was a refreshing drink for such a time. The mouthfeel is light and fizzy. Although the sweetness of the melon is felt lightly I can feel the crisp acidity and drink it refreshingly. It was delicious.
Shinomine雄町 純米吟醸 夏凜純米吟醸
Shinomine Check-in 1Shinomine Check-in 2
While watching the Fuji Rock feed. Citrusy and acidic mouthfeel but the sweet juicy taste lurking in the back An aftertaste that seems to take everything with it As I savor every sip of the end of summer It's swishy even though you think it is Delicious! It was delicious!
Nabeshima純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
Nabeshima Check-in 1Nabeshima Check-in 2
One for the height of summer. On the palate, it has a slight fizziness and sweetness. The bitterness and sourness follow, and it leaves quickly! It disappears beautifully. The alcohol content is a solid 16 degrees, but you don't feel it! It's my day off tomorrow, so I might as well drink too much. LOL! It was delicious.
Igarashi雄町 純米吟醸
Igarashi Check-in 1Igarashi Check-in 2
I stocked up on my way home from my annual trip to Hanno, Saitama Prefecture. There was a caution tag to open the bottle, so I chilled it well and sipped it! The glass is full of carbonation. The mouthfeel was banana and melon, and it soon became dry and bitter. It's a versatile beer that can be enjoyed on its own or with food. Today, I'm drinking it with pumpkin tempura. It was delicious.
Kazenomorialpha 夏の夜空
Kazenomori Check-in 1Kazenomori Check-in 2
In the middle of a dreary rainy season. The mouthfeel is refreshing with a slight fizz. It has a faint aroma of green apple, but it is refreshing. It seems to enjoy the throat overflow unconsciously. It is also a 10 degree alcohol. It was a time to drink lightly and forget the rainy season. We enjoyed it very much.
Yokoyama Goju夏純吟よこやま純米吟醸
Yokoyama Goju Check-in 1Yokoyama Goju Check-in 2
Just looking at the labels of summer sake gives it a certain atmosphere. The aroma is gentle, but the attack of acidity and sweetness is strong. It has a melon-flavored aftertaste and a touch of alcohol. It is easy to drink because it goes down smoothly. The alcohol content is high at 15 degrees for a summer sake, so if you drink it too fast, you might get into trouble. We enjoyed it very much.
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
I finally captured it. A fascinating rainbow beetle. I've heard rumors that the quality of this year's beer is good, so I opened the bottle with high expectations. There is not much aroma, but it is full of delicious acidity. It's just like a lemon squash, calmly lemon squash! It will disappear with salmon sashimi on a hot night. Be careful not to drink too much! We enjoyed it very much.
Miyoshikiku雄町60 純米吟醸無濾過生酒 2BY
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1Miyoshikiku Check-in 2
I thought I'd buy a label once in a while and found a seasonal wisteria in the refrigerated showcase. I chose Miyoshi chrysanthemum. The color is slightly yellowish. The aroma is like a strong ripe pineapple. It is not so sweet, but has bitterness and sourness, so it goes well with fried chicken. I would like to enjoy it slowly. We enjoyed it very much.
I want a drink.
Thank you for your comment, Mr. Kitchee♪ It's delicious, so by all means♪♪
Nokonokosan> I'm looking for a store where I can buy it. I hope I can find it! I hope I can find it!
Tenmei Check-in 1Tenmei Check-in 2
We've already had some hot days this year. I bought it immediately when I was told it was for early summer. I was expecting it to be bitter and heavy because it's a blame blend, but it's so refreshing and clean that I can feel a hint of citrus (lychee?). But it is refreshing and refreshing. It is truly a sake for early summer. You can easily finish a whole bottle. We enjoyed it very much.
Okunoto no shiragiku Check-in 1Okunoto no shiragiku Check-in 2
I've been curious about this since I saw Kazuhiko Ohta say it was delicious on TV before, so I had it. It is served at room temperature. You can feel the flavor of the rice beautifully. The excitement continues from the beginning to the end with a sense of security. I feel like I have my feet on the ground. It is the kind of sake that you can drink forever. Good, good! We enjoyed it deliciously.
Tabika純米酒 槽搾り
Tabika Check-in 1Tabika Check-in 2
It is served at room temperature. The aroma is gentle and refreshing. The acidity and umami are well-balanced, and the bitterness that exists in the sharpness accompanies the meal. It can be drunk smoothly and smoothly. This is the first time I have had Tamitsu, but I wish I had known about it earlier. We enjoyed it very much.
Gakki Masamune混醸 出羽燦々純米吟醸
Gakki Masamune Check-in 1Gakki Masamune Check-in 2
It was given to me by IMADEYASUMIDA. It is really sweet and juicy. Melon type And yet There is some bitterness in the aftertaste. And it accompanies the meal. I admired the good balance. It is a good sake to heal a tired body. We enjoyed it deliciously.
Mukade大吟醸 華や香大吟醸
Mukade Check-in 1Mukade Check-in 2
I had a chilled bottle of Mukaze, which I was curious about because of its unique label. The aroma is gentle but powerful, and when you put it in your mouth, you can literally feel the gorgeousness. However, it quickly and beautifully clears up like water. I'm pairing it with nabe, but I feel like this would go with just about anything! It was delicious.
Kazenomori Check-in 1Kazenomori Check-in 2
It's been a while since I've had the Wind Forest. It has a fresh aroma, and when you put it in your mouth, you can feel the sweetness and sourness with a slight carbonation. Does it taste like muscat? The aftertaste is long and enjoyable, so I'd rather drink it by itself than with a meal. I enjoyed it very much.