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ZunpapaLight alcohol smell Rounded sweetness Rather than spreading out, it seems to cover the tongue and flow down the throat like a cling film. There is no acidity at all and the overall body is rather light. There is no unpleasant element in the aftertaste, and it disappears gracefully.
ZunpapaThis is a commemorative sake made from ancient rice and registered as a Katsuragi Shugen Japanese Heritage Site. The specifications are not disclosed, but it has a slightly high alcohol content of 16~. It is lightly pink in color, and the smell of alcohol is a little strong. When you put it in your mouth, the sweetness comes first, and then the bitterness and sourness come with the same strength. The bitterness is also strong in the aftertaste, so the overall taste is a little peculiar.
ZunpapaAlthough it is called Junmai, it is Daiginjo in the specification. The aroma is a light alcohol smell. When you put it in your mouth, you will be surprised at the very soft and gentle texture and throat feeling. Rounded sweetness and umami taste. There is no acidity at all, and the aftertaste is very short and disappears quickly. The overall impression of this sake is very soft and gentle.
ZunpapaApple-like aroma Very clean and clear mouthfeel and flavour. No acidity at all, just a soft sweetness that rolls over the tongue smoothly. A hint of bitterness lingers on the palate, but it is all overcome by the overwhelming clarity.
Zunpapa2016BY A slightly twitchy aroma typical of an aged sake. As a cold sake, the aroma is a bit quirky, but the overall taste is refreshing. Warmed up lukewarm, the sweetness and umami open up, and the aroma becomes milder, but there is still a bitter aftertaste. When heated up, the overall flavor becomes milder, with a slightly sour aftertaste.
帝松虎の巻 赤特別純米原酒無濾過
ZunpapaWith hot sake Faint alcohol smell. The soft umami spreads fluently, with a hint of sweetness to follow. Overall, it has no peculiarities and is very light on the palate, so it remains easy to drink even when heated up and cooled down.
ZunpapaWarmed to a very high temperature Even though the temperature was raised to the maximum, the aroma is very gentle. The sweetness and acidity are thin, and a very clear flavor spreads slowly. It has a smooth feel on the tongue and down the throat, and disappears gracefully with a short aftertaste.
ZunpapaWarmed up lukewarm Firm aroma of rice. It has a strong sweetness and a bitterness that is almost spicy. There is no acidity, and the flavor spreads like a blaze before disappearing without a lingering aftertaste. There is no astringency or unpleasant aftertaste, only a lingering aftertaste of the initial flavor in the mouth.
Tabikamalic acid純米吟醸
ZunpapaAs the name suggests, it smells like a green apple. And it has a fresh and clear sweet and sour taste as if you bit into an apple. The alcohol content is relatively low at 13 degrees, so the mouthfeel is light and the overall impression is very refreshing.
ZunpapaThis is the first year that Koryu has released a heated sake. We heated it up, but the aroma was mild. Perhaps it's because it's made with Gohyakumangoku, but even though it's been aged for three years, it's very light and easy to drink. It's a very easy sake to get along with, and you won't get tired of drinking it.