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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Naraman Check-in 1Naraman Check-in 2
Naraman's Sake Mirai. To be honest, we do not know what kind of characteristics Sake Mirai has, but we are not disappointed with Sake Mirai. It always has a beautiful taste. It is orthodox, yet has an understated flamboyance and an elegant sweetness, making it a perfect match for Japanese food.
Nichinichi Check-in 1Nichinichi Check-in 2
Sushi Mizukami
The second cup was Nichinichi. I didn't like the Tamakae I had before, but this Akitsu Yamadanishiki is delicious. It is clear and has a good overall balance of flavors. It is not sweet or tasty, or sour or bitter, but delicious. It is clean and crisp, and it is good with both sake and food.
Kinoenemasamune Check-in 1Kinoenemasamune Check-in 2
Sushi Mizukami
We went to a sushi restaurant we had always wanted to visit. Since it was my first time, I left the sake to the chef. The sake to go with the carefully crafted, but not eccentric, tsumami was Koshi's Risshun Asa Shibori. I think this was my first time to try Koshi. It is fresh but easy to drink and blends well. The aroma is subdued, and although it tastes good, it is not so excessive that it interferes with the meal. A good sake with a good snack. It is the best.
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
The second (almost final) omakase drink was Shinsei's Yonotori. And it was some kind of collaboration. However, I have never had regular Yonotori, so I don't know the difference. I don't understand why a kijozo-shu with 12 degrees alcohol by fizzing sounds like a weak yen, a strong dollar, low stock prices, and rising interest rates. But even though it is a kijoshu, it is not unnecessarily heavy, and even though it is sparkling, it is not dry like champagne, and even at 12% alcohol, the umami is firm and gently sweet. It is delicious. I wonder what the normal Yonotori is like.
Wakamusume Check-in 1Wakamusume Check-in 2
First round of omakase at my first yakitori restaurant. Another first for me, "Wakamusume". Sake from Yamaguchi is delicious. The fact that it is a junmai daiginjo, unfiltered raw sake is enough to fill me up. The aroma is moderate, and the umami and sweetness are balanced at a high level. This is a brand that I would like to keep an eye on from now on.
Emishiki Check-in 1Emishiki Check-in 2
Sweet! It's been a while since we've had a lot of dry umami lately, so this is the first sweet one we've had in a long time! Moreover, it is a hard puncher even among sweet sake. The taste is not dull, but it is a masterstroke in producing this flavor while leaving a clear impression that is typical of Japanese sake. I think it is a wonderful gem as a dessert sake.
Hoken超辛口 湧水仕込純米
Hoken Check-in 1Hoken Check-in 2
Houken with crab. It is a dry sake with a strong flavor. I have an image that it is always available at good liquor stores. This is the first time I've had it, but for better or worse, it's just like I imagined it would be. Maybe it's too much because it's a super dry junmai sake, but I'd like to try some of their other sake. I think it's a bit hard for me to buy it myself.
Haginotsuyu名流 山田錦純米吟醸生酒
Haginotsuyu Check-in 1
Haginotsuyu Check-in 2Haginotsuyu Check-in 3
Hagi no Dew has an image of being drunk at a store. I bought it somehow. It is the first royal sake I have had in a long time. It has a strong alcohol taste with a bit of umami. It is a little less glamorous to drink alone at home, but when paired with a good meal, the synergistic effect doubles the taste. I wonder if it is better to drink it at a restaurant?
Haginotsuyu名流 山田錦純米吟醸生酒
Hagi no Dew has an image of being drunk at a store. It looked delicious, so I bought it. It was the first time in a long time that I have had a "royal road" sake. It is a very typical sake with a slightly strong alcohol taste. It lacks a bit of glamour for drinking alone at home, but if paired with a good meal, the synergistic effect doubles the taste as much as possible. After all, drinking sake at a restaurant is different from drinking it at home, isn't it?
SenkinUA 1st あお
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
It's been a long time since I've had a Sentori assemblage. Oh yes, this acidity. I wanted to try drinking Akamo too. At first I was surprised by the acidity, which I hadn't had in a while, but I soon got used to it. The second day, the sake became milder and easier to drink. It also has a nice sharpness, so I guess it can be drunk with food.
Nichinichi Check-in 1Nichinichi Check-in 2
The 12% alcohol content is so much more than this! It has a great drinking experience. You can taste the rice flavor. It is an interesting wine with a slight effervescence, unique acidity, and umami that I have never tasted before. It is a little expensive. However, I personally don't like it, and it gives me a headache. Maybe it's just my body constitution, but it happens sometimes. I don't drink as much as a hangover, but sometimes I get a headache in the middle of drinking. It might be my physical condition. I think the drink itself has a great finish.
Born超吟 特A山田錦 氷温熟成純米大吟醸
Born Check-in 1Born Check-in 2
鮨 将司
I asked for one more drink at the end and got an amazing one. It came out that I would never buy and drink it myself. He recommended that I should definitely drink it, so I did. The flavor is amazing. It has a mellow aroma and a rich umami that is easy to drink, which is no longer a mystery. And it goes properly with sushi at the end of the day, such as winter fatty tuna and sweet clawed conger eel. We had great sake and great sushi.
大嶺大嶺3粒 出羽燦々
大嶺 Check-in 1大嶺 Check-in 2
I almost 100% buy Oumine when I find it. Recently, I have had many opportunities to encounter good sweet sake, and my image of its taste has been leaning toward that type, but once again, I have the impression that the taste of Omine this time is more complex, with a hint of acidity among those tastes. It is truly amazing that as one's taste preferences become clearer and clearer, the world of sake is not only narrowing but also expanding its depth within that realm.
Kameizumi Check-in 1Kameizumi Check-in 2
Sweet and tasty Kameizumi. It is rich and beautiful. If it were any heavier, it would feel like it would linger the next day, so this is right on the edge. Maybe it's because the alcohol content is not that high, but I can drink a little too much. Is it the same as the one I had before? If there is a different one, I would like to try it.
kamosu mori純米大吟醸生酒
kamosu mori Check-in 1
kamosu mori Check-in 2kamosu mori Check-in 3
I have only a vague knowledge of brewing forests that I have seen before. I asked the owner about the sweet taste and he recommended it. It is very fruity, with a full aroma and a clear sweetness. I opened it without any prior information and was somewhat blown away (sweat). It has a fizziness that I like, but I don't think it is suitable as a food wine, so it is for enjoying the sake by itself.
SenkinオーガニックナチュールW2023 kijoshu貴醸酒
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
It has been a long time since I have had an organic naturals kijoshu. It is still delicious. It has an elegant sweetness that is not cloying, and a depth that is typical of kijo-zake. It has a clear and transparent taste without being heavy. It is a dangerous sake that makes you drink too much of it.
Bunkajin Check-in 1Bunkajin Check-in 2
This is also a well-known Bunkajin. It has a beautiful umami flavor and a light sweetness that quickly disappears. It has a good drinkability, so it goes well with all kinds of food.