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Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)

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Okunokami純米中取り 直汲み 生酒
Okunokami Check-in 1Okunokami Check-in 2
Okunokami Check-in 3Okunokami Check-in 4
Purchased at Isetan in Shinjuku. I had always wanted to try Tokyo's sake, so when I saw it on the shelves, I had to buy it. It was my first visit to this store and I enjoyed looking at the good selection. However, the staff were very passionate and it was hard to take my time to look around. But that's OK. I drank it without much prior knowledge of what it was like, and found that it did not have a modern feel and was quite sweet. I like Kangiku, so I was totally fine with it, but I think I'm starting to prefer less sweet sake these days. Maybe my tastes are changing. The original reason for my visit to Shinjuku was to see a performance by my friend from junior high school, Kaminarimon Kosukeroku, for the first time in about 10 years. It was quite fun to watch his rakugo performance, which included storytelling, magic tricks, and street performances. I am not familiar with rakugo at all, but it was interesting. I am not familiar with Rakugo at all, but this was also interesting. After the performance, I told the staff what had happened and met the performer himself. It was an unexpected petit reunion, and I felt that it had been a while since I had had a good time from the bottom of my heart.
Hello, freelancer first generation man 😀. It looks like you enjoyed your petit reunion from your friend's high school 😀. I thought it was easy to get Yamoru-san in Tokyo 🤣. But here, I had to look around quite a bit 😅.
Good evening, Mr. Freelancer! We too went to Shinjuku Isetan in search of Yamori 🤗There was indeed a lot of pressure to be waited on to speak to someone 😅Unexpected reunion! It's great to be able to enjoy it from the bottom of your heart 🥹.
Hello, Yasube! It was a fun time for me to hear about those days and the present of my friends after a long time. I was very happy to meet Yamoru because I had never seen him in Chiba before....
Hi Jay & Nobby ^^^^. I remember seeing your post about J&N's house guard, and I see that you purchased it here. Just when I thought we were done talking, I was approached by another person and I thought, leave me alone...^^^^;
Okunokami純米吟醸 無調整生酒 雄町純米吟醸生酒
Okunokami Check-in 1Okunokami Check-in 2
Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)
Drink at home. Purchased at a department store. I was going to buy another Yamoru, but the clerk recommended me to buy this one because it's only available now ❗️. I'm a sucker for limited editions and only available now 😆. 100% Omachi from Okayama Prefecture The color is slightly amber. Almost transparent. The aroma is soft and sweet. The mouthfeel is ultra-fine and carbonated. The taste is clean and sweet, like green apple🍏. In addition, sourness and a bit of bitterness. They can be felt almost at the same time. Each taste is well-balanced and harmonious. The taste is cool and refreshing as it goes down. A local Tokyo sake 🍶. I have made up my mind to continue to support 📣 my hometown Tokyo sake 🍶.
Hi Hiro 😃 We also got two bottles of Yamori🦎 at Isetan when we were in Shinjuku and enjoyed them 🤗. You can't buy it in Tochigi, so if you want to drink it, you have to go back to Tokyo 😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ We have two Yaomori🦎 at ❗️ Thank you 😊 It's the best ✨ in Tokyo, so please try it again. I'll take a bottle of Tochigi sake instead 😆.
Tenju Check-in 1Tenju Check-in 2
Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)
★★★☆☆☆ I had high expectations, but the Mimuro cedar was no match for it. Transparent. Polished to 25% milling degree. Good sharpness, little spread. Dry and a little bitterness remains. 11,000 yen The more you drink, the better it tastes. It doesn't interfere with your meal, and you can drink it faster.
Noguchinaohikokenkyujo Check-in 1Noguchinaohikokenkyujo Check-in 2
Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)
Drink at home. Purchased at Depa. 5,000,000 rocks 100%. The color is light nigori. Smell is cemedine-like, and I think it is a classic type. The mouthfeel is soft. In the mouth, there is no sweetness, and the umami of rice can be felt. After that, there is a skittishness like that of a hacca. After drinking, it leaves a piquant sensation on the tongue. On the second day, the cemedine sensation is suppressed and the rice flavor becomes more apparent. I thought it was a royal classic sake🍶.
TakachiyoTakachiyo59 森のくまさん純米吟醸
Takachiyo Check-in 1
Takachiyo Check-in 2Takachiyo Check-in 3
Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)
Gorgeous aroma. You can feel lychee or melon. It has a light sweetness and acidity. It has a sharpness that is not overpowering, so it can be used as a mid-meal drink. I heard that Morinokuma-san is a special A-ranked rice for 5 consecutive years 😃.
Daishinshu Check-in 1Daishinshu Check-in 2
Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)
Drink at home. Purchased at Depa. Nagano rice Kinmon Nishiki The color is clear crystal. Smell is a little weak for a daiginjo. Slightly carbonated in the mouth. The sweetness is a blue fruit type sweetness. The sweetness is like that of lime or lotus, and it is not too sweet. The mouthfeel is clean and goes straight through. It is not too sweet, so it has a nice clean taste and is light in the mouth. A refreshing and light sake 🍶. It was gone in no time 😅. I wonder if it tastes even better in summer 😋.
初日の出 Check-in 1初日の出 Check-in 2
Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)
Purchased at Depa. I bought this bottle because I enjoyed the story of the brewer who came to sell it. He said that he drinks it every day to check if the taste has changed 😆. The sake rice is Gohyakumangoku from Kyoto. When I opened the bottle, there was a nice aroma of ginjo aroma. The anticipation is high. The color is clear and transparent. On the palate, it has a refreshing sweetness. There is a delayed but discreet piquancy. Finally, it is pierced by a sour and lime-like taste. The sweetness disappears without being pulled out, and the cleanness is good. The fragrance is mellow and deep. You can feel the careful craftsmanship of each and every sake. It was delicious. ❗️ I will buy it again 💪.
Kunimare Check-in 1Kunimare Check-in 2
Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)
100% Hokkaido Ginpu Slightly alcoholic and sour. I thought it was going to be a big surprise, but when I put it in my mouth, contrary to my expectations, it is clear, watery, and soft. The taste is complex, with a moderate sweetness and a slight bitterness at the same time.... Furthermore, the sweetness and bitterness change in the second and third sips. Delightful 😊. The aftertaste is a clean finish with the sweetness & bitterness disappearing as if melting into each other. Light and refreshing. I thought this sake would be great to drink in the summer 🍶.
Hi Hiro 😃 Thank you for tasting our Dosan sake ❗There is a lot of romance in sake from a brewery located in the northernmost part of Japan 😊.
Hi, Mr. Noodle Wine King. Thank you for your comment 😊. I found out about Hokkaido sake from Sake-no-wa and was looking for a sake with rice also from Hokkaido ❗️ and I was lucky enough to come across it. It is the northernmost sake brewery in Japan. ‼️ I'm learning a lot about it: 🙇‍♂️
初日の出蒼光 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
初日の出 Check-in 1初日の出 Check-in 2
Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)
100% Kyoto sake rice, celebratory rice Slightly sweet strawberry🍓 like aroma. The mouthfeel is mellow, but then you are surprised by the acidity and tanginess. The aftertaste is elegant, with a hint of strawberry flavor again. The second sip is easy to drink like water without the tanginess, as if you have gotten used to it. It reminds me of Kyoto's obanzai (traditional Japanese food), with a strong but not overpowering character. I was deeply impressed by the fact that this is Kyoto's sake.
Kinoenemasamune純米大吟醸 生原酒純米吟醸生酒
Kinoenemasamune Check-in 1Kinoenemasamune Check-in 2
Isetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)
I learned about Risshun Shibori at Sake-no-Wawa. When I was hesitating to buy it at the department store, the brewer handed it to me with a smile, and I decided to buy it. The brewer told me a lot about it. The aroma is blue citrus like sudachi 🤔. The taste is sweet and sour like green apple. It is clean and crisp. When you savor it slowly, the ginjo aroma spreads in your mouth. Because it is slightly carbonated, it is easy to drink like a cider. The label has "Daikichi" written on the back, a thoughtful good-luck charm. If I find it again next year, I will not hesitate to buy it.
Tanaka Senkin Check-in 1Tanaka Senkin Check-in 2
I happened to see Tanaka Sentori the day after I drank Tanaka Roku Go at a sushi restaurant. I would not normally buy this wine at such a low price, but I took advantage of this coincidence and bought it. It is delicious with a mild acidity typical of Sentori and a beautiful flavor typical of Tanaka Rokuugo. I have the impression that the two flavors are not so much well mixed, but rather two stories. Rather than the goodness being diluted by mixing the two, the goodness of both is conveyed straight to the palate. It is delicious.
Kikusui限定樽酒 しぼりたて生原酒
Kikusui Check-in 1
Sake for New Year's Day (4) I bought this when I bought Osechi at Isetan. It has the aroma of a barrel. I think it softened a little when I put it in the refrigerator for a while. The stock in the fridge is finished. I'm looking forward to what I'm going to drink next.
Gangiスパークリング 純米発泡にごり生原酒
Gangi Check-in 1Gangi Check-in 2
It really gushes out, so I opened the bottle slowly, letting off the gas little by little. The taste is refreshing, just like the image of the blue bottle. I bought this sparkling sake because I was in the mood, but it was just right, not too sweet. A truly delicious sparkling sake.
眞名井 Check-in 1
Opened September 13, 2022 Hakurei Shuzo, Manai Junmai Daiginjo Nama Purchased at Isetan Shinjuku I was drinking at one of the bars and happened to meet a sales person at Isetan on a business trip to sell sake at the brewery, and the next day I bought this sake at Isetan ^ ^. It's really good ministry! It's like molasses😍Silky and smooth, with no clinginess at all. This is a treat!
