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白木久HONEY TRAP特別純米生酒
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Asano Sake Shop Kakunouchi Special Junmai 14 Koshihikari rice produced in Tango 60 Sake meter: -25.0 Acidity: 3.5 Four-stage brewing with black and yellow malted rice 😊Sweeter than the previous one Additional information: Shirasugi Brewery seems to specialize in brewing rice for food use.
白木久DAY DREAM純米生酒にごり酒発泡
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Asano Sake Shop Kakunouchi Junmai Usu Nigori Sake 14% 14 Tango Yumengochi 60% 2023.03 Sake meter: -25.0 Acidity: 3.0 Sweet and sour shuwashuwa😊Delicious! Additional: After the purchase, I had dinner with my friend at Mamehachi Honten. After returning home, I didn't have enough to drink, so I chilled it a little in the fridge and opened it.... The moment I took off the crown stopper, the crown flew off! It needs to be kept warm😊.
God opening was also recommended. Next time I have the chance, I would like to go for it😊.
Musubi Yui純米吟醸 雄町 生原酒 来福酒造バージョン純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Rafa papa
Yui Yui Junmai Ginjyo Omachi Nama Nama sake Kuraifuku Shuzo version Kansai Off-line meeting after party at Asano Sake Brewery We bought 2 bottles of sake before drinking at the corner shop 😆. The other bottle is Yui Yui ✌️ The brewery was destroyed by fire last May. Yuki Sake Brewery was unable to make sake With the help of the Hokkaido Sanzen Sakura Sake Brewery and Ibaraki Raifuku Sake Brewery With the help of Hokkaido's Sanzen Sakura Brewery and Ibaraki's Raifuku Brewery, we were able to ship two types of sake. Sake rice, yeast, and koji The rice, yeast and koji are all the same! The only differences are the water and the people! Michiko, the young proprietress of Sanzen Sakura Raifuku is brewed by Masaaki, the owner of the brewery! We chose the Raifuku Brewery version from Ibaraki, the same as Yuki Brewery. Raifuku Brewery version 🤗. It's so delicious 😋! Juicy sweetness spreads in the mouth Slightly fizzy and pleasantly bitter Mellow yet sharp 😆. It's a good sake 😌. I want to support it so that it can be revived soon 📣.
Good morning, Rafa: ☀️ I got the sake safely! You're the best Rafa 👍I can't believe this sake you were looking for was here 😅It's great that you want to drink it to support us ✨Rafa you're supporting us too ❣️
Good morning Rafa-san ☀️ When Asano-san came in, you were staring at the shelves before getting to the table 😋I remember I also bought a few bottles before the fire 😊I'm looking forward to a full recovery 🥰.
Hi Rafa...oh, yui ☺️ I was worried about buying it because the price is a bit high, but I'm interested in this Raifuku version 😆 I still want it after reading your review 💸.
Hi Rafa papa, ☀Hello ☀I see you bought it before drinking at the second meeting 😊I also bought the Sanzen Sakura version just before leaving 🍶Let's drink and support it so that it can come back soon 📣.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Pon-chan😃. I couldn't go to Takimoto so I was so happy when I found Yui Yui at Asano Sake Shop 🤣I had mini Rafa playing in my head 🤣I could drink good sake and support the brewery 📣😆😆.
Rafa papa
Good evening Masha 😃 I came here with my backpack on my back with a lot of energy but I couldn't go to Takimoto 😅I could buy some good sake so it turned out ok 😁I hope they will do their best to come back 😊.
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Manachy😃 I admit I was a little taken back when I saw the price 😅 but I'm happy if I can support you 😊I'm sure you'll love the taste so please drink it 👍🤣.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Neemuchi-San. When did you buy the sansen cherry version 😳⁉️Nemuchi, you are so thoughtful 🤣The sansen cherry version seems to be a refreshing type 😋I would like to compare them but they are quite expensive 😅.
Rafa 🐈 healed (◦ˉ ˘ ˉ◦)
Rafa papa
Good evening Erin 😃 I was able to take a rare picture of your second face, so I put it on the site 😊Please be healed 🤣.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 I found a place in Kumamoto that handles Yui Yui: ❗️ What a surprise to get bottled from bottles and tanks that escaped the fire ❗️ You should stretch your legs on your next visit 😁.
Good evening, Rafa! I had a chance to drink this sake at Asano-san's Kaku-uchi (corner bar) before the meeting 😋😋It was delicious 👍✨.
Rafa papa
Good morning Haruei Chichi 😃. Sake that escaped the fire is precious 🤣It will be a sake too good to drink 😆 The Raifuku version was delicious 😋.
Rafa papa
Good morning, good morning 😃 I see you drank it at the 0th party👍I also found this drink before the after party started and made an instant decision 🤣I might not have had any other drinks in sight 😅...
KazenomoriALPHA6 6号への敬意 2022 真中採り 白麹使用純米原酒生酒中取り無濾過水酛
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I gave up because all the places were sold out instantly, but I was able to buy it at Asano Sake Shop that I visited at the after-party of the off-line meeting😇. It seems to be made with yeast from Shinsei, white malted rice made by Kaze no Mori and white malted rice made by Shinsei. It has a fruity and sweet taste like grapes and muscats. I think I like it better than the usual Kaze no Mori because it is sweeter. The rice polishing ratio is 66% and the respect is unbelievable 😳. The charm is cute, maybe I'll wear it on my bag 🤔.
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Off-line meeting of the Kansai Branch of SAKEWA The after-party was held at Asano Sake Shop KYOTO This was the last sake I drank. I thought the label was cool. I heard that Iginjunsei is a sake recommended by Hidetoshi Nakata, and this is a draft version of it. It is a unique sake with a fruity sweetness that is not typical of Yamahai and a robust atmosphere that is typical of Yamahai. By this time, I was getting more and more bitter and bitter. After this, we left the restaurant for the last order. I went home while talking on the train with Yoohee-san, who shares the same direction as my house 😊. It was after 11:30pm and the liquor store in the neighborhood was open, but we didn't stop by that day 🤣. I'm not going to introduce the members or give my first impressions of the new members, because other people have already written about them in detail😇. Lastly, I was impressed again how people of different ages and living places can get together through one app called "Sake no Wa".
Good evening 😁. I really appreciate you, Sake no Wa! I had a lot of fun, learned a lot and met 👌. Great 👌.
Thanks for completing the offline review, bouken 😊👍. That's really the last sentence ✨that's wonderful 😊. I don't remember the content of the review 🤣.
bouken-san, congratulations on your late 2300 check-in 🎉! I was so happy to see you and everyone else at ‼︎, including bouken-san, who first changed his voice at Sake-no-wa. I was still basking in the afterglow the next day.
Ao, good evening 😃. Encounter and fate💕 I'm really thankful for the sake crocodile 🤗
Pon-chan, thank you for all the comments on my ramblings 🙏. I love the sake 😏(©Shinsuke Shimada). I don't remember much of the conversation in the second half either 🤣.
Thank you Yoohee 😆. Nishinomiya and Laplace have bitten me 🤣. I was so burnt out on Monday that I couldn't get into work 😅. We are neighbors so please continue to be friends 🤗.
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Off-line meeting of the Kansai Branch of SAKEWA After-party was at Asano Sake Shop KYOTO First visit after moving from Aeon Mall. Good timing for the Gassan Fair 😊. I've had it in the past but don't remember it so I wanted to try it 😁. Fresh and fruity. It was quite a bit sweeter and tastier than I thought it would be. I wondered if I should buy it to take home, but I wanted something different so I passed on it this time.
Gassan純米吟醸 春酒 しぼりたて純米吟醸生酒
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Rafa papa
Gassan Junmai Ginjo Spring Sake Shiboritate The second meeting of the Kansai Off-line Meeting was at Asano Sake Shop. We bought 2 bottles of sake before drinking at the corner shop 😆. One is Gassan recommended by kan-san ✌️ It's my first time to drink this sake, but it's delicious 😋. The water used for brewing must be delicious! The taste is clear with a gentle acidity... The rice flavor is soft and full... Fresh as a freshly squeezed fresh ✨... Off-line meeting ⓪After-party at Meishukan Takimoto I was going to go with the members of the Off-line meeting. But... I was supposed to take Hankyu Kyoto line from Umeda I took the Kobe line without thinking 😅. When I came to my senses, I was at Shukugawa station 😭. I had no more time to go to 😭 I was coming here with my Ryukku with full intention to buy Sake 😭... I was so ready to buy Sake 😭. I could buy some good sake at the after-party. I guess it's a good thing 🤣.
Rafa, good morning ☀☀☀, I wondered what happened to you, but you got on the wrong train 🤣that's a bummer 😆Tsukiyama is delicious ☺️
Rafa papa, good morning 😃I see you went to the after party too😊I'm jealous you had so much fun! Please let me join you next time 😆 I haven't experienced Gassan yet, so I'll try to get there if I come across it👍.
Good morning, Rafa. ☀️ I was drunk ⁉️ and the label is also nice and warm 😊.
Hi Rafa, ☀️ Sorry to hear about Takimoto-san, but glad you were able to get some good sake! I was surprised to see you here first even from Shukugawa😳
Rafa papa
Hi Manachie 😃 I got on the wrong train 😅I wasn't drunk 🤣that's why I couldn't go to the liquor store I wanted to go to😭I drank Gassan for the first time on kan's recommendation 😊it's delicious 😋.
Rafa papa
Hi Wakata 😃 I enjoyed the offline meeting 🤣I think the first timers got to know each other too 🙄 Let's have a drink together next time 👍‼️
Rafa papa
Hello kan 😃 Thank you for recommending me a good sake 😊Gassan was delicious 😋Kami liked the label 😁.
Rafa papa
Hi Ponchan 😃 Too bad I couldn't go to Takimoto, but it's a good thing I could buy some good sake 😅I hope I can find time to go to Takimoto one of these days 😊.
Hi Rafa 😃 I was worried about you but I'm glad you made it on time 😁I mean you got there before us 🤣I had a different Gassan at Asano-san and I should have had this one too 😢.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 Looks like I did it again 😁. You can still go to Takimoto's many times in the future, don't worry 👋.
Rafa papa
Hello bouken 😃 I was too enthusiastic to go to takimoto 😅but if I go to Shukugawa I won't make it in time 😭Gassan is a delicious sake 😋I'd like to try other sake too😊.
Rafa papa
Hello Haruei Chichi 😃 I did it again 🤣It seems I don't go well with Sake no Wa offline meetings... 😅Something always happens 🤣I guess I'm too excited because I'm having fun 😅.
Good evening, Rafa papa. You wanted to go to Kobe, didn't you? LOL! I drank the Nakatori one, too, and I liked it a lot. The label also differentiates it from the regular one, and it's very heartwarming.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yoohee 😃 Yes, I wanted to go to Kobe 😆 I drank Gassan for the first time, it's a delicious sake 😋 and the label is also very heartwarming... 🤣