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I like the yuletide jackets 😄. Reminds me of my school days. I used to be a windsurfing guy. I was pretty into it in high school. Now I think I can ride ...... maybe ☹️ Yopa Memo_φ(___) I tend to buy jackets these days. None of the previous information is available. I decide what to do based on inspiration, or rather inspiration when I see it 😎. Grapefruit Citrus 🍊 sweetness and bitterness. There's a perfect amount of clarity. Not as schwashy as Two Rabbits (maybe that was extreme 😅) I think the word "understated" is more appropriate than "aggressive". I think it's something you want to savor slowly and carefully, not unlike the concept of Imadoki. It was delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶.