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Asukai特別純米 無濾過生原酒 中取り
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The fullness is amazing. Sweetness and umami as soon as you taste it. The swelling that follows. The feeling of alcohol that passes through the nose. Sourness, bitterness, and umami on the tongue. The mouth is very busy. It is a voluminous sake. The sweetness and acidity spread without being unpleasant at room temperature.
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My favorite Kagamiyama. I found a bottle of ORIGARAMI and bought it. Fruity aroma. Pears? The supernatant without orikara has a cool impression with a refreshing flavor and a slight bitterness that comes later. When the tailings are mixed in, the sweetness stands out, but the bitterness and alcohol taste also come through, making it a very firm finish. It goes well with light dishes. Still delicious. I will buy it again. Thank you very much.
Yasakatsuru山廃純米70 生酒
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Vanilla-like aroma. A heavy sweetness reminiscent of honey. You can enjoy it until the aftertaste. The acidity and bitterness follow, so it does not give the impression of being too sweet. It also has a sense of alcohol, and even though it is unpasteurized sake, it is very satisfying to drink. This sweetness is addictive. It goes well with bitter chocolate. Thank you very much.
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Refreshing and refreshing acidity. Refreshing sweetness. Sharp and refreshing, it does not interfere with food. Easy to drink. The balance is excellent without being too overbearing. When drunk in a wine glass, it has just the right amount of pineapple-like aroma. The bottle and label look like wine. I paired it with cheese and enjoyed it to the fullest. The snapper cap is cute. Thank you very much for the meal.
Suwaizumi純米酒 熟成二夏
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I was attracted by the label. I drank it while looking at the rabbits. It's worth looking at because there are a lot of drawings on it. The color is light amber. The aroma is light. In the mouth, there is a sense of maturity, a swelling acidity, and a sharp sharpness. I thought it would be a slow and calm individualistic sake since it had been aged for two summers, but it was a delicious food sake with a wide range of characteristics. The impression did not change much whether it was chilled or heated. Chilled, it went well with potato salad. Thank you very much for the sake.
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It is indeed dry. As soon as it hits the palate, it has a full, rich umami flavor. There is not much sweetness, and it can be drunk without being overpowering. Anyway, the umami of the rice goes well with side dishes. Sashimi, a side dish, tastes much better. Polishing ratio 80 I see. I can feel that sake is made from rice. I can feel that sake is made from rice.
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Pear aroma. There are bubbles. There is tailings. My mouth was preparing for a sweet juicy taste. But it is refreshingly light and sweet. Moderate acidity. Light bitterness. Sweet but mature. However, when the tailings are added, the sweetness and flavor are added, and it becomes a different sake. It tastes better with a lot of tailings. It is easy to drink because it is clear at the end. The impression changed a lot from the beginning to the end. Thank you for the sake.
Good evening, Itoka 😃. I got the same one over the weekend 👍 I'm looking forward to mixing the tailings to make a different drink... Good to hear! Thanks 😊
Jay & Nobby, I enjoy the change in drinks with tailings. Thanks for your comment.
アイスブレーカー純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒
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It's winter, but I found a cool penguin and bought it for the first time. I was told that it is recommended to drink it on the rocks. First, I drank it cold. The flavor, sweetness, acidity, and alcohol are all strong. I changed it to on the rocks. When I put it on ice, the aroma was pulled out. It is already interesting. The density changes, and the impression changes with each sip. You can enjoy a series of changes, so you will never get bored. 500ml is not enough. I want to drink it heated and will buy it again. Thank you very much for the sake.
Hi there, I'm a fan of the "hot" drink. I too would love to drink this heated! Next year i'll buy two bottles and put one to sleep for the winter! ✊️💨
Thank you BEAT for your comment. I'll be sure to buy some for my stock next time I find it.
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It has a sweet taste in the mouth, followed by a refreshing acidity. After the alcohol taste, there is a slight bitterness. I thought the acidity would be a little more complex because of the Yamahai style. But the taste is surprisingly straightforward. When heated up, the sweetness increases and the aftertaste is more refreshing than when chilled. The aftertaste is more refreshing than when served cold. We recommend lukewarm heating. It went well with the sweetness of the black beans in my osechi. Thank you very much.
Kintsuru風和(かぜやわらか) 純米しぼりたて生
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I enjoyed "Hokusetsu" so much that I bought a different sake from Sado Island. It has a freshness that is typical of nama-shu. The aroma is slight, but as soon as you put it in your mouth, the fruity acidity spreads. It has a slight bite and finishes cleanly. Perhaps it is because of the local characteristics of Sado, but there are many refreshing sakes here. I would like to try another Sado sake.
Maruto純米酒 生酛造り
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It has acidity due to the fact that it is made from a traditional sake yeast yeast. The sweetness of the rice is also very strong. Recommended to drink at room temperature. It was great with Camembert cheese. Thank you very much.
Tenbi特別純米 生原酒
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I was curious about the label because of its stylishness. Finally bought it. Fruity. Refreshingly sweet. Sophisticated and free of any cloying taste. It is easy to drink from the beginning to the end. My mouth is full of happiness. Thank you very much.
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A gentle, round and mild sake. The sweetness, umami, and acidity are all mellow. It is a sake with deep nostalgia that goes well with any meal.
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Not persistently but firmly sweet. The taste is thick with a slight astringency in the aftertaste. It finishes with a hint of a hint of stimulation. I think it is a great sake that asserts itself and goes well with food. Thank you very much.
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Excellent balance of elegant acidity and umami. It is amazing. While enjoying the lingering acidity, you will want to drink the next one right away because it is so refreshing at the end. It goes well with meals and can be enjoyed with sake alone. No wonder it is so popular. This is the first time I have had it. I will drink it again. Thank you for the drink.
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When chilled, it is sweet and sour. When heated, the flavor of the rice spreads and shows a completely different face. The website recommends lukewarm heating, but personally, I like it chilled to enjoy the sweet and sour taste. Goes well with blue cheese.
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Mild acidity. It leaves a sweet and slightly bitter aftertaste and wears off. It is an excellent complement to food, and you will never get tired of its taste. I drank it in no time. Thank you very much. Recommended to be served chilled or at room temperature.
Kikuhime純米酒 金劒
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The aroma is like that of ripe pears. In the mouth, the distinctive strong acidity, rice sweetness, and umami quickly swell, leaving a long, lingering aftertaste. After taking a sip, I was surprised. All the elements have a strong flavor. You may like it or dislike it, but you will be hooked.
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The aroma is small, but when you put it in your mouth, the flavor and sweetness of the rice expands, and you can feel the aroma through your nose. At the same time, you feel a rush in the back of your throat, and you feel a sharp sting. It is delicious. You will never get tired of drinking it. It is recommended for drinking with Japanese food. It goes well with pickles. Thank you very much for your kindness.
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Clear and clean with no clutter. It is just as it looks on the bottle. There is no acidity, and it is easy to drink. It is a good cosmetic sake, can be purchased at supermarkets, and is very useful to keep in the refrigerator during the summer. I recommend it to those who do not usually drink sake.