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Senkinモダン仙禽 無垢
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Scent of Ramune A bubbly sensation. Refreshing sourness when the bubbles settle in the mouth. Sweet and light. 14%. Well, it's a rummell. It is delicious as it is, but I want to match it with something. I drank it gulping it down without knowing what the right answer was. See you next time.
Good evening, Itoka 😃. Modern Sentori! I'm here 🤗It's 14 degrees and it's delicious 😋It's good on its own 😋It's also good with grilled chicken 😁.
Jay & Nobby I finally went to Modern Sentori. Yakitori? I will try it next time. Thanks for your comment.
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Less ginjo aroma. Less acidity, Elegant rice flavor. Good balance. Good sharpness. I also had a special junmai, but it seemed sharper and more refined. It is a delicious sake that you will never get tired of drinking.
Hyakusai漆黒 特別純米生酒
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Purchased because of the spring-like label. The aroma is fresh and sweet, typical of nama-shu. The mouthfeel is light and sweet first. Sourness and a slight bitterness soon follow, but the sweetness is also present. It finishes clean and crisp. A spring-like sake with a gorgeous and light flavor.
Tamagawa純米酒(山廃)無濾過生原酒 自然仕込シリーズ
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A strong umami. Firm acidity. Subdued sweetness. Bitter aftertaste and a sharp alcohol taste. When served on the rocks, it has a sweet aroma and the acidity and sweetness are well balanced, making it easy to drink. It is also good when mixed with soda water to make it thicker. There are times when Tamagawa is the only way to go.
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I used to drink Kikusui, a light, dry sake. It is sold at supermarkets and reasonably priced. Thank goodness. At the time, all I wanted was sharpness, but it had been a while since I had a chance to drink it calmly. The entrance was surprisingly smooth, with a light umami flavor in the background, and the sharpness increased toward the latter half of the bottle. It is dry but designed to be easy to drink. No wonder it goes down so well. Thank you very much. I will buy it again.
Shosetsuクラフト正雪 純米吟醸
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Melon-like aroma. A refreshing sweetness comes in, and the sweetness is subtracted just enough to give a sense of umami. It has no acidity and is very easy to drink. It is good to drink with light-flavored dishes. Thank you very much.
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As soon as you drink it, its straightforward flavor, free of any tanginess, fills your mouth. Ah, it is delicious. It is said to be dry, but it does not have the sharpness one expects from a dry sake, but it has a clean finish. The umami of the rice plays the main role in this sake. It goes well with all kinds of food, so the snacks go on and on. I was very satisfied. Thank you very much.
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Purchased at Seijo Ishii. It is difficult for me to buy brewer Kuheiji with my budget, but it is good that I can enjoy it at a reasonable price. It goes smoothly in the mouth and the sweetness spreads softly. It is not too bitter, but not sour either. It is not too sour, but it has a slight bitterness. It is not sharp, but there is little lingering aftertaste. It is easy to drink at home and unpretentious, so it is perfect to bring to a friend's house who does not usually drink sake.
Iyokagiya無濾過 純米 赤ラベル
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Mature umami and light acidity. A bitterness and bitterness on the nose. Not too heavy, not too light, easy to match with food. The impression does not change much even when heated. It is best drunk chilled in summer. Thank you for the sake.
自然酒生酛 純米原酒
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I have been curious about this sake for a while. It is dark and sweet. A complex mix of sourness and sweetness. It has a long aftertaste and leaves a soft bitterness. I think it is best to savor it before or after a meal, and to savor it alone. It was delicious when paired with an iced Pinot. Thank you very much.
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I see what you mean when you say it smells like pineapple! It's not just the color of the label that makes me think of pineapple, it's pineapple. The supernatant has a good balance of sourness and sweetness, When mixed, the sweetness becomes thicker, which is also delicious. The umami can be felt well, and it is a highly satisfying sake. I like it after all. Thank you for the sake.
Hiroki特別純米 磨き六割
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I enjoyed the Shihu and bought the Kouki as well. The Shihu was gorgeous, but the Kouki was very calm. It smells like cooked rice. The color is dark and there is a sense of maturity. When you put it in your mouth, the umami of the rice comes rushing in. It is not sweetness, but umami. When served chilled, it has a refreshing taste with a light acidity at the end. When heated, it really is like cooked rice. It was a sake that should be paired with food. Thank you very much.
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The Izumi Bridge you've been longing for in your neighborhood Lopia! And at a reasonable price. The gentle flavor of rice spreads in the mouth, which is good enough on its own. The sweetness and acidity are moderate but well balanced, and it is easy to drink chilled. And it has a clean aftertaste. When combined with meat oil, the umami flavors intertwine with each other, and the result is delicious. The end result is a clean taste in the mouth. I will buy it again when I find it. I was very satisfied.
Sawayamatsumoto守破離 生酒 五百万石
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Refreshing. Sourness and sweetness of rice, bubbly and refreshing, You can enjoy it in one gulp. However, the aftertaste is also alcoholic, and it is very satisfying to drink. It is not only sweet and tasty, so you will want to repeat it. It is delicious. Thank you very much.
Good evening, Itoka 😃. I've been waiting for this one in my fridge 🤗. I'm looking forward to drinking it after seeing the great reviews of the sakewa 😋.
Jay & Nobby, I always refer to your reviews. It's delicious, isn't it? I think I would buy it again too. Thanks for your comment.
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Sweetness and umami. Aroma and acidity that lingers in the mouth. It is refreshing and goes well with all kinds of food. It is especially good with light dishes because it does not kill the flavor of the other ingredients. The back label recommends lukewarm heating, which is certainly a good way to expand the umami. I would like to drink it with sprouts in the spring. Thank you very much for the sake.
Sawanoi本醸造 しぼりたて
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It has a surprisingly mild mouthfeel. It has an aroma, and while it has the freshness of new sake, it is also very drinkable. As is typical of honjozo, it finishes with a crisp, full-bodied taste. It has a very different expression from the calm Junmai that we usually drink. Thank you very much for the sake.
ねのひ伝承造り 純米の酒
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Purchased at Chubu International Airport. It has a strong flavor and acidity, and is delicious when heated. If I had to say something extravagant, I would say that I would like to have something more in a local sake. But at this price, it's a good value for money. Thank you very much.
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The name is amazing. In the mouth, the sweetness and umami quickly swell, but before they fully develop, the alcohol quickly kills them. The brewing alcohol is very strong. It seems to be a good match for a well-seasoned food. I think the balance of umami and sharpness is better at room temperature.
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A souvenir from Tateshina. As the name suggests, it is mellow, but the mouthfeel is surprisingly light and easy to drink. It also has a sharpness that makes it easy to pair with food. The name and label have a strong impact, making it an unforgettable sake.
Sawanoi寒仕込純米吟醸生原酒 百五十日熟成酒
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Purchased at Ozawa Sake Brewery. It is a limited edition sake. I have had many Sawanoi, but I was surprised by its mild and full-bodied sweetness. It has the freshness of a fresh sake, but it is delicious with a thick, clinging sweetness. Sawanoi is easy to pair with all kinds of food and is very useful, but it is not for everyone. I drank it right away because it is enjoyable on its own, but next time I can get it, I would like to try it with kakuni (stewed cubes of meat). Thank you for the sake.