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標葉にごり 夏限定仕込 純米吟醸 活性にごり
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I enjoy stopping by liquor stores when I'm on the road 🎶😆. I get excited when I come across a brand I don't see at my usual liquor store 😆. First time I saw this one 😍I was attracted by the nice white horse label ❣️ It seems to be popular at this liquor store and many people repeat it every year ⤴️ The nigoroshi, shuwashu and sweet and sour are so perfect! ❣️😍Super like it 😆 It's not nigori but more like Doburoku 😆. Mellow and thick! After some time, it's getting sweet and fruity 😍. More and more delicious and just right 😍😋😋. Polishing ratio 55 Rice used: 100% Yumenokou Alcohol content 15 Production date R6.7 By the way, a 900ml bottle is used for a 720ml bottle, so the bottle is huge 😆. @Takayama Honten, Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Hi 😆 this is delicious 👍I bought it at the same store myself!
Oooh 😍Tsuyodai! You have a wide range of activities! ❣️ I didn't know that the stores here are your territory too! 😍I seriously want to bump into you at the liquor store 😆😆. This was delicious! I wish I could get them again 🎶.
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Banjo Kotobuki Ki-Zukuri Shiboritate Nama-Shu 2023 Rice:Yamagata Prefecture, Izuwasanbai 65% Shiginpolished rice Pouring: 16%. This is a light nigori (light-bodied) sake, and it has a great cosmetic value. It is a dangerous sake, like Mitsuya Cider. It is a Nagai brewery's sake, isn't it? We had it safely this year, too.
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This is also tasty, although it has a strong attack in some areas. It gives the impression of being sweet for its cloudiness.
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夏吟とのこと。 アルコール13%なので、飲みやすくぐいぐい飲んでしまった。 ふわりと吟醸香。 爽やかで軽い甘さと酸味。 後味の切れはないが、余韻も少ない。 常温に近づくにつれて、味がぼやける印象なので、ラベルの注意書きの通り、よく冷やしていただきました。 ごちそうさまでした。
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KAGOYA (籠屋 仙川店)
I prepared for this drink with another light run today. After a 40-minute run, I took a bath and got ready for this drink. I had it with lamb, cacho caballo ajillo, and bonito tataki. The citric acid is sour, but the sake is not so sour and is neutrally crisp. It is refreshing and does not interfere with the meal. Below is the description of the sake. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo It was planned and developed by a staff member at the Namie brewery who enjoys running marathons. This is a product that we have entrusted everything from planning to unrefined management and products in order to further develop our growing young staff. The product uses white malted rice, and you can enjoy the citric acid sourness derived from white malted rice.

Brands from 鈴木酒造店長井蔵

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