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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


大嶺大嶺3粒 ひやおろし 雄町原酒生詰酒ひやおろし
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September 2 memorandum. September has arrived and the mornings and evenings are getting cooler. Early fall is the season of hiyaoroshi 😊. Daimine 3 Grain Namazume Hiyaroshi Omachi I love this logo, it's so cute ✨. By the way, the white 3 grains is the Yamadanishiki version. Now for the sake, Mildly sweet aroma like muscat. When you put it in your mouth, it has a round but firm umami flavor, Gentle sweetness and acidity are well balanced 😊. The low alcohol content does not make you think it is low in alcohol, the umami and acidity are good! The lingering taste is long and the happiness in the mouth continues 😂. Ohmine-san, it's delicious 😋. I was told that it tastes great even if you raise the temperature. I forgot all about it and drank it 🤯. Next time I would like to drink it at different temperatures. Thank you for the food 😋.
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Familiar with my post. Guild, a standing bar in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. Set of 3 kinds of drinks The last one is everyone's favorite, Hiran. Sake from Hirado, Nagasaki. A bottle that is fun to puzzle over 😁. Since it was explained to us at the recent Tobiraman meeting I know the specs. I knew it was delicious 😁. We ended up eating ramen and left 😂. Thanks for the food 😋.
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Familiar with my post. Guild, a standing bar in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. Set of 3 kinds of sake The second drink is from Fukushima Prefecture. Loman's Fukunoka 50 From the mellow aroma of melon Fruity rice flavor and sweetness. I loved this one 😊. The following quote Aiming for the day when Fukushima becomes known as "Fukunoka Fukunoka" is a rice developed by Fukushima Prefecture for sake brewing. The rice is polished to 50% and used for koji rice and kake rice, It is brewed with Utsukushima Yume Yeast and glutinous rice in a four-stage brewing process.
Hello. Thank you for liking our sake from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town!
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Familiar with my post. Guild, a standing bar in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. I was there on a whim this day. I ordered a set of three different kinds of sake. First up was the Sansho. Sweet acidity reminiscent of citrus ✨ The umami, sweetness, and bitterness each show their face. Exquisite balance 😁. I knew I liked it 😊. On a side note, I had a craft beer stone in the US. I don't remember what it's called, but it has a refreshing citrus flavor like passion fruit 😁. I don't remember what it's called but it was delicious with a refreshing citrus flavor like passion fruit 😁.
ShichidaAssemblage OYA75純米
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I was recently at SAGABAR in Sagahatsu at Saga Station. This is a repeat after drinking it. This sake is made by Tenzan Sake Brewery in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture. Shichida Assemblage OYA75 A blend of Omachi, Yamadaho, and Aizan (in order of ratio). The characteristics of each rice in the 75-polished series The blend is a well-balanced assemblage of the characteristics of each rice in the 75 polished series. This year they are increasing the ratio of OMACHI✨. While the aroma is mild The aroma is mild, but full of umami and complexity. The alcohol taste is very strong at the end. A very drinkable sake ✨. It's still delicious ✨ Thank you for the food 😋.
ShichidaAssemblage OYA75
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Memorandum for Sunday, August 27 Went to Saga City to attend a meeting 😁. I went to SAGABAR, which I had been curious about for a long time. I was going to drink a lot of alcohol afterwards, so I only had 2 drinks and sashimi 😊. I only had 2 drinks and sashimi 😊. The atmosphere inside the restaurant is modern and relaxed. You can face your sake 🍶 calmly ✨. Now, the sake we received were (1) Higashitsuru Sake Brewery in Taku City, Saga Prefecture  Azumatsuru Junmai Ginjo Hohoho Moderately bittersweet, a hint of sweetness, Hoho no Yoru.  As the name suggests, it is low in alcohol.  It is low in alcohol as the name suggests, and has a strong umami and acidity.  It finishes with a sharp finish and disappears. (2) Tenzan Shuzo, Ogi City, Saga Prefecture  Shichida Assemblage OYA75  A blend of Omachi, Yamadaho and Aizan.  Full of flavor and a strong alcohol taste. Both were great ✨. Sashimi was sea bream. This was also delicious 😋. This time, we went for a light meal, But next time, I would like to enjoy other dishes while drinking sake. I would like to enjoy other dishes while drinking sake next time ✨. Thanks for the food 😋.
Hi Rumion 😃 Have you been to SAGA BAR ❗️ It's a really nice place with good asian food👍.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi 🌆. It was my first visit to your restaurant ✨I wanted to eat a variety of food, but I had the next one, so I will enjoy it again next time 😊.
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Memorandum for Sunday, August 27 Went to Saga City to attend a meeting 😁. I went to SAGABAR, which I had been curious about for a long time. I was going to drink a lot of alcohol afterwards, so I only had 2 drinks and sashimi 😊. I only had 2 drinks and sashimi 😊. The atmosphere inside the restaurant is modern and relaxed. You can face your sake 🍶 calmly ✨. Now, the sake we received were (1) Higashitsuru Sake Brewery in Taku City, Saga Prefecture  Azumatsuru Junmai Ginjo Hohoho Moderately bittersweet, a hint of sweetness, Hoho no Yoru.  As the name suggests, it is low in alcohol.  It is low in alcohol as the name suggests, and has a strong umami and acidity.  It finishes with a sharp finish and disappears. (2) Tenzan Shuzo, Ogi City, Saga Prefecture  Shichida Assemblage OYA75  A blend of Omachi, Yamadanishiki and Aizan.  Full of umami and a lot of alcohol. Both were great ✨! Sashimi was sea bream. This was also delicious 😋. This time, we went for a light meal, But next time, I would like to enjoy other dishes while drinking sake. I would like to enjoy other dishes while drinking sake next time ✨. Thanks for the food 😋.
KoeigikuHello!KOUEIGIKU 愛山原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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August 24th Memorandum. KOEIGIKU SAKE Brewery in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture, which had been laid up for the day. Hello!KOUEIGIKU's Aizan light nigori ✨. The cork flies open as it should from opening the bottle 😂. Nice aroma when poured into the glass😊. Pear? Fruity aroma like KOUEIGIKU's ✨. Gentle acidity, mild sweetness, and then the umami spreads. It is light nigori and has a citrusy bitterness. This balance of acidity, umami and sweetness of Kouei chrysanthemum. It's the best ✨. I like the Omachi version, but I think I prefer the Aizan version 😁. I buy the Hello! series every year without fail. I've been buying the Hello! series every year, and I think it's great that they've separated the clear sake and the light nigorigo. I think it's good that they sell the clear sake and the light nigori separately! Thank you for the treat 😋.
NabeshimaClassic 愛山特別純米
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Aiyama version of the Nabeshima Classic series. This year, there are not so many of them in the warehouse, or maybe they were sold out quickly at the usual liquor store. We are always grateful to our customers for placing a hold on our bottles. Thank you for always putting it on hold for us ✨. Now, let's open the bottle! The bottle opened with a nice pop, and when we poured it into the glass, there were small bubbles ✨. The aroma is gentle, but The aroma is gentle but fruity, typical of Nabeshima 😊. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a slight gasiness Sweetness and sourness spread to the palate in good balance. The end result is a crisp, refreshing impression ✨. It's so good that you can't help but groan 😋. I thought this might be the case, so I raised the temperature a little. The aroma and umami spread further when the sake is lukewarm. Nabeshima's Classic Jun series is not only delicious chilled The Classic series of Nabeshima is of course delicious when chilled, I personally think it is characterized by the interesting changes in flavor at different temperatures. I personally think that they are delicious chilled! I will buy it again next year. Thank you very much for your hospitality 😋.
MiyanomatsuBEAT SWEET生酒発泡
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Obon vacation. Relaxing with family on this day. In the evening, we cooked what everyone wanted to eat and relaxed. The accompanying sake was Miyanomatsu🍶 from Matsuo Sake Brewery in Arita, Saga Prefecture. I really like Miyanomatsu's nigori 😁. What a surprise, it was too energetic (active) when bottled once. I heard that the bottling was postponed because it was too energetic (active) when bottled once. I'm looking forward to hearing such a story 😊. Surprisingly, the bottle opened easily! Nice sound when pouring into a glass ✨. When you take a sip, you can feel the gas and a slight citrus acidity. The taste of the rice is strong. After that, you will feel a complex bitterness like nigori. The aftertaste is surprisingly dry. It's still good ✨. I'm looking forward to more sakes in the future 😁. Thank you for the treat 😋.
Rumion-san Good evening. I am paying a lot of attention to Miya-no-Matsu. I envy you because it is not sold very often in Fukuoka. I drank the pink one, but I haven't seen this one.... I would like to drink it even if I have to go to Saga for a long trip.
Good evening, Mr. Gura! I am also a big fan of this sake 🍶 I see that there are still not so many of them available in Fukuoka. I'm sure you can buy it in the western part of Saga Prefecture, so please make a trip there.
Good evening, Rumion! This is really delicious ❗️ The gradation of flavors is so beautiful that I never got tired of drinking it 🤗.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi. That was delicious 😁. Miyanomatsu nigori is really good ✨. Wish I could have had some before they postponed bottling 😂.
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Since it's the Bon vacation from August 11. We had a little luxury sake ✨ Hiran from Mori Sake Brewery in Hirado City, Nagasaki Prefecture. A limited edition unfiltered raw kijoshu from the Mori Sake Brewery in Hirado, Nagasaki Prefecture. Hiran's kijoshu is called "Reborn", but the brewing process is completely different. but the brewing process is completely different. The aroma is mild. When you put it in your mouth, it has a mild sweetness and a fruity acidity. It has a sweet taste, then a fruity acidity and umami flavor. The image of kijoshu has been completely overturned 🥹. This is delicious! Of course the sweetness is strong, but I drank it without any stale taste 💦. I was completely drunk 🥹. I was drunk, The sake cup is cute too, It took us 3 hours to go back and forth to the brewery, I would like to praise myself for doing a good job even if I only stayed for 5 minutes I would like to praise myself for doing a good job 😂. Thank you for the food 😋.
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. The last sake of the day was a new to me. The last sake of the day was a new to me, a Junmai Ginjo Nama Genjyo from Misuzu in Nagano Prefecture. This sake also has a fresh and lush taste. It is fresh and lush, but also has a firm umami flavor and a nice sharpness. Even if you go out for craft beer, you still end up drinking sake! I still drink sake 🥹. Thank you for the food 😋😋.
Kamonishiki荷札酒 月白純米大吟醸生酒
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. It's been a long time since I've had a bottle of Kafuda Sake. This is my first time to try Tsukihaku. It is fresh and refreshing like a summer sake 😁. I can feel the rice flavor in it ✨. Delicious 😋.
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Sorry to bother you for the third week in a row🥹. Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Guild" is a standing bar. It is a stand-up drinking style restaurant with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. The usual set of three different types of sake. First up is the Yamae Nishiki from Shinshu Kamerei ✨. Great balance of acidity, umami, and sweetness. I wish it was a little easier to find.
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. The last sake of the day was a junmai dry sake from Kure in Kochi Prefecture! The umami and acidity are as balanced as ever. It's really delicious 😁. We enjoyed many things on this day! Thanks for the food 😋.
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. Next is a sake that is new to me. Next up is a sake that is new to me, Sekizen from Nishi-Iida Sake Brewery in Nagano Prefecture. It is a rare sake made with Hitogochi and mandarin orange yeast from Nagano Prefecture. It is a rare sake. The citrus acidity and the delicious taste of rice spread on the palate It is very good! It is quite my favorite flavor 😁.
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Japanese sake or craft beer, the master will offer recommendations according to your tastes. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. Next up, we have three recommended sake drinks for you to compare. Everyone loves Wakanami Brewery's Aotombo. Smooth and easy to drink! You can feel the flavor and enjoy it easily. Perfect for summer!
森本65前抜キ 絶対生厳守純米吟醸生酒
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Japanese sake or craft beer, the master will offer recommendations according to your tastes. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. The last of the three sake sets was Morimoto-san's first time. The last one is Morimoto-san, which is my first time to try it! The taste is dry with a rich umami or a nice sharpness ✨.
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. The middle one is Tokachi, which I had a week ago and loved! It has a nice clean taste 😂.
Shinshu Kireiひとごこち 夏の純吟純米吟醸
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Japanese sake or craft beer, the master will offer recommendations according to your tastes. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. We visited two weeks in a row 😂. We had a stable set of 3 different kinds of sake ✨ First up is this one 💁. The Shinshu Kamerei has a stable balance. It's a summer version, so the aftertaste is nice and sharp ✨. Delicious 😋.