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佐賀県在住。 佐賀のお酒を極め中の日本酒初心者です。 日本酒の魅力を発信しながら忘備録としてさけのわを利用しています。 メインはTwitter、Instagramで「るみおん 日本酒」でやっていますので良ければそちらでも絡んでくださいね! さけのわは基本的に書く専用となっていて絡み少なめです🙇

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


DenshuMicro Bubble生純米吟醸生酒発泡
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January 26 memorandum Tasake Micro Bubble Nama" has been on my mind for a long time. Junmai Ginjyo (white malted rice brewing) filled with carbon dioxide gas. I immediately opened the bottle. When I heard the sound of the gas, I reflexively closed the bottle, It's not active, so it won't overflow 😅. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the carbonation from the sizzling sound. Refreshing sourness and slight sweetness✨ It's easy to drink with a refreshing thirst quencher! Just like champagne 🥂. Delicious 😊 Thanks for the treat!
Good evening, Rumion! This is the one you've been saving since last summer. How could you stand the hot summer without drinking it? ❗️ It doesn't ferment in the bottle, so it seems to be suitable for long-term storage... I can't do it 🤣.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! This sake was in a New Year's gift box from a liquor store 😁It was stored in the liquor store's fridge, so you can be sure of its freshness! But if you want to drink it, it's summer after all 😂.
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Memorandum of January 22 Chill out on a cold night. In search of delicious hot sake 🍶 Series My father loved it, and when he got money before he died he would come home with a bottle of sake I remember him coming home with a bottle of sake. I'm going to enjoy it with a sip 😂. Golden in color, umami spreads out and has a nice sharpness ✨. As the temperature is raised, the umami and slight sweetness and a slight sweetness also increases as the temperature is raised 😊. This is delicious 😋😋. This unwavering, unmistakable, and unmistakable deliciousness is the reason why This is the reason why it has been loved by many people for a long time. I'm sure I'll be drinking it every year ✨. Thank you for the treat 😋.
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Synchronous New Year's party continued. At "Emuya" in Arita Town, Saga Prefecture. The second drink was from the Kuroryu Shuzo brewery in Fukui Prefecture, The second drink was from Fukui Prefecture's Kuroryu Sake Brewery, "Itchorai Ginjyo." From the fruity ginjo aroma The taste is clear and refreshing. Clear, but with a strong umami and sweetness ✨. This is the kind of sake that gently accompanies food 🍶. After the New Year's party, we returned to Takeo City, Craft beer and Sara udon at my favorite restaurant. and finish with my favorite restaurant, Sara Udon. These two restaurants are a must when drinking in Takeo! Thanks for the food 😋.
Hello, Rumion😄! Ah! Here it is! amakusa sonar's smoothie beer! I'm a big fan too! I bought a can of it this time when I went to Kyushu. I'm looking forward to it 😚.
Good evening, superbebe! amakusa sonar is delicious ✨ I prefer IPAs, but I like the smoothie type here 😁. I hope you enjoy drinking it... 😦.
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New Year's party with my classmates 😁. This time, we took the train to an izakaya in Arita-cho, Saga Prefecture. Emuya" is about a 5-minute walk from the station. There are various menus such as izakaya menu, skewers, noodles, rice dishes, and so on. and rice dishes 😁. I ate a lot of food, but I was so engrossed in talking that I completely forgot to take pictures 💦. I was so engrossed in talking that I forgot to take a picture 💦. And here is the first glass of sake. Tenzan Shiboritate" from Tenzan Sake Brewery in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture. Tenzan is famous for its Shichida but this Honjozo Shiboritate is also excellent. The freshness of new sake with the delicious taste of rice and The freshness of new sake, the delicious taste of rice, and the alcohol that comes with a thump. It goes well with both sashimi and fried food. Delicious 😋. Sorry for the bad photo of the food 💦.
Good evening, Rumion. Unusual! Mozuku tempura looks delicious! I've never had it, I want to try it! It seems to be difficult to cook 🫣💦.
Good evening, superbebe 🌇. How did you recognize it as mozuku tempura 😊. This was delicious and smelled like the sea without being habitual ✨It's difficult to cook 💦.
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January 13 memorandum. Corona aftereffects are over and drinking cravings are back✨. So let's open the bottle! Tomikuchiyo Sake Brewery in Kashima City, Saga Prefecture. Nabeshima "hidden sake" aka Ura-Nabeshima. This is the fire-aged version of last night's May shipment 😁. When the bottle is opened, the fruity aroma is typical of Nabeshima! In the mouth, it is chili from the gasiness. It is juicy, umami, and moderately sweet, Then acidity and bitterness are well balanced 😊. The wine is so delicious, you can't help but say "Delicious! I can't help but say, "Delicious! Rare sake blended with a variety of sake 🍶. It is irresistibly delicious! Thank you for the food 😋.
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT 山田錦原酒生酒無濾過
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Memorandum of January 12. Recovered from corona infection and drank on January 7, but I am not feeling well and have been abstaining from alcohol again 😭. I'm feeling much better now and have the desire to drink ✨. I'm going to drink ✨ The first sake I was going to drink in the new year 🍶 is from Koeihiku Sake Brewery in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture. Kouei Kiku Sake Brewery in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture Koei-Kiku SNOW CRESCENT Yamadanishiki from Koei-Kiku Sake Brewery in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture. This sake made an impact on me when I first started getting into sake. I was always scared to open the bottle... I always forget the name of the thing that holds the cork. When I opened the cork little by little And sure enough, it flew out 💦. It's full of energy again this year 😂. The aroma is fresh and citrusy? More green apple? In the mouth, awesome shwash! Juicy acidity and flavor. Moderate sweetness, and a slight bitterness at the end with the oli! Firm but dry and easy to drink✨. Delicious 😋. I'm looking forward to more and more new sake coming out! Thanks for the treat 😋.
Rumion-san, I know I'm late, but I look forward to working with you again this year 😊. I'm sorry you had a tough start to the new year 😰Please take it easy and get back on track 🙏. Love Saga 🥰👍Snoclet still looks delicious ❣️ more different rice 💦.
Pon-chan, thank you for your support this year 🙇 I guess it's because of my poor daily conduct 😭 lol I enjoy Koei Kiku especially because it's a sake that I have a special attachment to! There's a lot more to come 😭Let's have fun ✨
Hi Rumion 😃 I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough start to the new year... I'm glad it didn't leave you with taste disorder 😌. Of all the Kouei Chrysanthemums, Snoclet is the one that I remember getting swamped in, but I can't bring it home because my fridge is too full 😅.
Haruei Chichi, I know it's a daily routine 😂. Thank God I don't have taste disorder ✨This time of year with the rush of new sake, no matter how many refrigerators you have, it's never enough 😂.
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Memorandum of January 7 Happy New Year once again everyone ✨! Many likes ❤️ and comments 💬 during the last year. Thank you very much for your likes 🙇 and comments 💬 during the last year. We look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. I was infected with a certain infectious disease during the New Year's holidays, I was infected with a certain infectious disease during the year-end and New Year's holidays 😭 I was envious of your New Year's postings of luxurious meals and the best drinks. I was envious while watching your posts. My fever has gone down and my sore throat and cough have subsided. I will drink a little. I couldn't go to my wife's parents' house to wish them a Happy New Year. I received this sake as a gift 🍶. Fresh aroma like new sake, It has a fresh aroma like new sake, soft and smooth on the palate. After that, the rice flavor, sweetness, and slight acidity hit you hard! It is quite sweet, but powerful 💪. It's hard to believe that the alcohol content is 19%, but it is well-balanced. After all, 19 degrees is 19 degrees. My body seemed to be surprised by the sake after a long time 💦laughs This balance is quintessential ✨. 300 is not enough for me, I would like to buy some 😊. Thanks for the treat 😋.
Matsuraichi純米原酒 50純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Memorandum of December 29. I really wanted to drink Matsuura Ichi. This sake had a pretty good reputation among everyone 🍶. Matsuuraichi Junmai Genshu 50" from Matsuuraichi Sake Brewery in Imari City, Saga Prefecture, famous for its kappa mummies. Matsuuraichi Junmai Ginsyu 50" from Matsuuraichi Shuzo, famous for its kappa mummies in Imari City, Saga Prefecture. The sake is an unfiltered raw junmai ginjo that was pressed in January. It is kept at an icy temperature (-4 degrees Celsius), This year's sake is made from Omachi rice! This year's sake rice is Omachi! You can't not drink Matsuura's Omachi 😁. The aroma is a fresh pear-like ginjo aroma! In the mouth, juicy, full flavor and The sweetness typical of Omachi spreads in the mouth. The image of the flavor is concentrated because it has been aged ✨. It is amazing to feel the delicacy in it! Oh, it's so delicious! It's so delicious 😋! If I remember this rich sweet flavor I can't help but want to drink it and go out and buy some 😂. I'm looking forward to the new sake coming soon✨ Thanks for the treat 😋.
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Memorandum of December 23. Miyanomatsu" from Matsuo Shuzo Brewery in Arita Town, Saga Prefecture, a sake brewery that I've been pushing for. All the sake are great, but the active nigori is exceptional. The new spec of this active nigori? Miyanomatsu Junmai Daiginjo Shuwakimaseri Nama. The details of the name are quoted below. Open the bottle immediately, but don't lick the active nigori💦. Take 3 minutes to slowly open the bottle. The mouthfeel is a bit shwashy, and the milky? Aroma It spreads 😊. The flavor is firm and moderately sweet. It's quite dry, but you can also feel the sweetness! The end result is a nice ✨. It's still delicious 😋! I drank about 3 gou of it in no time 😂. I'm looking forward to drinking more of this sake in the future! The following quote The "Lord" in the original meaning of "The Lord will not come" is, Lord" is a very pious expression meaning God or Jesus Christ in Christianity. Jesus Christ in Christianity, But some drunkards The "Lord" in the original meaning of "Lord come" is a very pious expression meaning God or Jesus Christ in Christianity, "Let's make it a big party for God! as if to say, "Let's make a big party for God! It is a justification for a big feast. "This is the argument for making up the legitimacy of the big feast. Am I right?
Good evening, Rumion! I bought this one too: ✌️ It was at a certain store in Saga City. I think it's a trick to open the bottle in 3 minutes ❓ I have a feeling it would take me almost 30 minutes 😅...
Good evening, Haruei Chichi🌇. I'm curious about a certain restaurant in Saga city 😂 You haven't had a drink yet. I thought it would take a little longer but it was surprisingly mature 😁.
This store is near the statue of Yoshiyou Shima 😊.
Haruei Chichi, I see! That's the store over there. ☺️
Shinshu Kireiひとごごち純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. Last year's top best sake. Seriously delicious 😋 Tasty, delicious. Wish I could buy some...
Good evening, Rumion. I was in Saga last week. I know this restaurant! I love craft beer too so I want to go to Guild! I've always wanted to go there. They're only open on Fridays and Saturdays. Too bad 🥺🥺🥺.
Thank you so much, superbebe✨ We are glad to hear that you are in Saga Prefecture. The master of Guild is open even on his days off if you contact him, so please send him a DM from Instagram!
I have Instagram 😆. I didn't know that.
superbebe, please check it out!
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. Every once in a while, the master will serve a super rare sake on a whim 😂. That's the charm of the place. Yonotori is delicious!
Gakki Masamune愛山純米吟醸中取り無濾過
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. I really like Gakki😊. I want to be tied by a red thread 😂.
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Japanese sake or craft beer, the master will offer recommendations according to your tastes. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. Nagano Prefecture's sake is delicious 😋!
Kinoenemasamune日本酒ヌーボ 酒々井の夜明け純米大吟醸
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Japanese sake or craft beer, the master will offer recommendations according to your tastes. You can drink with peace of mind ✨. This sake was fresh and delicious 😊.
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Just outside the gate of Takeo Onsen Hot Spring in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, Takeo Onsen, Takeo City, Saga Prefecture. The bar is a stand-up drinking style with no food menu. Instead, you can bring your own food🙆. You can taste sake and craft beer from all over Japan! Even if you are not familiar with Japanese sake and craft beer If you are not familiar with Sake and Craft Beer, the master will give you a recommendation according to your taste. You can drink with peace of mind ✨.
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December 19 memorandum. In search of good heated sake... This time, Hakurakusei Special Junmai Cold Wholesale from Shinzawa Brewery in Miyagi Prefecture. Actually, it's nice to meet you, including Atago no Matsu. In the 12th night of season 5 of Wakako Sake's "The Exceptional Fugu Sashimi". I remembered the waiter's recommendation, I bought it to try it with heated sake 😁. According to the liquor store, Hakurakusei's special junmai blooms at 80 degrees Celsius. I heard it is said to bloom at 80 degrees. When I went to the liquor store to buy it, they didn't have cold wholesale in the store. But when I told them I was looking for heated sake, they offered it to me ✨. I'm sure they have a good grasp of the sake they are selling and its characteristics, and they want their sake to be at its best. He knows the quality and characteristics of his sake and wants you to drink it at its best. I respect the sake shop's desire to have the sake at its best 😊. I will open the bottle. First, cold sake. The aroma is mildly banana-like. The gentle umami of rice spreads in the mouth. The final taste is a nice, crisp ✨ with a touch of acidity. Lukewarm or top-heated, you can feel the umami and sweetness even more. 🍁And then I raise the temperature to 80 degrees. Nice aroma wafts through the air and the anticipation level increases. It's delicious after cooling down a little 😋. The aroma in my nose is different! I feel like 😂. I guess I still need more training 😂 lol Thank you for the treat 😋.
AkabuNEW BORN純米吟醸生酒
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Reminder for December 15. I usually avoid online purchases to prevent overbuying, I usually avoid buying online to prevent overbuying, but I have decided to buy this one every year. This is the NEW BORN series from Akabu Shuzo in Iwate Prefecture. The sake is filled with the creator's passion 🍶. Made with "Ginga Ginga" produced in Iwate Prefecture. The aroma is fruity and gorgeous✨. Fresh and fruity on the palate, with a fresh gasiness. The taste and elegant sweetness spreads from the fresh gasiness in the mouth. Gentle acidity, freshness, and mellow umami. I drool just thinking about it 🤤 lol I really like this balance 😊. I'll try to track it down some more this year 🥹. Thanks for the treat 😋.
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Memorandum of December 8. In search of the best heated sake... We went to a liquor store in Arita Town, I asked him for his recommendation for the best sake for heating sake. The first bottle was Kurotaki "Itsuhin" from Kuroryu Shuzo in Fukui Prefecture. This is a regular sake and the price is an unbeatable 1,100 yen for 720 ml. To be honest, we had no expectations😅. I drank it right away. First, I drank it cold. The aroma is mild and slightly melon-like. Surprisingly light in the mouth. Light, but with a strong umami flavor ✨. The elegant flavor lingers on, but fades away quickly at the end. Raise the temperature to warm sake. I think it hit over 40 degrees. The aroma has spread. The umami and sweetness increased and it became a gem 😁. This sake is the best 😊. I hope you all enjoy this great tasting and cost-effective product! Thank you for the food 😋.
Wakamusume花橘 うすにごり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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December 7 memorandum. A sake brewery in a neighboring town has started doing business with Shintani Sake Brewery in Yamaguchi Prefecture, the brewer of "Wakamusume." I was curious about it, It was nice to meet you this time 😊. The brewery has won many awards as a female Touji. I immediately opened the bottle. The aroma is fresh and gorgeous as soon as the bottle is opened ✨. The taste is fresh and sour from the gasiness, and elegant sweetness. The palate is crisp and clean with a hint of bitterness from the elegant sweetness 😁. It has a juicy aspect, but also crisp and clean! Delicate complexity that my stupid tongue can't verbalize 😂. I want to try other specs of this! Thanks for the treat 😋.
Good morning, Rumion 😃. Congratulations on your first Wakamusume ㊗️ 🎉! We also had our first drink of this Hana Tachibana and we couldn't forget how delicious it was 🥹 so we bought some more this season and keep them in the fridge 🤗. It's just delicious 😋.
Hi Rumion 😃 Congratulations on your first Wakamusume: ㊗️ I love the super sweet and tasty acidity of the citrus 🍊 here! I'd like to follow it regularly too: ❗️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌇. I was completely captivated by the taste, which I really liked 🥹 Thanks to the local liquor store, I tasted it and drank it all 😁.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi 🌆. Thank you 😊This was my favorite flavor! This is one of the bottles that reminded me again how much I liked this citrusy feeling ✨.
Shichida七割五分磨き 愛山純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Memorandum of December 2 It's time for my favorite oysters 😁. When it comes to oysters, I prefer Ariake Sea oysters, so I went to Tara On the way back from shopping, I went to a liquor store in Kashima City and got some sake 🍶 to go with them. I also got some sake to go with it ✨. The sake to go with it is, of course, Love Mountain ⛰️ Shichida Shichida Shichibu Shichibu Aizan Unfiltered Nama. The aroma is mildly banana-like. When you put it in your mouth, the fresh acidity of the unpasteurized sake is followed by the umami and sweetness of the rice. The fresh acidity of the sake fills the mouth with the umami and sweetness of the rice 😊. This flavor is irresistible! The flavor increases even more when the temperature is raised It is a sake that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Of course it goes well with rich oysters✨. As a side note, which way do you like to eat oysters? I like them steamed with sake and ponzu (Japanese sauce made from soy sauce and citrus juice). It's easy and tasty, so I like it the best 😁. My desire is to try really good raw oysters 😂. Thank you for the food 😋.
Good evening, Rumion 🦉. Aizan Nama! It looks delicious 〰〰♥COPY00I've had hiyaoroshi, so I'd like to try it, the taste must be very different 😊. I'm a child's taste buds, fried is the best for me 😁.
Good evening, Pon-chan! I like this Aizan the best in the series of 70% polished unfiltered raw 😁Hiyayogoshi is also delicious with lots of flavor ✨Unfiltered raw is still good for its freshness! I forgot about the fried oysters!