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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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The sake we chose to enjoy the autumn is Ban-Aki for Okuharima. It is not a hiyaoroshi sake, but an autumnal sake, a sake that has been kept raw through the summer. Basically, Okoharima is a brewery that specializes in letting people sleep, but I felt this when I drank Fukayama Jozetsu in the summer, and it was devastatingly delicious even before it was matured. So I'm going to open it up with a cursory glance. A slight lactic scent sticks to the nasal passages, but it is relatively mild. I pour it into a sake cup and drink it. I take it cold. It has a pleasant aroma of lactic acid type. The taste is very mild and mild, it is not as crisp as the summer sake, but it goes down smoothly. This was good and I proceeded to drink it, but I remembered a story from a liquor store mentor who told me that this sake is better warmed up, so I decided to try it lukewarm. Fake. The flavor of the rice comes out to the fullest and the habit is elegant. This is delicious. Just to add to the list, so there's no misunderstanding, it's not that the cold isn't good. I think it's just a preference, but I was just surprised by the change. A lot more characters seem to be appearing in Okumaima. I met some good sake.
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Shichisui, which I was allowed to drink at a memorial service for a loved one, is pure rice mountain waste. The scent is gentle and endlessly clear. The lightly colored liquor carries a pleasant flavor and acidity when brought back to room temperature. I guess it's partly because it's a local sake. Very well balanced and beautiful sake. When paired with muscovy and rouve, it flows smoothly without any fish smell and leaves your mouth with the deliciousness that makes them contain each other. This is delicious. It added a special flower to our time of remembrance while listening to the bellwether.
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I was waiting. An assassin from Kochi, Kure's hiyaoroshi. This hiyaoroshi is called a cave enclosure, and the sake is put to sleep in the cave. The temperature is constant and the maturation process is stable, I guess. Now, open the bottle. When you open the bottle, the aroma is gentle. Pour the toktok, and let's have it. At first, you start drinking it fresh from the refrigerator, when the flowers are cold. The impression is slightly bitter. Because it is a dry sake, the bitterness is more dominant than the flavor. The crispness is gentle like a hiyaoroshi, but that's what Kure is all about. Let it sit at room temperature for a little while and eat it cold. Then the flavor comes out. It has the usual sharpness, but the flavor seems to be more complex as it is laid down. I haven't heard of the application yet, since I started drinking the chilled water consciously this year, but this time to room temperature. It was a powerful and delicious drink that could be paired with something strong 😋
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I was looking forward to it. The scent is mild, but with a slight rum-like freshness and depth. At the first sip, the aroma is a little subdued but it has a freshness like a sourness, but the flavor immediately changes to the zodiacal flavor, and with the sourness, it goes through quickly but leaves a pleasant aftertaste. In the second sip, I spread it around in my mouth a little. Then I took a second sip and the sweetness, sourness, and umami were intricately intertwined with each other. It's...delicious. For accompaniments, I prepared a salad of cabbage and salted kelp, and a dashi-maki egg, a drink that doesn't interfere in any way but makes a strong statement. I was particularly impressed with the dashi-rolled eggs as a combination. The world really shows us different colors depending on the season. I'm so grateful🍀.
NabeshimaHarvest Moon純米吟醸
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Take this for now. Amidst the many hiyaoroshi on the shelves, I had one given to me by my dad at my usual liquor store. For what it's worth, I've had many opportunities to drink Nabeshima this year. It is a happy thing. The rice milling ratio is a little low at 60%. Nabeshima-san has a strong impression of Aisan. What do you think of this time? The cork opens with a soft thump. The aroma is aromatic, but a bit subdued. The nose is very fruity, with a slight melon-like impression. When you take a sip, you'll wonder if it's from Aisan. The sweetness comes out so softly that you'd think it might be Aisan, and then the sourness and light bitterness come and go with the sourness. Hmmm...it's hard to describe. Quite simply, it's delicious, but I'll continue because it looks like a 'busted' one lol It's not very sharp, and the flavor and acidity linger on the finish. Is it a characteristic of hiyaoroshi? I prepared a cucumber and a tomato as a snack, but it was not so good. Then, I tried to match it with buttered salmon flounder. I want you to combine it with this. It's a perfect match for the mid-autumn moon, and I want to drink it with tasty snacks and nibbles on the porch.
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The label is the sound of the wave, which is a tacky one. You can't not buy it. When you open it up, you can smell the sweetness of the rice rather than the ginjo aroma. When you take a sip, the flavor is just so strong. It's not crisp and dry, but it has a very strong sweetness with a strong umami. It doesn't end quickly, but rather leaves a lingering scent. I personally would like to drink it with fatty saury and grilled mushrooms. It was such an autumnal experience for me🌿.
ShichisuiQuattro 55純米吟醸
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Blended sake is a common sight these days. For a quick drink, I bought a recommended sake from the liquor store I usually go to. I'm tempted to drink local sake from time to time, but this one surprised me in a different way. Omachi, Yumesasara, Ginpu and Yamae Nishiki are blended together. It's a bottle that's easy to drink. Now, let's take a quick drink. The aroma was smooth and casual, but not tasteless, but I was surprised when I drank it. It goes in smoothly. It's been a long time since I've had this feeling. I wouldn't describe it as having no peculiar taste, but the flavor remains strong, and it seems to disappear in the back of the throat. Whether it's with sashimi or stir-fry, it's a match made in a matter-of-fact way, and you can even go there just to drink with sake. It's a great one.
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The recent Gotohashi is interesting! I was tempted by the look of this ride and bought it along with the Five bridges "Five" series. 96% polished rice and black koji. What does that mean? So I opened the bottle. It has a yellowish muddy taste. The aroma is slightly full and sweet. When I drank it, it had a strong, thick and sweet taste. I got an impression of a pineapple flavor. Wild in a good way. I don't hate it 😏.
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They say the grass looks blue next to you, but your blue is better! I've already been hit by the label notation in the back lol I didn't expect my first encounter with five bridges to have such an interesting label description. I also bought a yellow one from the same series because it was supposed to be a summer color, but today I started with the blue one. When you open it up, it has a sweet, refreshing aroma like a bursting rum. When you take a sip, you get the impression that it's pleasantly lightly foamed and comes in and out of the bottle. Personally, I would have liked it to be a little smoother, but I thought it would be better to drink it with everything🌱. Yeah, well, I'm not going to lose in a situation like with a steak on a BBQ 😋
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Kato Kahachiro Sake Brewing Company explodes with flavor. This Jugo is made by controlling the alcohol content of the must to 15 degrees. The scent is fresh and fruity, like a flashy fruit scent. I got the impression of a melon or watermelon. When I drank it, I was pleasantly surprised by the sharpness of the sweetness and acidity in the solid sake. It's more like a drink to sit down for, rather than a crisp drink.
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I thought it was winter in Okumaima, but I didn't know there was such a drink. The first drink was chilled to perfection. The aroma was crisp and lactic acidic, and the taste was slightly bitter. When I tasted it at a liquor store the other day, I didn't feel the bitterness, so I wondered if it was the temperature. When I tried it after leaving it to come close to room temperature, the bitterness turned into a sharpness in the second half, and a faint sourness of lactic acidity and umami complexly overlapped in the beginning. Just a little bit of room temperature and it's this good. I regretted it. I should have tried to warm it up 😭. The vibe is very similar to the "Ryo" from Koro that I had the other day, but I wonder if it's the same yeast🤔.
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The term "beautiful sake" is a perfect fit for this sake. It's so clean that you'd think it's a special honjozo to produce this flavor, and the rice flavor comes in like a wave to make it soft and crisp. It's notable for the impression it makes when the flavor, rather than the sweetness, leaves your mouth. You can have it without the accompaniment, but it was also excellent with wasabi-pickled wasabi or sashimi of lean tuna.
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When you empty the glass and pour it into a glass vat, it's a signal to start the evening's drinks. Raw and fresh. When you drink it, you get a chirpiness and an unpretentious deliciousness that makes you want to leave instantly. You can feel a really lively, masculine, thick-boned and stylish. It went well with salted tomatoes in salted malt salad and summer vegetable stew 🍀
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I bought it in a hurry. I was too afraid to open it for a while. When you open it up, it has a pleasant ginjo aroma. The lightly scented gorgeousness is even elegant. In the first sip, the clear sweetness and softness of the flavors overlap and go down smoothly and crisply. I'd like to savor this sake by itself, not as an appetizer.
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I was very much looking forward to it. The aroma is pleasantly gentle yet gorgeous, with a gentle flavor and pleasant acidity on the palate. It appears in and slips off quickly and crisply. This is a great one for the jittery summer season 🙂
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Niida Honke is a brewery that aims to be completely self-sufficient. This time it's an unusual sake called "Niida's Pineapple". I was surprised to smell it. It smells like a plum wine. It smells so good you'd think it was plum wine. I took a sip and was surprised again. If you drink this without being told, you would never think of it as a Japanese sake, it has a sweet and sour taste like plum wine As the temperature comes to room temperature, it becomes sweeter and juicier like a pineapple. It is. The rice milling rate is 90%. It's not a bad drink, but it blew my mind. Is this a characteristic of the Mizumoto structure? We were able to enjoy a magical drink.
Sawayamatsumoto守破離 五百万石
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Is this thing on fire? I felt a sense of gas. When I opened it up, it was a pleasant feeling. The aroma is mild, but when you drink it, it is well balanced with a combination of flavor and acidity. The crispness was also very good, and the quality of the drink was very good for this price. The crispness is also very good, and the quality of the drink is very good for this price. They said it was good for a mid-meal drink, but it certainly looks good with dashi soup! 4 cups gone in an instant lol
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The carbonation sensation you get when you open it up is unique to lashes. The aroma is mild, but the taste is pleasant and the sweetness of the Aisan is very prominent, and the sharpness is superb. I thought I missed a little bit of depth in terms of flavor, but I got the impression that it came out a little bit cooler. The soft and pleasant feeling like a slight carbonation is perfect for richer dishes. You're paying for it.
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Phoenix Mita's Sake mirai shipped exclusively to stores that come out at the end of June. Even here in my hometown of Tochigi, I heard that it was fully booked on the second day. The aroma is lactic and slightly fruity. When you take a swallow, you'll find a lactic acidity and a light, fluffy taste that slips away. It seems less intrusive than I expected, and has an excellent image as a food drink. It's also delicious with tempura, etc.
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The mouth of the coolness on the label is a playful touch, perhaps because of the brewery's history as the birthplace of the association's No. 9 yeast, but it feels very familiar. It has a lactic acid aroma. When you take a swallow, it has a mild flavor and a pleasant sourness that goes down smoothly. This is unexpectedly delicious🌱  The brewer's comment.  Hananishiki" and "Kumamoto Yeast", Kumamoto Prefecture's original sake rice and "Kumamoto Yeast" must be used. It is stored at a low temperature for less than 30 days, matured lightly, bottled at low temperature (once hot) and stored in a bottle. This is a summer limited edition of Kourou, which has a refreshing sourness that is comfortable in summer and a freshness that can be enjoyed. The "Ryoshu" pure rice wine 720ml Class / Junmai-shu (one time fire) Raw material: Hananishiki rice (from Kumamoto prefecture) Polishing rate/65%. Yeast/Kumamoto yeast Sake meter value / +2.3 Acidity / 1.7 Alcohol content / 15.0%. Alcohol content / 15.0% ●Production area / Shimazaki, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture Price: 1,273 yen (excluding tax) for the 720ml bottle only