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NabeshimaHarvest Moon純米吟醸
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Take this for now. Amidst the many hiyaoroshi on the shelves, I had one given to me by my dad at my usual liquor store. For what it's worth, I've had many opportunities to drink Nabeshima this year. It is a happy thing. The rice milling ratio is a little low at 60%. Nabeshima-san has a strong impression of Aisan. What do you think of this time? The cork opens with a soft thump. The aroma is aromatic, but a bit subdued. The nose is very fruity, with a slight melon-like impression. When you take a sip, you'll wonder if it's from Aisan. The sweetness comes out so softly that you'd think it might be Aisan, and then the sourness and light bitterness come and go with the sourness. Hmmm...it's hard to describe. Quite simply, it's delicious, but I'll continue because it looks like a 'busted' one lol It's not very sharp, and the flavor and acidity linger on the finish. Is it a characteristic of hiyaoroshi? I prepared a cucumber and a tomato as a snack, but it was not so good. Then, I tried to match it with buttered salmon flounder. I want you to combine it with this. It's a perfect match for the mid-autumn moon, and I want to drink it with tasty snacks and nibbles on the porch.