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閲覧ありがとうございます! 以前から年に数度嗜む程度でしたが2024年にどハマり… きっかけは新政との出会い😍 世の中色々な酒や米や造り方や…深い🤔 旅行も趣味で酒蔵や現地調達で色々と酒探しの旅の途中😏 ぴちジュワに旨味フワッと酸味に苦味が絡みつつスッと消える🫥 が好み😍 聖地制覇🏠 岡崎、丸石、堀江、森、千代むすび

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Denshu吟鳥帽子 四割五分純米大吟醸
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It was simply delicious from the clerk... that's all I bought 🤣. I was under pressure to buy it.......! I was under pressure to buy it 😋. The aroma is gorgeous and refreshing, as you would expect from a Jun Dai. When you drink it, it's gentle and refreshing, and it goes down your throat with a smooth and smooth feeling of sake! It is crisp with a nice lingering aftertaste. Sometimes, when I drink a refreshing sake like this, I am impressed by how delicious sake is while feeling relaxed. If you give it a little time, the initial fullness increases and this is more to your liking 😆. Simply delicious...on the other hand...not as impressive as the price...I guess...
Kin Suzume初絞り 入魂一滴
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Locals who know who they are and are proud of it 🍶. Golden Chun Chun 🐥. This one I personally think is the best in Golden Sparrow 💁. The aroma is mildly sweet When you put it in your mouth, it tastes more like 🍎 and has a slight carbonation. The mouthfeel is smooth and the umami disappears in a flash. The lingering alcohol aftertaste from the first sip is a whirlwind! Maybe it's a local thing, but it really is the best 😍. On the second day, the umami has expanded! But the alcohol taste is almost the same! I only know of about 3 local stores that sell it, so I don't know where else you can get it: 🤷‍♂️
Hi HANNAH 😃 Golden Chun Chun! There is one liquor store in Tochigi that sells it 🤗I've only bought it once 😅I was surprised 🫢 when I told them that they sell Golden Sparrow in Tochigi when I was in Yamaguchi 😌.
Jay & Nobby. I see they are sold in Tochigi too! I'm kind of glad since that's where I'm from 😆. I can't get Junmai even if I go to the brewery 😭. Anytime, come to Yamaguchi ✨!
abe純米吟醸 イエロー
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On the way home from a trip to Shizuoka, I stopped by the Osaka distributor and got this 🍶. I had bought it in Fukuoka before and became a fan 🥳. I'm a fan of this product......! First of all, I opened the bottle...pop! Shwahhh.... Chilli chilli before the sweetness and umami arrive 😆. It tends to be dry and disappears quickly 🫥. I almost don't feel the sake feeling... is this a get out of your chair and get cranky pattern? LOL! Now let's mix the orikiri... I think the specific gravity of the umami has increased a lot... Although a little bit of sake flavor has appeared, the expansion continues to be smooth due to the dry bitterness 👍. According to the flavors, it tastes like Hiran, Akabu, etc... so you can see why I like it so much 😍.
Good morning, HANNAH 😃. Abe! It's delicious 😋. We've never had Abéchan💛 in Kochira 🥲 but I'm sure you're right 😋. I highly recommend Abecchan💚 too 🤗.
Jay & Nobby. Abechan is delicious! The only problem is that it's in a special store... but it's too far away to stock it 😭. I would buy every series if I had one near me 😆.
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I remember the fire-roasted kagura as being rather in-between-meal, but the raw series, although it seems to fit in-between-meal, is my personal favorite on its own with its juicy flavor😍. Juwa and tobi luan umami! It's a little bit bloated...mmmm? It's not good! Alcoholic feeling....not here! It disappears quickly It's so beautifully juicy and delicious that I almost finished it on the first day... On the second day, the sizzle is reduced, but the flavor is still delicious 🆙⤴️ I'm not satisfied with the taste 🍶....
Hiran輪廻転生 2025
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My favorite Hiran series! Zodiac Label Hachitan Nishiki The sharpness is stable and outstanding! The initial flavor is so refreshing that you would think it was from Hiran...? The initial umami is so refreshing that you would think it was from "Tobiran". When mixed with ori, it is wrapped in the flavor of "Hiran", but it is clear, but it goes smoothly and beautifully. On the second day, I thought that the surface part of the beer had a little bit of alcohol taste, but after that, the stable umami was consistent. ⤴️ It's delicious!
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Continuing from last week, I was able to get an appointment to participate in the new political event 🍶. No.6 R-type direct path colors Tangerine Yamabuki No.6 is a hand-pulled sake, so it has more of an initial impact than the regular version 😍. It also has a complex umami flavor that makes it a great Junmai sake. Tangerine is citrus? I thought so... but... assumption? I'm sure there is some citrus flavor 😅 in the Shinmasa colors 😳. I really... don't agree with the distribution and sales methods, but it tastes good when you drink it! I don't think it's really in the same category as sake though 🤣
Wakamusume薄花桜 純米吟醸
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I prefer to drink Kinjaku sake from my home prefecture, but this time I tried Wakamusume for the first time on the recommendation of the waitress! As you can see in your post, it is a sweet type of saké with a juicy umami taste! It is a type of sake that leaves a long aftertaste with a flavor that is not too bloated. It has almost no bitterness, and there is almost no sharpness at the end, so you can enjoy the sense of sake gradually. It is a series that I would like to enjoy when I have time, rather than just sipping it... it makes me feel at home... ☺️ Where is the brewery located...Tokuchi😳 I haven't been to this place since I went to a camping camp in elementary school🤣.
Good morning, hannah 😃! Congratulations on your first local Wakamusume ㊗️ 🎉You're right, that deliciousness is so comforting ☺️ Nice assist by the waiter👍!
Jay & Nobby. I was mainly interested in the Iwakuni series with Ganki, Kinjaku, and occasionally Otter, but now I'm interested in the western side of the country, including Toyo Bijin 😆. I'd like to make a note of Wakamusume as a candidate for a sanctuary visit 📝.
Buyuアイラブユー おりがらみ生
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I would like to ask you to spend Sunday to yesterday 🍶. I drank Yamadanishiki before, but this time it was Gohyakumangoku! Compared to Yamadanishiki, it has more initial spread. It has a sizzling umami, not too much alcohol, and a good sharpness. Takeyuki's I love you series is my personal favorite 🥳.
Good morning, HANNAH. I just made my heroic debut and I'm curious about I LOVE YOU🎵. I'm more and more interested in meeting you and your posts with the alcohol you are into 😊.
ma-ki-san I was surprised that the Takeyuki was rather solid and clear, but I love you is closer to the image of the pattern 👍. I'm also peeking at your recommendations 👀 and exploring and buying more alcohol 🙇‍♂️
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After coming home from the Shinsei event, I had a drink after taking a bath with this one! The aroma is moderate. When you drink it, it is juicy! The flavor of Jikin is about equal to that of Juwa. It's not overly puffy, but it's sharp and clean. But there is a lingering aftertaste of sake afterwards. This is the first time for me to drink Hachitan-nishiki, so I can't compare it with hi-ire, but it has the unique flavor of Jigin in the raw sizzle... This is Junmai Ginjo Nama Jigin - it's good! I wish I could buy the other series 😭 I already got the Senbon Nishiki Nama 🥰.
Hi, hannah 😃 I'm so glad you enjoyed the event 🛁 and then the bath 😋 at Jikin's house 😍. I haven't had a Jikin in a while 😙.
Jay & Nobby. Thank you for your comment 😊 I opened the bottle with the intention of drinking it as a continuation of the No. 6 in my possession 🥳. I will enjoy it, thankful to be able to get it and drink it at home 😆.
AramasaNo.6 new year type
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At an event at a liquor store in the city🍶. I guess it's a quiet and gorgeous type of sake. You can't buy it in Hiroshima 😭 Compared to the Nilgame 100% and Frog Extra that I've had in the past, it's more of a umami-seeking taste than a challenge 👍
Maruishi醸庵 生原酒樽酒
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Maruishi Brewery direct sales side trip deal The aroma is not that strong due to the fact that it is 70%. In the mouth, you can taste the flavor of oak barrels. The complex aroma of Junmai and the barrel aroma is finished with a sense of alcohol. 2nd day The complexity and the sense of sake increase, while the oaky flavor remains unchanged. If you want to taste the stronger sake flavor, it is available👍. Personally... the direct bottling at Ni-Usagi's direct sales place is a winner 🏅.
Jikon簗瀬 大吟醸
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Jikin Yanase Now it's time to open the bottle! Today is my birthday and I opened the bottle 😁. The aroma is softly like Jikin. When you put it in your mouth, it has a beautiful watery entry without being too full of the flavor of Jikin. After passing through the throat, the feeling of alcohol rushes in with a rush. It is a traditional sake! It's a good feeling. ☺️ It gives you a feeling of alcohol after you drink it, but it doesn't disturb you at all while you are drinking it... you can drink it all the time 🤣.
Good evening, HANNAH. Happy Birthday 🎉! Jikin Daiginjo on your happy day ~ it's the best ⤴️ I hope you have a great time with delicious sake ✨. May you have another great sake encounter this year 😊.
ma-ki - Mr. I missed drinking it during the New Year's holidays, so I opened a bottle thinking, "Here it is! So I opened the bottle! Thank you so much for your comment & blessing 😊✨
Nito直売所 うすにごり生
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A stopover in Aichi on the way to Shizuoka 🚗. Junmai Yamada-Nishiki directly from the store The aroma tends to be sweet. Aroma tends to be sweet Alcohol is moderate (just because of the strong acidity?) 🤣) Bitterness is moderate and disappears without being persistent 🫥. When mixed with a cage, the spiciness decreases, but the flavor and sweetness increase: ⤴️ With oriki, the dryness is reduced and it's easier to drink 🍶.
Wagauji無濾過生 純米大吟醸
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I think the last time I had it was green label. I liked the taste, so I was curious about the fact that it was a draft sake and bought it 🍶. First day The aroma is beautiful. When you drink it, you can taste the umami in the mouth. Long alcohol taste Slightly long aftertaste Maybe it's good for eating. 2nd day The juiciness has dropped a little, but the flavor has increased. ⤴️ No change in alcohol taste? Bitterness seems to have increased 🤔. It's a bit too dry and bitter to drink by itself...
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I'm late, but I opened the Happy New Year series 🍶. The aroma is not that strong and relatively mild. The moment you drink it, you will feel the sweetness of Takachiyo-esque sweetness. After finishing the drink, you will feel a slight alcohol taste. A rather long aftertaste from the nose. Not too strong, but not too strong. It can be enjoyed with food or on its own. As for my thoughts for next year, I would like to taste other zodiac labels for the year 2025.
Happy New Year to you, HANNAH 🎍. Thank you for all your help during the old year🍀. Takachiyo is the sake I want to debut this year 🎵 I'm looking forward to drinking it 😊. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇.
ma-ki-. Thank you for all your comments and likes: 🙇‍♂️ To welcome home the birthplace! I hope to make it my goal this year 🍶. I look forward to working with you again this year 😆.
Happy New Year, hannah 🌅. Takachiyo zodiac bottle! Looks like a good all-around bottle 😋 I'm not sure which zodiac bottle to choose for New Year's 🤔. Please keep up the good work this year: 🙇🏻🙇🏻‍♀️
Jay & Nobby. I found this app and from your posts, I have too many things to drink this year, not only zodiac bottles 😭. Please do the same and have a great new year 🙇‍♂️🐍
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Young waves from New Year's Eve to New Year's Eve Compared to Junmai, it's still beautiful😍. The fresh aroma of Wakanami is fresh, and the alcohol taste is well preserved, but it disappears quickly 🫥. I love Wakanami and Hiran from Kyushu!
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I had a fire-roasted Nikkomaru at a certain restaurant... and to be honest, it was not very subtle... However, in my quest for "Hiran", I tried the raw Nikkomaru! The result was... sorry about Hiran 🙇‍♂️ It's so good 🥲! Uwazumi is The aroma is not that great. The aroma of "Hiran" on the palate has a complex flavor that is so Junmai-like that the taste is subtle. Freshness with a hint of juwapiti from the sake. Almost no alcohol and quick to pull through despite such a complex flavor... I wonder how the taste will change after tomorrow... Junmai doesn't give me a good impression... But...it's good after opening this bottle!
Haneya純米吟醸 プリズム
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Haneya's impression is rather dry and refreshing (like I tasted before 🤔). Purchased on the recommendation of the go-to manager 🍶. The aroma is a nice aroma that seems to have umami. The aroma and taste is a little on the nose with a clear umami flavor at the first sip. It can be drunk fresh and juicy. The finish is a little early and the alcohol feeling does not remain so much, making it easy to drink. It can be enjoyed as an after-dinner drink. If the aroma on the nose could be closer to the flavor... I personally would repeat this drink.
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The first 14yo in my life! I brought in a bottle of Ginsen, which I had kept at home from a previous Rapon Gold Prize, and opened it for my colleague... as a wedding gift? A wedding gift 🥳. The secret bottle of Tamagatama was from the store... at a very reasonable price 🙏! First, let's start with the Ginsen. It's completely different from the previous Aruzome! It's so fruity, almost alcohol-free, and infinitely drinkable... Everything is beautifully put together, the best ever 🆙. The main round from... I have nothing more to say. It is a junmai and new sake... the umami is mellow and keeps it while the alcohol feeling is not too bloated and the umami is slowly fading away.... Yes, the most renewed ever 🆙. It's a monster 🍶.
Good evening, HANNAH 😃. Congratulations on your first Jyushiro ㊗️ 🎉! It's fun to drink the gin-sen from home with everyone 🤗That's a great time with a conscientious tama-return 😊.
Jay and Nobby. Thanks for your comments! I don't want my co-workers to think that the 14th is normal... I was surprised at how exceptional it was 😳. We also have a super pole stored at home...again wondering when to open it 😥.
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Since it was Christmas Eve...we opened a small bottle! I've had hiyayadoroshi in the past, but this sparkling is not bad because it feels like Christmas👍. From a sake perspective...I don't think I'll repeat 🥹.