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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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The illustration of a sea bream is the strongest image of "Naruto Tai", but the illustration of a saury and the sudachi (Japanese radish), a local specialty, give this sake a pleasing label that is typical of the "hiyaoroshi" sake of autumn. Color: Amur cork tree Scent : Melon-like aroma Taste: It has a strong sweetness, with light acidity. A little bitterness is also present afterwards, but it has a mild taste like a hiyaoroshi. Warm up the bottle and enjoy the change in flavor. [Details] Raw Rice : 100% Tokushima-grown rice Rice polishing ratio : 60% (flat polished) Alcohol level: 15-16%. Sake degree : ±0 Acidity : 1.4 Amino acidity : 1.8 Yeast used : Society 901 (Please refer to the "Nihon Meimonshu-kai" website for product information)
Tenmei槽しぼり 純米火入れ純米槽しぼり
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Founded in 1904 when the Russo-Japanese War broke out. After the first brewmaster, three successive generations of women have taken over as breweries in the more than 100-year history of the brewery. The brewery has a history of being a "women's brewery", a rare occurrence in the sake brewing industry. Color: light chestnut color Scent: sweet and sour with a hint of apricot Taste : Firm acidity, sweetness, bitterness, and spiciness quickly spread in the mouth, and it cuts cleanly while retaining a DRY feel. [Details] Raw Rice : Yamadanishiki (koji rice), Aizu-Sakashita-grown rice, Aizu-Sakashita-grown 500 Mangosteen (Kakemae) Rice polishing ratio : 50% koji rice, 65% rice on rice Alcohol content: 16%. Sake meter reading : +2.0 Acidity : 1.6 Yeast : Proprietary yeast N, Tsukushima Dream Yeast F701 (See "Sanoya~JIZAKE.com" product description)
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Aluminum cans are rare for sake. It is also known by the nickname "namacan" overseas. Color: Amur cork tree Scent : Taste: Lightly sweetened, with strong alcohol and bitterness. It has strong alcohol and bitterness. Adding an ice cube to lower the alcohol level gives the sweetness of the rice. [Details] Raw Rice : Domestic Rice Rice polishing ratio: 58%. Alcohol content: 18.5°. (see label)
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The company was founded in 1818 (the first year of Bunsei) in the late Edo period. The brand name "Koganei Denshoro" is the name of the first head of the brewery. The brand name "Koganei Denshoro" is the name of the first head of the company, and it is still brewed with the underground water that has been bubbling up since that time as the brewing water. Color: egg color. Slightly reddish yellow. Aroma: Sweet aroma, reminiscent of aged wine, as expected from the color. Taste: Elegant sweetness and acidity, pleasant bitterness and spiciness. A well-balanced junmai sake. [Details] Raw Rice : 100% Harumi (made in Atsugi) Rice polishing ratio : 80%. Alcohol content : 15%. Sake degree : +3 (See official website for product information)
Senchu Hassaku純米超辛口純米ひやおろし
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There was only one bottle left of "Funaka Hassaku" hiyaoroshi. The owner said, "It's aged quite well. May I? He confirmed. 'These are leftovers from last year, do you want me to stop?' When asked, "I'll give it a try! I was able to enjoy it without any problems. Color: Amur cork tree Aroma: Slightly fruity when cold, but when heated, it smells like freshly cooked rice. Taste : When drunk cold, it has a light sweetness and acidity, followed by a pungent pungency and bitterness that lingers for a while. As the temperature is raised, the taste becomes slightly mellow and becomes pleasantly pungent. There is almost no acidity. [Details] Raw Rice : Domestic Rice Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Alcoholicity: between 17 and 18 degrees Sake meter value : around +8 Acidity: about 1.6 Amino acidity : about 1.2 Yeast used: Kumamoto yeast (in-house cultivation) (See the product information on the official website)
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The brewery was founded in 1487 in the Muromachi period. It is the oldest brewery in Tohoku and the third oldest in Japan. The brewery has been brewing sake with a focus on the "Yamahai Method", even if it takes a lot of time and effort to make all of the brewer's mother-of-pearl in the process. The "Maruhi" series is an ambitious experiment in brewing Yamahai junmai sake with different yeasts. Color: Amur cork tree Scent: faintly malic acidic Taste: With a sake rating of -22 and acidity of 4.2, I was excited to see how it would taste on the palate. Contrary to my expectations, the refreshing malic acidity filled the mouth, and the pleasant sweetness and light bitterness were in perfect balance. I would definitely like to compare the four sakes. [Details] Raw rice : 100% sake brewing rice (domestic rice) Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Alcohol content: 15%. Sake degree : -22%. Acidity : 4.2 Yeast used: Akita Konno No.24 (See official website "Products")
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Maruo's brewery is located in Kagawa Prefecture (Sanuki region), which is known as the "Sanuki Sanbai," and produces high-quality rice, salt and cotton. The brewery's stance that they are not aiming to produce sake that is popular with many people, but rather to make sake that will be accepted only by true fans, is also very appealing. Color: "Ominabana Scent : Taste : When drunk with a tasting cup, the strong acidity and piquancy linger in the mouth for a long time. When you drink it in a hollowed-out glass, the acidity and piquancy become mild, and the taste becomes mellow. You can feel the full-bodied flavor in the mouth, but the sweetness is low, and it has a strong alcoholic taste for a man's sake. [Details] Raw rice : 100% OuCeto Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Alcohol level: 15-16%. Sake meter value : +10 Acidity : 1.5 Amino acidity : 1.0 Yeast used : Kumamoto 9 (See labeling.)
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I found a brand I was interested in after reading a review by someone else and bought it without hesitation. I opened the bottle to enjoy the end of summer as the sun was shining and the weather was getting warmer in autumn. Color: "Ominabana Scent : Melon-y. I didn't understand the 'cemedine scent' until now, but I'm not sure if that's what it is. Some of the fragrances you'd expect to find. Palate : A refreshing, light acidity reminiscent of lime fills the mouth, and as the name suggests, it fades away softly and slowly, leaving a lingering effect. [Details] Rice: Domaine Sakura and Omachi (80%), Domaine Sakura Yamadanishiki (20%) Rice polishing ratio: 50% koji rice, 60% rice on rice Alcohol content: 15%. (See labeling.)
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The brewery has been brewing sake since 1865 in a place that was once known as "Sakata-mura," where sake rice was actively cultivated. The brewery resumed home-brewing in 2018 after a hiatus in 1980, and this brand has been loved for many years since the end of the Edo period, when it was reissued using the brewery's yeast that had taken root in the old brewery before it was rebuilt. Color: Amur cork tree. A little cloudy like ants. Scent: Sour apple-like aroma Taste : Very little sweetness, lime like acidity, soft bitterness and light DRY feel. [Details] Raw Rice : Domestic Rice Rice polishing ratio: 60% for the koji rice (Yamadanishiki) and 67% for the Kake rice (Gin no Sato) Alcohol content: 15%. Sake meter value : +2 Acidity : 1.3 Amino Acidity : 1.2 Yeast : Brewer's yeast (STB5) , Association No.10 (See official website for product details)
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ハローズ 今治店
This cup of sake is sold by the Yagi Sake Brewing Department, the pride of Imabari, and features the popular Imabari character "Barii-san" who has a nationwide fan base. What's nice about the cup sake is that it can be boiled directly in hot water or used as a cup after drinking. When you find a cup of sake with a nice design, you can't help but reach for it. Color: Slightly darker in color. Scent : Taste : Light sweetness is immediately followed by a strong acidity and piquancy, and then it cuts cleanly. Honjozo sake is delicious too 💕. [Details] Raw Rice : Domestic Rice Rice polishing ratio : 70%. Alcohol content: 14%. (See bottle description.)
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Founded in 1662, this brewery overcame the threat of closure during its more than 350-year history and continues to brew sake with the principle of quality supremacy without being carried away by the environment of the times. The brewery is famous for producing "Kyokai No. 7 Yeast". Color: Pale yellow with a light greenish hue, like a woman's flower. Scent : Muscat-like aroma Taste: Refreshing sweetness and acidity, similar to Muscat. The taste is sweet, but has a solid dry taste. [Details] Raw Rice : Miyamanishiki (Nagano Prefecture), Hitogokoro (Nagano Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio: 55%. Alcohol content: 14%. Sake degree : ±0 Acidity : 2.0 Amino acidity : 0.7 Yeast : Proprietary strain #7 (See official website for product information)
Kasen特別純米 幻の酒特別純米
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Since its founding in 1822, the brewery has continued to brew sake regardless of its size with the family motto of "Carefully make and sell with care". The brewery took its name from the joy of finding a well in the brewery's grounds that was suitable for brewing sake. Even today, they still use water drawn from the well to brew sake. Color: colorless and transparent Scent : Taste: In a tasting cup, it smoothly enters the mouth as if you were drinking soft water. The sweetness and acidity are light, and a dry taste lingers for a while. When we drank it in a gulp, we could feel the firm sweetness and acidity. [Details] Raw Rice : Domestic Rice Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Alcohol content : 14%. Acidity : 1.6 Sake meter reading : +2 (See labeling and product information on the official website)
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Mr. Tsuchida Shuzo continues to experiment with various methods. No artificial yeast, lactic acid, or other fermentation aids are used, and this sake is made by reproducing the methods of the Edo period. As in the Edo period when there was no refrigerator, we kept it at room temperature and tasted it in a teacup while imagining that people in the Edo period drank this kind of sake, except for the color check. Color: light greenish-yellow like a woman's flower. Scent : Palate: Lightly sweet at first, with a strong bitter and pungent taste. The acidity is light. When I tried it with chicken teriyaki, it was a wonderfully clean wash away from the batteryy teriyaki sauce. [Details] Raw Rice : Rice (Gunma) Rice polishing ratio: 90%. Alcohol content : 16%. Yeast : Brewer's yeast (no additives) (See labeling.)
自然酒生酛 純米原酒生酛原酒
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This is a powerful and healthy sake made from natural, fertilizer-free and pesticide-free rice that has been loved since its release in 1967. Color: Amur cork tree Scent: slightly sweet with a hint of brown sugar Taste: Sweetness, bitterness and sourness swirl around in the mouth like a swell, leaving a pleasant acidic aftertaste. [Details] Raw rice : Domestic (100% natural rice) Rice polishing ratio : 80%. Alcohol content : 16.5 degrees (See label and official website)
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The brewery's current goal is to make all of their sake the same as the Daiginjo, and they continue to make their sake with care and diligence in order to produce the highest quality sake rather than expand the quantity. The brewery's first attempt at brewing this low-alcohol pure sake has been made in a limited amount of time to support restaurants. The brewery's first attempt at brewing this low-alcohol sake was made in a limited quantity and sold to the public. The moment you open the seal, you'll hear a "pop! And he sounded cheerful. Color: Light and pale yellowish color of amur cork tree Scent: Sweet fragrance with a hint of melon Mouth: The aroma of muskmelon on the palate opens up, followed by a long, sweet finish. The acidity is light. There's also a degree of fizziness that feels far away. [Details] Raw Rice : Domestic Rice Alcohol content : 13%.
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They are an ambitious brewery that keeps the brands that have been loved by the locals for many years, while always offering new challenges (the Tsuchida series) for your enjoyment. Nowadays, they have shifted to traditional sake making. The new "Craft 12" is an unpasteurized sake with a low alcohol content of 12%, which makes it easy to drink even in summer. Color: pale greenish yellow with a hint of "chestnut yellow". Scent : Apple scent Taste : When chilled, it has a well-balanced flavor of rice sweetness, fresh apple-like acidity and light bitterness. When chilled, the sweetness weakens and the acidity and bitterness make it refreshing. Personally, I think I like to drink it cold. They recommend drinking it on the rocks in the hot summer, so we tried it. If you're not a big fan of sake, drinking it on the rocks will dilute the sake flavor and you'll definitely drink more! [Details] Raw Rice : Rice grown in Gunma Prefecture Rice polishing ratio : 90% koji rice, 70% rice on rice Alcohol content : 12%. Seed koji mold : Yellow koji mold for shochu, white koji mold Yeast : Association No. 901 (See official online shop ingredient information)
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This is the only brewery I could find in Numazu (if there are any others, please let me know). I heard that they have shifted to "all pure rice brewing" since 2012. There is one more sake brewery that I want to support. Color: Light and pale yellowish color like bright yellow barberry Scent: faint melon scent. Palate : Dryness on the palate from a melone-like aroma and soft sweetness. It's refreshing. [Details] Raw Rice : Homer Fuji (100% Shizuoka Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Yeast : Shizuoka Yeast NEW-5 Alcohol content: 15%. (See labeling.)
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A long-established sake brewery founded in Keicho 7. They use water from a well that has been flowing for over 400 years to prepare the sake. I haven't had a regular sake in a while, but it was refreshing and delicious. [Details] Raw Rice : Matsuyama Mitsui (Ehime Prefecture) Alcohol content: 14.3 degrees
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Ehime Prefecture's Saijo City is famous for its "Uchi-nuki" water, which gushes out of the Ishizuchi mountain range all over the city. Instead of hiring a master brewer, the three brothers spend a lot of time and effort making sake with this high-quality water. Color: light greenish yellow like "Ominae". Scent : A fruity scent reminiscent of pineapple. Taste : One sip and the mouth is filled with the refreshing aroma of pineapple. It cuts off pleasantly, leaving a soft sweetness. Women will love the taste, won't they? [Details] Raw Rice : Shizuku Ehime 100% Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Alcohol content: 16%. Sake meter reading : -0.5 Acidity : 1.6 (see label)
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We brew most of the sake in the traditional sake brewing style, such as "Ikizumizushi", "Bodaisai" and "Yamahai", I have been interested in this brewery for a long time. There are many other brands that I want to try. Color: Gentle yellowish color with reddish hues reminiscent of pale yellow. Scent : For a moment, it smells sweet, like caramel, like brown sugar. Taste : A sake with a good balance of sweetness, sourness and bitterness of the rice, which you want to drink forever [Details] Ingredients : Hitomebore (100% domestic rice), Aich no Kaori Rice polishing ratio: 70% koji rice, 78% rice on rice Yeast used : Enthusiast #701 Alcohol content : 15.3%. Sake content : +9 Acidity: 2.2 (See "Sugishiki Sake Brewing Company Website Product List")