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Senchu Hassaku純米超辛口純米ひやおろし
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There was only one bottle left of "Funaka Hassaku" hiyaoroshi. The owner said, "It's aged quite well. May I? He confirmed. 'These are leftovers from last year, do you want me to stop?' When asked, "I'll give it a try! I was able to enjoy it without any problems. Color: Amur cork tree Aroma: Slightly fruity when cold, but when heated, it smells like freshly cooked rice. Taste : When drunk cold, it has a light sweetness and acidity, followed by a pungent pungency and bitterness that lingers for a while. As the temperature is raised, the taste becomes slightly mellow and becomes pleasantly pungent. There is almost no acidity. [Details] Raw Rice : Domestic Rice Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Alcoholicity: between 17 and 18 degrees Sake meter value : around +8 Acidity: about 1.6 Amino acidity : about 1.2 Yeast used: Kumamoto yeast (in-house cultivation) (See the product information on the official website)