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毎日の晩酌で日本酒の奥深さを探求中🍶 / FC今治(Jリーグ3部)の応援を名目に対戦相手の本拠地を中心とした地酒を取り寄せて、今まで飲んだことがない地域・銘柄の日本酒を飲むことが今の楽しみ / 好きな銘柄 : 船中八策(司牡丹酒造) , 土田イニシャルシリーズ(土田酒造) , にいだしぜんしゅ(仁井田本家)

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Yukisuzume話せばわかる 生貯蔵酒特別本醸造生酒
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It was originally called "Jan-Masamune", but Inukai Tsuyoshi, the 29th Prime Minister of Japan, who had an exchange with the brewery's founder, suggested that it be called "Sesshaku". Color: almost colorless with a few white lilies. Scent: faintly banana-like aroma Taste: Slightly sweet and sour, almost like drinking water, in the mouth, with a light, dry taste. You can feel the dryness of the taste as it comes off. [Details] Raw Rice : Yamadanishiki , Matsuyama Mitsui Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Alcohol content : 14.4 degrees Sake meter reading : +10.0 Acidity : 1.4 (Please refer to the product page on the Sesshaku Brewery website)
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It was getting hot and humid with the onset of the rainy season, and I stopped by the store to drink a summer-like sake. When I saw the word "Summer" on the label, it was the first time I bought a label. My mind went to the question "...? I opened the description and the QR code for the instructional video they gave me along with the description and I was convinced. I enjoyed it visually when I opened the bottle and thought it was perfect for a toast with a nice mouthfeel. Colour: As the air bubbles from the opening of the bottle settle down, the color of the wine becomes cloudy with a slight yellowish hue. Scent : Melon soda-like aroma Taste: My first impression of this drink reminded me of the Ambasa I used to drink when I was a kid. It is like a lactic acid beverage with a slight carbonation of gas and a refreshing sweet and sour taste that makes you forget it is alcohol. It's quick and easy to drink. After a while, the gas settles down, the true taste of nigorizake comes into play. [Details] Raw Rice : Hanabuki Snowstorm (Aomori Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio : 69%. Alcohol content: 13%. Sake degree : -2 Acidity : 2.0 (Please refer to the product description on each company's website)
自然酒生酛 しぼり生 酵母無添加純米生酛原酒生酒生詰酒
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Since its establishment, the brewery's beliefs have been "good for you", "safe to drink", and "sake with the life of rice", and it uses only natural, fertilizer-free and pesticide-free rice, spring and well water from the mountains, and natural yeast from the brewery. They do away with the outer box and packaging and use reusable bottles in consideration of the environment. Color: bright and pale yellowish color like bright yellow barberry Scent : I barely felt it when it was fresh out of the fridge, but once it got a little warmer, there was a hint of sweetness, like caramel popcorn in a movie theater. Palate: Sweet fruity aroma with a hint of yogurt-like acidity. There is also a slight bitterness at the end. It's a bit piquant as you would expect from a pure sake, but overall it's soft and gentle on the body, and I think you'll be able to drink it forever. [Details] Raw rice : Naturally grown rice Rice polishing ratio : 80%. Alcohol content: 16.5 degrees. (Label says so)
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Kotobuki Shuzo is located in Settsu-Tomidago, Osaka, which is said to be Japan's oldest famous brewery, since the brewing of sake was recorded in 1471. Tondasake is a sake with less aroma and more flavour, according to the brewery. Color: Nearly colorless Scent: vaguely sweet scent Taste: The sweetness of the rice initially fills the mouth, followed by bitterness and acidity. After a short period of time, the bitterness and sourness come back to haunt the mouth, leaving a dry and tangy taste. [Details] Raw Rice : Domestic Rice Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Alcohol content : 16%. Sake degree : +3 (See the website of Kotobuki Sake Brewing Company)
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On the label, "Cheering sake" and "Flay! Frey! So we chose this restaurant as the perfect choice for our "I'll Drink My Opponent" project. Moreover, the sake is made from the sake brewing process that was started in 2007. I enjoyed it cold at first, but I'll warm up the rest to see how it tastes. Color: light yellow Aroma: Brown sugar-like aroma reminiscent of noble brew Taste: In the mouth, the aroma of the sake is not as strong as the color and aroma would suggest, but it smells like a noble brew. The taste does not interfere with your meal. [Details] Raw Rice : Yamadanishiki (100% Tottori Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Alcohol content : 14.9 degrees Sake content : +2 Acidity: 1.9 (See "List of Products Created by Umezu Shuzo Shuzo on April 27, H31.)
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We can make an impressive sake with a machine, but we can't make an impressive sake with a machine. The brewery brews sake. The theatrical hut, an important cultural property in Uchiko-cho, Ehime Prefecture, built by local volunteers to celebrate the accession to the throne of Emperor Taisho. This is a newly created sake to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Uchikoza in 2016. Color: faintly yellowish Scent: fruity, melon-like aroma Taste: In the mouth, the aroma is similar to that of melon, and the sweetness of the rice spreads, followed by a lemon-like sourness. There is almost no bitterness. [Details] Raw Rice : Mitsui Matsuyama Rice polishing ratio: 55%. Alcohol content: 16%. Sake meter reading: -3 (the label says around +1) (See the PDF file of the "2019 New Year's Sake Limited Edition" by Shuroku Shuzo Brewery)
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We learned about the "Kyoho Reform" in Japanese history class. It is the oldest long-established sake brewery in Osaka, which has been making sake since the Kyoho era (Edo period). The brewery is registered as a tangible cultural property of Japan. Color: faintly yellowish Scent: almost imperceptible Taste : The sweetness of the coconut is immediately present in the mouth, leaving a sour and bitter taste. It's going to be a clean break. [Details] Alcohol content : 15.5%. Sake meter reading : +5.0 Rice polishing ratio : 60%. (See the sales page of the Naniwa Masamune Sake Brewery website)
Yorokobigaijinオオセト仕込11号,12号 むろか生純米
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The brewery is located near Konpira Palace. I couldn't find the brewery's website, but when I checked the introduction site, it said "Takasugi Shinsaku and Katsura Kogoro drank this sake! ... These are some intriguing stories. You'll want to try other brands as well. Colour: almost colourless with a slight yellowish tinge Scent: Slightly melon-like aroma Taste: sweetness and lemony light acidity at first. Bitterness on the finish. Tingling sensation. [Details] Raw rice : Oocet (100% Kagawa-grown) Rice polishing ratio: 55%. Yeast used : Kumamoto 9 Alcohol content: 17.0-18.0 Sake content : +10 Acidity : 1.5 Amino acidity : 1.2
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Kagoshima has a strong image of syochu liqueur, but they haven't made sake for 40 years. This is the only sake brewery in the prefecture that started brewing sake about 8 years ago for the sake's evolution. Please don't let the heavy rains stop you from brewing delicious sake in the future. Color: faintly yellowish Scent: barely perceptible Taste: Sweetness of the rice and a slight acidity, followed by a slightly strong bitterness, but it clears up nicely. I'm going. [Details] Alcohol content : 15 degrees Sake meter value : +1 Acidity : 1.6 Rice polishing ratio : 70%. (See "Kanazanzo Online Shop Website")
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This is the southernmost brewery in Japan for brewing naturally brewed sake. Colour: slightly yellowish but almost colourless Scent : Sweet aroma with hints of brown sugar and caramel Palate: The aroma belies the sweetness and light acidity, with a hint of sweetness and light acidity. It then clears up nicely, leaving a pleasant bitterness. I can't wait to see how the flavor changes when it's warmed up 💕 [Details] Alcohol content: 15%. Raw Rice : Nishiki Rice polishing ratio : 60%. (See the website of Kameman Sake Brewing Company)
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Color: pale yellow with a slight greenish hue Scent : I'm sorry for my lack of study. I've smelled this scent somewhere before, but it's clearly "this! I can't find an expression for it. The last one I squeezed out was "A hint of Worcestershire sauce! I'll come back (-_-) Palate: Very little sweetness. Light acidity, then bitterness and piquancy. [Addendum] When I looked online, I saw a lot of mentions of "warmed up" as a recommendation, so I went right ahead. I raised the temperature to about 60 degrees Celsius and enjoyed the other drinks first. In the meantime, I cooled it down to about 50 degrees Celsius, and it tasted more tingly than when I drank it cold. The spiciness is softened to a pleasant taste. The aroma is definitely not "Worcestershire sauce"! But I still don't know what it is. I still have plenty left, so I'll find out my own answers before they're gone.
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Color: pale yellow with a slight greenish tinge Scent : Fresh lemon scent Taste: My favorite Shibotan Shuzo Sake Brewery. In addition to the sake brewing, we bought this on impulse at the label "Limited edition". In addition to the original dry taste, it has a refreshing sourness with a hint of lemon not only in the aroma but also in the taste. I was very satisfied with the refreshing taste that didn't make me feel the high alcohol content of the sake.
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ちょっと今日は遊び心を含めた晩酌に。 馬鹿貝(青柳)の干物を頂いたので、ネットで見てやりたかったことにチャレンジ! 残りわずかだった『石鎚 夏純米』に半日漬けて炙ってみると、見事なまでに半生?と思うほど柔らかに。 お酒にはひれ酒を思わせるような香りが移っていて、美味しく頂きました🍶 たまにはこんな楽しみかたもいいかも。
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色 : 微かに黄色に色づいている 香り : 梨っぽい感じの香りがほんのりと 味わい : 良くも悪くも、ほとんどクセを感じない。 甘味や酸味をほとんど感じることなく、最後にピリッとした辛味が残るも嫌な感じはしない。 コッテリした料理を口にした後でもスッキリと洗い流してくれるかも? 料理の邪魔をしないお酒なのかな? まだまだ修行が足りません💦 【詳細】 アルコール度数 : 15度 日本酒度 : +4.5 酸度 : 1.3 アミノ酸 : 1.0 使用米 : 玉栄、玉栄 好適米 精米歩合 : 75% 酵母 : きょうかい901号、きょうかい1901号 酒母 : 速醸 (『日本名門酒会』HP参照 )
Shichihon'yari生酛純米 生酒純米生酛生酒
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Color: light yellowish Scent: apple scent faintly Taste: Light sweet and sour, then pungent and bitter. Or is it just the alcohol? and I feel like it disappears nicely, leaving a pleasant pungency. Lately, I've been enjoying and loving the sake of raw sake 💕 [Details] Alcohol content : 16%. Sake degree : +4 Acidity : 2.4 Raw rice : Tamayo Rice polishing ratio : 60%. Yeast : No. 7 yeast ("OMI's Local Sake: HASHIMOTOYA" website) [Addendum] Monday, June 29, 2020 Two weeks after opening the bottle, I warmed up the remaining cup. At around 50 degrees Celsius, the lemon-like acidity stands out clearly and has a tangy, piquant flavor. When the temperature is lowered to about 40 degrees Celsius, the sourness is softened and the sweetness of the rice is more pronounced. I still think I like it warmed up.
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色:ほんのり黄色味がかっている 香り:柔らかなフルーツ香 味:メロンのような香りが抜け、軽めの甘味と酸味が口の中にふわっと広がった後にスッと消えていく。 【詳細】 アルコール度数 : 16度 日本酒度 : +5.0 酸度 : 1.7 使用米 : 愛媛県産しずく媛 100% 精米歩合 : 60% 酵母 : 蔵内自家培養酵母 (『石鎚酒造株式会社』HP参照 )