かっしーSukigokoro純米Suto ShuzoEhime11/16/2024, 10:10:50 AM11/16/2024外飲み部2かっしーIt has a crisp, clean sweetness from the palate, yet it is still sweet and easy to drink. Suitable for a mid-meal drink. (Forgot the photo: ......Japanese>English
よっちSukigokoro純米吟醸生酒Suto ShuzoEhime10/5/2024, 4:32:27 AM9/22/2024酒と肴 シンメ外飲み部41よっちAt Simme, Kanda Sukigokoro (壽喜心) Kanji with three sevens, meaning "joy". FruityJapanese>English
nanaSukigokoro純米吟醸にごり酒Suto ShuzoEhime8/1/2024, 5:55:29 PM11nanaRarely drink turbid wine, but surprisingly smooth!Chinese>English
TAKUYASukigokoro喜純米Suto ShuzoEhime3/31/2024, 11:49:27 AM11TAKUYAMatsuyama Mitsui Junmai. It is soft to the touch and crisp and dry.Japanese>English