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アルコールの中では日本酒が一番のお気に入り。自分の中ではずっと淡麗辛口のお酒を好きだと思っていました。ある時、フルーティな日本酒の美味しさに気づき、自分が本当に好きな日本酒はどんなものかを知りたくなり、毎週末同じグラスで色々なお酒を楽しんでいます♫ あくまで個人の主観でコメントしています。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Shisora純米吟醸 ストロベリーラベル
Shisora Check-in 1
Shisora Check-in 2Shisora Check-in 3
Almost every weekend, I go to a liquor store and select a bottle of sake that interests me at the time and enjoy drinking it at home 😁. Sometimes I'm in the mood to try a sake I've never had before, and other times I feel like I don't want to miss out today. Purple Space is one of the sakes I choose when I am in such a mood. It has a sweet fruity aroma like red melon, grapes, and strawberries, and a mildly fermented aroma like yogurt. The mouthfeel is sweet and moderately acidic, and while juicy, it also has a strong sense of bitterness and umami. The overall flavor is dark, and perhaps because it is fire-aged, the freshness of the flavor is subdued. It is a well-balanced and delicious sake. Thank you for the sake!
Hi Zuoton 😃 I go to the liquor store every weekend! It's good to be able to choose according to your mood 🤗we tend to buy in bulk 😅but with one bottle, we examine it more carefully 😄Mr. Purple Space! We need to drink our second bottle soon too 😆.
Jay & Nobii, good evening 😊I enjoy just looking at the labels on the four-packs of bottles in the liquor store fridge, but I get excited when I see one I didn't expect 😆.
kamosu mori純米吟醸 生酒
kamosu mori Check-in 1kamosu mori Check-in 2
kamosu mori Check-in 3kamosu mori Check-in 4
I have seen this brewed forest in your posts recently. I was attracted to it by the comment on the liquor store's pop-up that it has a sweet fruity aroma like pear or lychee with a crisp aftertaste😍. In addition to the fruity aroma, I got a woody citrusy scent like grapefruit and a little graininess. The taste is juicy with a pungent fizziness, and the palate is juicy and tart, with a bitter, crisp aftertaste. It is not too sweet, but it has a refreshing taste that suits this season and is delicious 😊Thanks for the treat!
Kamonishiki純米大吟醸 荷札酒 播州愛山
Kamonishiki Check-in 1
Kamonishiki Check-in 2Kamonishiki Check-in 3
I started checking in last year, mainly for drinking at home, and finally reached 100! The Omachi-brewed Kafuda-shu I had a while ago was quite good, and now I was so excited to find the Aizan x Kafuda-shu that I bought it on the spur of the moment. I was so excited to find the Aizan x Shippuda-shu that I bought it with great enthusiasm. The Aizan version is still fruity, with a juicy and gorgeous aroma of ripe red melon, strawberry syrup, and pineapple, a little stronger than the Omachi, and a yogurt-like aroma. Like Omachi, the overall flavor is strong. The sweetness is strong, the acidity is moderate, and there is a bit of umami and bitterness, as well as a sense of effervescence. The balance of the sake is as always exquisite, and the low alcohol content makes it a delicious sake that is easy to drink. Thank you very much!
Congratulations on 100✅🎉🎉 Keep up the good work! Let's drink well and have fun 😆👍 If you have any great 💓 sake 🍶 information Please let me know first 😆🍶✨✨.
熊谷 朋之
Hi, Zuoton! 😄 Congratulations on your 100 check-ins! 🎉🎉 It's great to achieve 100 while it's hard to increase the number of posts when you are mainly drinking at home! 👍 Kamo Nishiki is delicious!
Thank you, chika! I will continue to look forward to your posts and send them out myself 😄.
Hi Tomoyuki Kumagai! I've been wanting to comment for the drinks out, but I get drunk and forget 😅I was into purple space a while ago, and I think I'm going to get into packaged sake as well!
Hi Zuoton 😃 Congratulations on your 100 check-ins㊗️🎉Congratulations on your 🏷️ package 🍶I haven't been drinking lately, but it's delicious 🤗Let's continue to relax and enjoy drinking at home😚👋
Hi Jay & Nobby! Thank you 😁 We love to drink outside, but we also can't get enough of a good drink at home in a relaxed atmosphere 👍.
Zuoton, congratulations on ㊗️100CI🎊The ripe fruit looks absolutely delicious🤤You got a good one for your shipment tag😏.
Thank you, Kotori! I'm sure you're right about the 😄baggage tags 😋.
Zuoton, congratulations on your 100 check-ins 👏 All of your luggage tags are delicious.
Thank you very much, Gallus! It was a strike for me, as I prefer drinks that are sweet, well balanced throughout and not too fruity 😁.
Zuoton, congratulations on your 100 check-ins: ㊗️🎊 All the packaged liquors have a high degree of perfection 😄. When I see a variety I've never seen before, I can't help but buy it 🤣.
Thank you, Hiro! It's a stable taste 👏.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thanks again, Zuoton👍. Congratulations on your 100 check-ins 🎉. I haven't had a bottle of sake for a long time, but it looks delicious 😋.
Congratulations to Zuoton for 100 check-ins: ㊗️ While I'm mainly a home drinker and can't increase my check-ins, 100 CI is great! I was drooling when I saw your comment 🤤. Have a great sake life 🍶!
Zuoton-san, congratulations on your 100 check-ins 🎉🎊! Kiri number with Banshu Aizan on the packet tag, looks very delicious 👍✨I haven't had Aizan yet, so I want to taste it!
Congratulations on your 100 check-ins, Zuoton 🎉! All the packing tags are delicious 😋The way you convey the flavors is rich, clear and delicious 😆.
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo! Thank you very much! I really liked the sake 😄.
Good evening, Aladdin! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you commented that I drooled 😁 Keep enjoying your delicious drinks 🍶.
Good evening, Pon-chan! Thank you very much! I've recently started to realize that I prefer Omachi and Aizan 😅Please try Aizan if you have a chance 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Menshu King! Thank you 😁I wonder if all the kafuda sake is junmai daiginjo? It seems like there are many different types of sake brewed with different rice, so it would be fun to compare them 😋.
Good evening, Zuoton 🌛. Congratulations on your 100th check-in 🎉! I have been wanting to drink it for a long time since I drank it before 😁.
Hi Gyve, good evening! Thank you for your comment 😁I see a lot of packaged sake in your posts, and I agree, it's delicious...next time you drink it after a while, please let me know what you think 😊.
Tenbi純米大吟醸 赤磐雄町
Tenbi Check-in 1
Tenbi Check-in 2Tenbi Check-in 3
I remember drinking a white label Tenbi about 2 years ago and liked it because of its sweet taste. The aroma is sweet fruity like grapes and fermented like yogurt, the acidity is a little strong, sweetness and umami are also strong, and there is a little bit of bitterness. The overall flavor was strong and balanced, which I personally prefer😄It was also a bit fizzy, giving it a grape-flavored carbonated beverage vibe. Thanks for the treat!
Niseko純米吟醸 彗星
Niseko Check-in 1
Niseko Check-in 2Niseko Check-in 3
Niseko Brewery seems to brew sake using rice produced in Hokkaido. The sake we were served this time also seems to be brewed using Hokkaido's "Comet" rice, which is suitable for sake brewing. It has a fruity aroma reminiscent of white wine, muscatel, and banana, with a hint of grain. The taste was slightly sweet, with a little sourness and umami, and a slightly stronger alcohol taste. Overall, the taste was refreshing. It was a treat.
Yamawaわしが國 ひやし吟醸 生貯蔵酒
Yamawa Check-in 1Yamawa Check-in 2
Yamawa Check-in 3Yamawa Check-in 4
I visited the brewery, Yamawa Shuzo. The brewery does not sell Yamawa, but only a locally distributed brand, Washigakuni. I purchased a cool looking fresh stored sake type Hiyashi Ginjo. Along with a cool, refreshing aroma like that of ramune or melon, it had a fermented taste like yogurt and a slight grain aroma. The taste was less sweet and more dry than the Junmai Daiginjo we had previously tasted, giving it a refreshing impression as a summer sake. The acidity and umami were also moderate, especially in the latter half, and it was a delicious sake with a good balance as always 😄. Thank you very much!
Ichinokura純米吟醸 プリンセス・ミチコ
Ichinokura Check-in 1
Ichinokura Check-in 2Ichinokura Check-in 3
In connection with "Princess Michiko," we will compare it with "Yokoyama" from the previous check-in. The flower yeast "Tokyo University of Agriculture rose yeast PM-1" isolated from "Princess Michiko" is currently licensed for use by only 12 breweries in Japan. Perhaps because it is brewed with the same yeast, the aroma is fruity and gorgeous, with a pineapple-like flavor, but the taste is dry and refreshing. The Yokoyama is to be enjoyed for its flavor as it is, while the Ichinokura is to be enjoyed with food. Both are delicious sake. Thank you very much!
Yokoyama純米大吟醸 Princess Michiko
Yokoyama Check-in 1
Yokoyama Check-in 2Yokoyama Check-in 3
Princess Michiko was presented by Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom to the current Empress JoOusama, then Crown Princess Michiko, and is said to be a rose with very beautiful contrasting green leaves and reddish-orange petals. This sake seems to be brewed using PM-1, a yeast successfully isolated from the flower by Tokyo University of Agriculture. Both the label and the box have a very elegant design. As for the flavor, the aroma is exactly like pineapple juice! It is fruity, sweet, and juicy. The sourness and a little bitterness in the latter half of the flavor give the impression of a tightening of the overall taste. Pineapple liquor reminds me of Chinese white wine, and to be honest, I have never been a fan of pineapple liquor, but this liquor has a soft pineapple aroma and is very easy to drink and delicious 😄Thank you for the treat!
Kamonishiki荷札酒 備前雄町 純米大吟醸
Kamonishiki Check-in 1Kamonishiki Check-in 2
I originally had the impression that many sake brewed with Omachi suited my taste, but I was attracted by the combination of kafuda-shu + Omachi, which I had once wanted to try, and did not hesitate to purchase it. The fruity and juicy aroma of melon, pineapple, and strawberry, and the sweetness that goes with it make it very easy to drink. I felt a little bitterness and umami, the acidity was weak and very well balanced, and I really liked the slightly fizzy and slightly rich flavor typical of Omachi 😁. Thanks for the treat!
Good evening, Zuoton-san. I've always loved Omachi sake rice too, so when I saw your post, I wanted to drink it 🎵. Your post looks really delicious and I'm drooling 😁✨✨.
Good evening, ma-ki-! I highly recommend this. Please try it!
Gakki MasamuneFuzzy Green 本醸造
Gakki Masamune Check-in 1Gakki Masamune Check-in 2
Gakki Masamune Check-in 3Gakki Masamune Check-in 4
It's been a long time since I've had an instrument Masamune. This time with Aruzoe. (Don't tell me I bought it by mistake with Bizen Oumachi of the same Fuzzy Green... 😅) I got a sweet green aroma like melon sherbet and a little grain aroma. Overall, the aroma is clean and refreshing. When I drank it, it was juicy, with a sweet fruity aroma like a little banana, a sweet mouthfeel, mild acidity, and a little bit of umami and bitterness in the second half. It was a delicious sake that was very smooth and easy to drink. Thank you very much!
abe純米吟醸 Vol.2
abe Check-in 1
abe Check-in 2abe Check-in 3
Abbe, this is my first time. It has a slightly tangy, fizzy, sweet fruity aroma of muscat, pear, and cotton candy, with a good balance of sweetness and acidity~. It was a delicious and very easy to drink sake, with just the right amount of umami and bitterness, and a light low-alcoholic flavor that made it easy to drink Swiss-style. It was a treat!
Hi Zuoton 😃 Congratulations on your first abechan ㊗️ 🎉! It's delicious with sweet ⚖️ acid 🤗 Please enjoy the other abechan 👋
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I've been into Purple Space lately, and actually I've been curious about Abechan as well, and I happened to find it and bought it immediately ☺️ It's delicious too... another one of my favorite drinks 😆.
Shisora純米吟醸 波ラベル
Shisora Check-in 1
Shisora Check-in 2Shisora Check-in 3
This is the ninth bottle of Purple Space I have had in total since I started drinking it last year. The aroma is fruity, juicy, and sweet like red-fleshed melon, pineapple, and strawberry, with a hint of yogurt, gently fragrant. The mouthfeel was a little drier than other sakes in the series, with a lighter, less juicy flavor. This may be due to the fact that it is a summer sake. I really like the sweet and juicy flavor of Murasaki Uchu, but this was also a delicious, refreshing and easy-to-drink sake that is perfect for the coming season. I look forward to the various faces in each series and look forward to each time it comes out. Thank you very much for your hospitality.
Chiebijin備前雄町 特別純米生
Chiebijin Check-in 1
Chiebijin Check-in 2Chiebijin Check-in 3
This is the first time I have had this sake from Oita! It is a well-balanced sake with a sweet juicy fruitiness like apple and red flesh melon on the nose, and a taste that is sweet to drink, with a good acidity and a slight bitterness. It has a rich flavor, as is typical of Omachi, and I personally liked it very much! It was a treat!
Hiroki純米吟醸 磨き五割五分
Hiroki Check-in 1Hiroki Check-in 2
I purchased it along with Hime-Nadeshiko when I visited Shiwa Sake Brewery. The aroma is subdued, with a hint of grain aroma, and has the atmosphere of a traditional sake. The taste is refreshing with a good balance of umami and acidity. The water used by Shiwa Shuzo is said to be soft and non-habit forming water, which gives Hiroki a dry but soft taste. We had it chilled, but it would also be delicious heated up, and it was a delicious sake as a food sake that would not interfere with food! Thank you for the sake!
Hiroki純米大吟醸生酒 姫なでしこ
Hiroki Check-in 1
Hiroki Check-in 2Hiroki Check-in 3
We visited the Shiwa Sake Brewery, which brews Shiwa Sake. Although they do not make sake at this time of the year, they showed us their brewery and gave us a detailed explanation. We were very impressed by the earnest and simple personality of the owner. He told us that he has been receiving a lot of inquiries about Murasaki Sake recently, so he does not keep any stock of it in the brewery. I have had many brands of Murasakiu, but this is the first time for me to try Hiroki. I was told that while Murasakyu is brewed in a fast brewing process, Hiroki is made using a method called "sanki kokyu kyo yeast. Hiroki is named after Kiheiji Hirota, the founder of the brewery, with the aim of creating a sake that will be appreciated by a wide range of people. This Hime-Nadeshiko has a light fruity aroma of strawberries and pineapple, with a sweet mouthfeel and a good amount of acidity. It was a delicious sake that was very easy to drink, with a slight woody aroma passing through the nose as you drank it! Thank you for the treat!
Masaaki Sapporo
Zuoton-san konban-ha(o´ω`o)no~~ I see you are at Shiwa Sake Brewery😊. I thought Hiroki tended to be dry, but Hime Nadeshiko looks easy to drink🎶. You can buy Shiwa at a liquor store near you: ☺️
Masaaki Sapporo, if you like dry too, by all means 😊.
Good morning, Eririn. I heard that Hime-Nadeshiko is brewed with flower yeast. It was easy to drink!
SaraSara the starry night Vesper
Sara Check-in 1Sara Check-in 2
Sara Check-in 3Sara Check-in 4
I had been interested in this brand for a while. The bottle is beautiful and very cool looking. The aroma is a light flavor with a sweet fermentation like yogurt, fresh aroma of fruits like muscat, and a bit of woodiness, and the sweetness and sourness, especially the acidity, give the impression of tightening the whole flavor in the latter half. The concept of this sake is "the harmony of the three elements of aroma, sweetness, and acidity," and it was exactly as delicious as the concept. It was a delicious sake, just as the concept says. Thank you very much for the meal!
Ryutofusho Check-in 1Ryutofusho Check-in 2
Ryutofusho Check-in 3Ryutofusho Check-in 4
A junior colleague, with whom I am usually on good terms, gave me this sake and told me to try it because it was delicious. This is the first time I have seen this sake. The brewer, Shiroku Shuzo, seems to have Kyo Hina as a representative brand. Although the brand name is registered at Sakegawa, it is a brand that has not been checked in by everyone. Is this a limited edition sake? A PB in collaboration with a liquor store? It has a fermented sweet aroma like calpis or yogurt, and a faintly sweet fruity aroma like pear or apple. The taste is a bit spicy, but the umami of the rice is also well developed and the acidity is well balanced. It is easy to drink and is a very tasty sake that is even better when paired with a meal. I am grateful to my junior colleague who introduced it to me. Thank you very much!
Okunokami純米吟醸 無調整生 雄町
Okunokami Check-in 1Okunokami Check-in 2
Okunokami Check-in 3Okunokami Check-in 4
I was secretly curious about Yamori in your post. I see that it is a sake from Tokyo. While reflecting on the fact that I have been biased toward sake from the Tohoku region, I am going to try sake from other regions and loosely aim to conquer all 47 prefectures of Japan. The Yamori is a very easy to drink sake with a fruity aroma of today. In addition to the fruity aroma of melon and strawberry, it has a moderate aroma of yogurt and grains. The taste of the sake was delicious, with a strong rice flavor, a slightly sweet mouthfeel, and a strong acidity in the latter half. Thank you very much!
Shisora純米吟醸 朝顔ラベル
Shisora Check-in 1
Shisora Check-in 2Shisora Check-in 3
I almost missed it because it was not on the website of the brewer, Shiwa Shuzo. I happened to see it at a liquor store I frequent recently and bought it. It had a sweet aroma like cotton candy, apple or pear, a little graininess, and a lighter flavor with less fruity, sweet, and juicy notes than the rest of the series. In addition to the sweetness, the balance of sourness, bitterness, and umami is as good as ever, giving the impression that it has been carefully brewed. It is still delicious! Thank you very much!
Ishizuchi純米吟醸 春の酒
Ishizuchi Check-in 1
Ishizuchi Check-in 2Ishizuchi Check-in 3
It has a fresh and fruity ginjo aroma like melon and apple, and a fermented aroma like yogurt that is not too strong. The mouthfeel is dry, and the acidity and umami are well balanced. It was a refreshing and easy-to-drink sake with a smooth and smooth mouthfeel. Thank you for the sake!