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ずっとスーパーで買えるような日本酒を飲んでいましたが、去年日本酒専門店に行き、色々な日本酒があるのだと知りドハマり(^_^) 手始めに獺祭を総ナメにしたあと、さけのわに登録して現在色々模索中です。 皆さんのレビューを参考にさせてもらっています。

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Nabeshima純米吟醸 Purple Label 山田錦 生酒
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Nabeshima Junmai Ginjo Purple Label Yamadanishiki Nama Sake was served. The aroma was like muscat, and it overflowed from the glass. I love this aroma 🎵. In the mouth, the sweet juiciness fills the mouth and finishes with a tangy, slightly effervescent sensation. Mmmm, this is delicious! Of the regular Nabeshima series, I definitely prefer the Purple Label Nama Sake, which has a strong umami flavor but a clean and refreshing taste 😊😊. The new "Nama Sake" seal is cool too👍.
Natsukomonogatari純米吟醸 生貯蔵酒
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This is the 4th bottle of Uchi drinking. This is the sake brought by my colleague😊. We had a bottle of Natsuko Monogatari Junmai Ginjo Namaisouzakashu. The aroma is mild. The taste is right in the middle of sweet and spicy, with a fluffy sweetness that switches to dryness before running out. It is delicious! I have the impression that Niigata sakes in general are suited for food sake and are dry 😊 Of course, that is a good thing👍.
Bakuren超辛口吟醸 白ばくれん 山田穂
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This is the third bottle for our drinking party. We had a bottle of Shirobakuren Shirobakuren Yamadaho, a super-harsh ginjo. As it is called "super-harakuchi," it has a refreshingly dry taste and goes down your throat without any unpleasant taste. Mmmm, this is also delicious😊. As expected of a dry sake, it was perfect for a mid-meal drink 👍👍👍.
Fudo無濾過 雄町おりがらみ 純米吟醸生原酒
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This is the second bottle of Uchi drinking. We had a bottle of Fudo Unfiltered Omachi Ooragarami Junmai Ginjyo Nama Genjyo. The aroma is very fruity and gorgeous👍. In the mouth, juicy sweetness with a touch of lactic acidity from the orihagara flavor comes through, but the slight bubbles give it a refreshing finish. It is delicious! The aroma, the sweetness, and the slight effervescence, all of which are typical of Fudo 👍.
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When I had a drinking party with my colleagues at our house the other day, one of my junior colleagues brought this to the party. I received a bottle of Hokusetsu YK35. It is a Daiginjo with 35% polished rice 😊. The aroma is a gentle but pleasant ginjo aroma. In the mouth, a full rice flavor spreads, and in the second half, the taste is transparent like a daiginjo, and it finishes cleanly. This is delicious! It is soft on the palate, but has a strong umami flavor. This was truly a delicious sake 😊.
Yokoyama Gojuよこやま SILVER 1814 純米吟醸生酒
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I found out that a liquor store near my office carries it and I'm a heavy drinker 😊. I got a bottle of Yokoyama SILVER 1814 Junmai Ginjo Nama Sake. I looked at it more closely and it was the first time I had ever had a nama-zake version of 1814 🎵. The nose has a sweet aroma reminiscent of muscat with a very gorgeous fragrance. In the mouth, the fruity, delicious sweetness fills the mouth, and the slight effervescence that is typical of new sake finishes off nicely. It is delicious! The slight bubbles and refreshing sweetness with a deep sweetness make it one of my favorites in terms of both aroma and taste. The SILVER series from Yokoyama is really delicious👍👍!
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This sake was given to me by a friend😊. We had the Hakkaisan Daiginjo. The aroma is mild. It has a slight sweetness with a slightly dry and crisp taste 😊. Mmmm, it's delicious 👍. The entrée is boiled snow crab that I couldn't finish during New Year's. It was the best match for the sweet and salty taste of the crab 😊😊😊. Hakkaisan! It is the perfect food wine.
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AKABU Junmai Ginjo NEWBORN was served. The nose has a sweet, apple-like ginjo aroma that fills the glass 😊. In the mouth, juicy sweetness spreads with a fruity overtone and a slight bitterness towards the end. The end of the bottle has a slight bitterness, but it finishes cleanly. It is still delicious! I drink this every year, and it is really good every year👍. I wish it were a little easier to buy, since the recent popularity of Akabu has increased and the seasonal ones are hard to find, these days.
Good evening, enoshima-san. Newbone is delicious ⤴️ I had the same one a while ago and was thrilled to meet a new delicious sake 😊.
Hi ma-ki-😊. NEWBORN is delicious 👍It's one of the things I look forward to every year ✌We are going to have Omachi and Aizan's NEWBORN in the near future, so I'm looking forward to it 😊.
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This is the sake I brought to a New Year's party at a friend's house last night. I had a bottle of YOKOYAMA SILVER10 Junmai Ginjo Nama Sake. The aroma on the nose is very pleasant, with a muscat-like ginjo aroma. In the mouth, it is just deliciously sweet, juicy, mellow, and my favorite flavor. I can't go wrong with the SILVER series from Yokoyama 👍.
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One of my friends brought this sake to a New Year's party at a friend's house last night. We had a bottle of Hakkaisan Junmai Daiginjo. The nose is gentle but has a melon-like ginjo aroma. In the mouth, it was slightly sweet, but flowed smoothly and cleanly in the mouth. Yes, it is indeed a Hakkaizan jun-dai! It is too perfect for a mealtime sake👍.
Koeigiku月影 無濾過生原酒
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Happy New Year 🎍! The first sake of the year was Koei Kiku 🎉🎉. We had Koei Kiku Tsukikage Unfiltered Nama Sake. The aroma is like green apples in the glass. In the mouth, the sweetness and acidity are quickly overwhelmed by the astringency that starts to appear in the mid-palate, giving the impression of a clean and refreshing sake. Yes, it is delicious! Sasuga Koei Kiku! The balance of sweetness, acidity, and astringency is good 😊The drink goes on and on with the Osechi as a side dish 🎵. Thank you all for your continued support this year!
Happy New Year, enoshima🎍! Thank you for all your help during the old year🍀. Koei chrysanthemum looks delicious 🎵. Delicious in the new year! is a great start ⤴️ I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇.
Happy New Year, enoshima-san 🎍New Year's greetings 🙇. I like the moonlight 🌙The flavor of the turtle's tail seems to go well with the festive seasoning! The 🦀🦀🦀 looks so delicious 😻
Happy New Year, enoshima 🌅! Sweet, tasty and sour ‼️ sounds like a good call for a backward 😆 You can't go wrong with a triple-flavored sake for festive 🍱 and crab 🦀😋. I look forward to working with you this year: 🙇🏻🙇🏻‍♀️
Happy New Year, ma-ki-san! The happiest time of the New Year is to enjoy a delicious Osechi with sake. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇.
Happy New Year, Pon-chan! The illegible Roman characters on the back label are "Kame-no-o", right? I noticed it when you mentioned it 💦You're right, I thought it had a strong flavor for a Koei chrysanthemum lol.
Happy New Year, Jay & Nobby! New Year's Day is all about osechi, crab and sake ✌ Well, I'm afraid of gaining weight 💦. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇🙇.
Toyobijin女神の冬の詩 純米大吟醸 生酒
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I stopped by a liquor store near my office and found a different brand of sake from the brewery that makes Toyo Bijin! I had a bottle of Goddess Winter Poem. The aroma was very pleasant, with a ginjo aroma reminiscent of apples. Oh, it smells so good 🎵. The fruity overtones and deep sweetness fill the mouth, with a slight astringency at the end and a lingering zingy finish. It's delicious! This is quite sweet 😊It is like a more fruity and sweeter version of the Toyo Bijin we had the other day. So easy to drink that I almost forgot it was sake lol. She was a goddess with a sweet tooth 😊.
Hi enoshima 😃 It's a bewitching label, but you actually have a big sweet tooth 😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😊 I bought it because it was from the Toyo Bijin brewery, but it was a much sweeter goddess than the Toyo Bijin lol...I like the feeling of drinking it by itself 👍
Good morning, enoshima! What a fascinating review for my sweet tooth 🎵. I would love to drink it 🤤.
Good evening, ma-ki- 😊. I like sweet sake too, but it's a bit sweet 👍. If you can find it 😊😊
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We received Kutouryuu Hareguchi Nama Sake. The aroma is not so strong, but it is a mixture of muscat-like aroma and a slight sake-like aroma. In the mouth, the rice flavor and rich sweetness come together and the bitterness starts to appear in the mid-palate, and the sweetness and bitterness slowly linger on the tongue. Yummmm, yummy! The overall aroma and taste are typical of Japanese sake, but the umami is very strong, probably due to the 65% rice polishing ratio 👍and the alcohol content is 18 degrees ❗. The umami sweetness is more pronounced than the Kuroryu Dorokuchi that I drank a long time ago, and I personally prefer this one 🎵😊. The entrée is dried saury 🐟 even though it's Christmas Eve today lol lol lol
enoshimaさん、こんばんは😃 『聖誕祭の前日』って書くと、九頭龍てサンマね干物がピッタリになりますね😁
Hi Jay & Nobby 😊. I wanted to make the drinks and entrée more Christmasy, but we didn't have that kind of stock... 💦 but it was good, so all is OK, lol.
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Then the second one 😊. I got the Ikegame Candy Blossam. The rice polishing ratio is 50%, so I guess that means it is a Daiginjo spec. It's very exciting 🎵. The aroma is mild and sweet. As the name implies, the mouth is filled with a combination of sourness and sweetness. It is delicious! The apricot-like flavor remained towards the end 😊. I would never have drunk it if I hadn't received it as a souvenir, but it was delicious! I still need more training lol.
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My boss at work gave me a set of two small bottles as a gift from his trip to Fukuoka 😊. This is the first time I've had this brewery 🎵 I got a bottle of Ikegame Junmai Sake. The aroma is mild. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a hint of aroma like a young melon, and the slight umami and sweetness will spread on your palate, and it will finish nicely. It is delicious! It is slightly dry and has a clear taste, perfect for a mid-meal drink ❗ Today's entrée of yellowtail radish and boiled snow crab are both a perfect match, and we drank it all immediately ✌. Of course, I'll drink it again next time!
Mutsuhassenヌーヴォーおりがらみ 特別純米 生
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We had a bottle of Mutsu Hachisen Nouveau Oragami Special Junmai Nama. It has been a long time since I have tasted Mutsu Hachisen, and this is my first time drinking this brand 🎵. Since it is an ogara-mi, it was first served without lees. The aroma is mild, with a hint of sourness. In the mouth, the sweetness is subdued, and the acidity and slight gassiness typical of new sake gives the impression of a dry sake that cuts through quickly. Then, it is followed by a touch of lees. The aroma is like a young melon with a hint of sourness, and the taste has a lactic sweetness and sourness that is increasing! Yes, delicious! It is not juicy and sweet like the usual Mutsu Hachisen, but rather fresh and acidic! It is quite easy to drink, and goes well with snacks, so be careful!
Hello enoshima 😃 Hachisen Nouveau! As you say, it's deliciously acidic, fresh and tasty 😋 and you're right that it goes down so smoothly 🤗.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😊. This was my first brand at Mutsu Hachisen and it did not disappoint 👍The new sake this time of year is really fresh and has too many of my favorite flavors 🎵.
Toyobijin醇道一途 限定 純米吟醸 直汲み生
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In the sake section of a well-known supermarket near my office, a banner for new sake caught my eye! I immediately grabbed this one, which was the last of its kind (lol). I had a bottle of Toyo Bijin Jyundo Ittou Limited Junmai Ginjo Nao Kumi Nama. The nose has a sweet, muscat-like ginjo aroma with a very gorgeous fragrance. I love this aroma, I love this aroma! In the mouth, the mellow sweetness fills the mouth, and the lingering aftertaste slowly and beautifully fades away. Mmmm, delicious! The fruity, dark sweetness fades out nicely at the end. However, I'm a sucker for the words "limited edition" and "directly pumped" 💦.
Kinoenemasamune酒々井の夜明け 純米大吟醸
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I got it again this year! I look forward to this one every year 😊. We had a bottle of Sakasui no Dawn Junmai Daiginjo. The aroma is a very gorgeous ginjo aroma with a hint of sweetness like ripe apples. This aroma is very exciting. In the mouth, a thick sweetness fills the palate, but without bitterness, and it finishes with a slight effervescence that is typical of new sake. It is still delicious! It is already too delicious! It is the undisputed winner 🎉🎉. Thank you for making it so well every year, even though the taste of new sake is sometimes unstable ❗❗❗ It's so good as a food sake, I can't stop eating sushi with it and sipping sake (lol).
HououbidenFLY HIGH 2nd~ミクマリ~純米大吟醸酒・生酒
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We had the Hououmida FLY HIGH 2nd - Mikumari - Junmai Daiginjo-shu, Nama-shu. When I turned the screw cap, it made a nice sound 😊and when I poured it into a glass, it bubbled up. It was like it was super gassy 🎵. The aroma of grape-like fruitiness that is typical of Hououmida fills the glass. In the mouth, the fruity sweetness like grapes typical of Hououmida and the gaseous feeling of shuwashuwa and chirichiri-shu spread out, and the taste is cut off with a slight astringency. This is delicious ❗❗❗❗ You have developed a seriously badass sake! The fruity, dark sweetness of Hououmida is refreshingly combined with the gaseous sensation, and it's delicious 😊😊😊It has a different taste from the wine cellar that is known for its shuwa shuwa, and I definitely prefer this one ♥. I should have drank it in a champagne glass in style~~ lol
Good evening, enoshima-san. Mikumari is delicious. ⤴️ I remember the shock when I got it ✨ I want to drink it again😊.
Good morning, ma-ki- 😊. I'm sorry I didn't notice your comment 💦. It's been a while since I've had a shocking one ❗ I'm sure I'll be back next year lol
Zarusohorai純米吟醸 Queen おいしい♥火入れ原酒
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It's a local, Kanagawa Prefecture sake 😊I've had it at izakaya, but this is the first time I've welcomed it to my home for drinking ✌. We had a bottle of Zanzou Hourai Junmai Ginjo Queen, a delicious ♥Hi-ire Hara-sake. The aroma on the nose is a mild ginjo aroma. In the mouth, it has an apple-like aroma and a moderate sweetness that fills the mouth, followed by a slight astringency and a lingering finish. Yes, it is delicious! The standing aroma is weak, but the aroma expands in the mouth and the moderate sweetness makes it a good mid-meal sake 😊. Maybe I should drink some more of the local prefectural sake...
Good morning, enoshima 😃 Zanso Hourai! I'd like to try it, but I haven't come across it at a liquor store yet 🥲I'll look for it next time I'm in Tokyo 🤔.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😊 I often see it in liquor stores in Kanagawa Prefecture, but I don't see it in other parts of Japan. Well, in Kanagawa Prefecture, we don't have that famous sake 😢I envy Northern Kanto and Tohoku 😊.