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It's a very rich sake, almost the opposite of Kurobekyo by Kokoku Shuzo, which I drank the other day even in the same prefecture of Toyama. But I like it. When I was drinking it at an izakaya (Japanese-style bar) in Toyama, a local told me that people who like Sanjoraku are perverts. It is the exact opposite of the fruity, light, refreshing, and easy-to-drink sake that is so popular these days. It's great. LOL! It has a gutsy taste with a gentle and soft lactic acidity typical of Yamahai, and there is no strange lingering taste on the tongue. However, it has a long aftertaste, and although there is a slight bitterness, it may be the reverse of the umami of the original sake. There is a fruity aroma typical of nama-shu, and even though it is 65% polished rice, I picked up a slight apple aroma. Is it from the yeast? I am not sure and am somewhat confused. Hinoki, apple, muscat, white peach, melon, cooked rice, cream, lime. Slightly mushroom.
Maboroshinotaki雄山錦 純米大吟醸 雫酒純米大吟醸生酒
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It has a deliciously mellow flavor that reminds one of a Toyama sake, with a low acidity and a nice sharpness. It has a complex aroma of fruit and flowers, which makes you think it is a Junmai Daiginjo. White peach, melon, muscat, white dumpling, green bamboo, acacia, and mushroom.
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It is probably one of the best sake for cosmetic purposes. The aroma is so rich that it is hard to believe that it is a fire-aged honjozo sake. I was again impressed by the balance of the No. 7 yeast. White peach, melon, freshly pounded rice cake, hinoki cypress, honeysuckle
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It is a pure rice that is typical of Yamada-Nishiki and has a good balance of firmness, umami, and sharpness despite its slightly high acidity. The aroma of cooked rice, which is typical of low-polished rice, is clear. Cooked rice, lime, Slightly white peach
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Low alcohol dessert sake. It's very sweet, but it's delicious when you consider it to be a dessert to end a full meal. Caramel, white peach, melon
Sharaku純米吟醸 赤磐雄町純米吟醸生酒
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It has a good balance between the floral aroma and rice flavor typical of nama-shu junmai ginjo, while retaining just the right amount of Omachi. As expected. I like the firmness of junmai omachi, but I think this is a typical Sharaku omachi. Green bamboo, acacia, Kamishinko, lime, and apricot.
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It doesn't say "Nama-shu" on the label, but I wonder if it is Nama-shu. It has a lot of fruitiness that is typical of nama-shu. I also like the firmness and riceiness typical of junmai. Muscat, white peach, melon, lime Cooked rice
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The unnatural and deliberate apple aroma, which is typical of cellulosic yeast, is the first thing that comes to my mind, and I don't like it. The bitterness is also strong and unbalanced... If the balance is like this in a draft sake, it would be more stable if it were hi-ire, as the unnaturalness of the yeast would settle down. This is the first locally brewed sake to appear in Hakodate in a long time, so I hope it will help boost the area.
Akebono有磯 純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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Firm and strong first impression typical of Toyama. Elegant sweetness and gentle acidity. The balance is rich and deep, with a long aftertaste. The discreet assertion of rice derived from Gohyakumangoku, the intense muscateliness derived from nama-shu, and the elegant sweet flavor from junmai-ginjo are in perfect harmony. Muscat, acacia, white bean dumplings, apricot pudding, green bamboo, lime
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It's a raw sake, but at 15%, it's not too heavy. The aroma of muscat and white peach, typical of nama-shu, is accompanied by the scent of junmai jyoshinko, and the aroma of sweet apricot curd is felt later. Muscat, white peach, joshin-doufu, apricot pudding, lime. Slightly green bamboo
Sakehitosuji生酛 純米吟醸純米吟醸生酛
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I bought it at a department store where the brewery was having a tasting event. It was 100% Omachi, although it was not clearly stated. The brewery is said to be the one that started the reintroduction of Omachi cultivation. The acidity is really clear, so I served it with fried oysters and tartar sauce. Even so, it has a solid taste of Omachi + Namo yeast that does not lose out. The acidity is very strong, like yogurt, but you can easily pick up the ginjo aroma if you are aware of it. However, the ginjo aroma is not strong and is slightly like banana and green bamboo. Although it is a junmai ginjo, it has won a gold medal for heated sake, so we tried heating it to lukewarm. The acidity from the sake's origins weakened and the sweetness of the junmai and the omachi flavor came to the fore. The ginjo aroma has completely disappeared. The bitterness has also appeared, so it would be better to warm it up to very lukewarm. In conclusion, it would be well-balanced to drink it at around 12 degrees. Yogurt, white bean dumplings, mushrooms, hinoki cypress banana, green bamboo
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Sake with a robust rice flavor typical of Hyogo. The extremely pure rice-like rice flavor and the lactic acidity derived from Yamahai are well balanced, and while the taste is firm, it has a dessert-like sensuality that makes it easy to drink. There is almost no fruity aroma derived from the popular yeast, but a soft and fluffy sweetness like that of white dumplings or apricot bean curd. The acidity is moderate, but the flavor has a core, so it can be paired with umami-rich snacks. However, if you enjoy it with appetizers with strong lactic acidity such as rice-bran paste, tofu, or cheese before a meal, you will be able to get drunk even more comfortably. It would be an overstatement to say that this sake embodies the orthodox evolution of traditional sake, but I would like to give it that much praise. Apricot pudding, white bean dumplings, mushrooms Lime, Hinoki (Japanese cypress)
Mimurosugi蔵出し限定酒 純米吟醸 山田錦 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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The aroma of Yamadanishiki is clear and easy to recognize, although I was too drunk to detect the fine aroma. I like that there is no deliberate ginjo aroma. I was impressed by the balance between the not-too-strong mouthfeel and the strong flavor, which is typical of low-alcohol sake breweries in Nara.
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Firm acidity. Junmai-like aroma of rice and fruity taste of nama-zake. The impression is that it is so robust that it will not be defeated even with strong food. Cooked rice, yogurt, muscat, lime
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Toyobai's summer sake, Mohawk Girl's Nama Sake. It has a youthfulness that is typical of nama-shu. It has a rich fruity aroma but a strong flavor. There is no complex aroma, but the muscat aroma, which is simple and easy to pick up, stands out. Muscat, apricot. Slightly lime, fresh green
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Although it does not have a specific name, the first impression is of a full rice flavor and sweetness. The soft sweetness is followed by a light aftertaste that quickly fades away, which is typical of Niigata. Cooked rice, lime, cypress, mushrooms Slightly white peach and melon
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The first impression is of mellowness typical of junmai, with a full-bodied sweetness and richness. The acidity is low. Despite its robust flavor, the lingering aftertaste is crisp and clean, which is typical of Niigata. Almond tofu, cooked rice, lychee, white peach Lime, Hinoki cypress Compared to Uonuma Junmai Tanrei Sharakuchi from the same brewery, the taste is in the same direction, but this one is more robust. It has such a fruity aroma at 70% polished rice and kept at room temperature. It is by far better than "Kozen Josui"! That is my honest impression. It is sold only in the Uonuma area for 980 yen. I envy the people of Uonuma who can make this their everyday sake 😳.
帝松虎の巻 黒純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
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My first impression was a harsh alcohol smell that rides on the tongue like a pungent odor, not unlike that of a Junmai Daiginjo. Too bad. Saitama is a hidden sake brewery, but I have not been able to find a sake that suits my taste. The aroma is softly ginjo, but it is strange that I cannot pick up any fruity aroma on the palate. It may be the Daiginjo-esque lactic acidity that is typical of Junmai, with hints of white bean dumplings and apricot jelly. Shiratama dango, apricot jelly, lime Faintly green bamboo
Uonuma淡麗辛口 純米純米
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It is a light, dry Niigata-style sake with low acidity and a clean aftertaste, but it has a surprisingly rich balance that gives it a solid feel. It is interesting in a good sense that it is made by the Shirotaki Sake Brewery, but it is not like water. Freshly pounded rice cake, fresh cream, and cypress Slight hints of white peach and muscat Compared to Shirotaki Junmai-shu from the same brewery, the taste is in the same direction, but this one is more refreshing.