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本当は一升瓶で買いたいのですが入る冷蔵庫がないのでいつも四合瓶、ゆっくりのんびり呑んでます。 日本酒は基本的に家飲みが多いです、外で飲んだ時は、酔っ払ってほぼほぼチェックインできておりません(*´ω`*) 更新頻度も高くないし、感想も素人、☆は個人的な備忘録なので色々気にしないで下さい。。。 ٩( 'ω' )و

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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(*'omega'*) Sweet! Sweet but tasty! Sake made from Hokkaido rice polished to 45%. It's so good! My first impression was sweet, but as I drank it, I could feel the sake. Hokkaido is not to be underestimated! The low acidity is to my liking. I forgot the price, but I think it wasn't expensive (vague). I'll keep it as my favorite sake. I was soaked in the warmth and had a glass of cold sake, thinking that Hokkaido must be cold this time of the year. Great! (I also like it warmed up. 4.0
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(**-`) First time in Shizuoka. I hope to win the national championship someday... The aroma of this Honorifuji sake was moderate and the mouthfeel was quite robust. Not bad, not bad at all, but it needs a little more. I'm too high-minded! (๑˃˃˃) (Oh, it's a matter of personal taste, so I'm sorry if anyone was offended.) But I have a stupid tongue, so when I get drunk, everything tastes good! I'm sorry if this offends you. I have such a stupid tongue that I have a preconceived notion that just because it's jungin, it tastes good. ☆3.5
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(**ω`*) Ho ho ho ho, this is a rather robust sake with a strong rice flavor. The aroma is moderate. It has a core that does not get in the way of the meal, making it a very good food sake. The Yokoyama I drank before was quite sweet, but even though it is the same SILVER, it is completely different. It is a very good sake to drink with a meal. Maybe this is good even when heated. I usually don't heat jungin sake, but for some reason I thought this might be good. I'll give it a try...oh, it was already empty... (I'll give it a try...Oh, it was already empty.) 3.8
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(๑˃˃˃) The first one of the new year is a crop, a crop. I also like its moderate acidity. When you put it in your mouth, you feel a gentle sweetness like pear, light in the mouthfeel, and after it goes down your throat, you can smell the fluffy ginjo aroma, no really, it is delicious! The Masa no Tomo is just delicious, no matter which label you choose. This NOUVEAU is a young version of MASA. It is too delicious! (But recently, the price of "Saku" has gone up a little bit. I will keep it in my fridge as a regular sake. I will keep it in my refrigerator as a reserve sake. 5 stars
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Unma! (Holy shit!) Another stable Ganki barrel, low acidity, full on Yamadanishiki sweetness, yummy! It tastes like a combination of pear-like fruity and banana-like sweetness. No, this is badass, I can't stop now! Aww! ε-(´´) The sake is delicious on its own, but today I enjoyed it with squid sashimi. It goes so well with squid sashimi. 4.5
Good evening, Mr. Wakteka. As you may already know... regarding the sake purchased in 1-sho bottles... I use two 4-gou bottles and one 2-gou version with a lid lockable with silicon material to divide the sake into smaller portions. I also enjoy the difference between cold sake and room temperature sake.
Thanks for the info, @Mashira no Yamasan! I still only looked at the bottle at the liquor store. I knew they are stored in a transfer! (I still enjoy the idea of enjoying the difference from room temperature, that's wonderful!
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(Holy crap, a stable southern beauty! Umay! Full aroma and rice sweetness. Juicy like a young melon with little acidity. The sweetness and aroma come from the 50% Yamada-Nishiki rice polishing ratio. Anyway, the taste is well-balanced. It is good with light flavors like tofu, but it is also good with nuts. d(Polish) 4.5 stars
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Epsilon muhahaha! Yum! Slightly effervescent, clean and refreshing! Some may feel it's not enough because it's light, but I like it. It is not so light that some people may feel it is not enough, but I like it. It seems that there is a collaboration with Hana-no-Kou and Senkou under the title of "Musha Shugyo" (?). I think there is also a collaboration(?) with Hana-no-Kou and Sentori. The rice seems to be Yamada-Nishiki, although the rice polishing ratio is not stated, so it is unknown. The rice seems to be Yamada-Nishiki, but even with Yamada-Nishiki, there is just a hint of sweetness, so it is not fruity, but rather clear and free of any other flavors. It is also fairly easy to drink due to its low acidity. It is very easy to drink. 3.7
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First sake in 3 months for a reason! It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! (It's so good!) Today we have Yamada-Nishiki Triple Star, which I bought before summer and finally had a chance to drink. It is a slightly higher strength (17%) because it is the original variety, but still, mmmm! Great! It's great! The aroma is soft and fluffy with little acidity. The aroma is soft and fluffy with little acidity, and the sweetness is full, which may be due in part to the Yamada-Nishiki. I could drink as much as I want. (๑˃˃˃˃)The three stars are black, the jet street attack of the black three stars, and I'm going to drink it with my favorite sake, Zakudomu! m(_ _ _)mNo, I'm sorry, I really don't understand. I'm just excited to drink sake for the first time in a long time. Please leave it as nonsense.
Mr. Wakiteka. Nice to meet you. I would really like to buy in single bottles, how do you store them?" We store our bottles off the shelves in our wine cellar so that we can stand them up. The humidity is well maintained.
Thanks for your comment, Suzuki. I knew it was a dedicated cellar! (≧∇≦)Hoshii! I often search for smaller refrigerators on Amazon. You're not going to buy one? I'm sorry.
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Today, I wanted to try a sake that I don't usually drink, so I chose a low-alcohol Junmai Ikuhashizukuri. This sake is 12% alcohol, which is very low alcohol and non-alcoholic (an exaggeration), and the rice is 90% polished rice. The aroma is moderate, light but the sweetness is firm. I guess low alcohol goes well with food. I drank it cold today, but if the rice polishing ratio is this high, it might be delicious hot. Well, it's too hot to heat it up, though. 3.8
Hello, Mr. Wakteka, nice to meet you. I found a refrigerator called "Reiko-San" at Rakuten. If you remove the dividing shelf inside, it can hold two bottles. I have been using it for 2 years and it has not broken down. For your reference.
samu, thanks for the info! I see that everyone uses a mini fridge. I see that everyone uses mini-fridges. It's a relief to have stock in the fridge, isn't it?
I love the thrill of gradually increasing my stock while keeping an eye on my wife~!
Thank you for your comment, samu! I have a tendency to increase my stock, and I can't keep up with the consumption.
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(I'm so excited! The lid flew off when I opened the bottle! It's fizzy & slightly sweet and soooo easy to drink! I love floral scents, so I opened it with high hopes, and I hit the jackpot! The alcohol content is low at 13 degrees, so you can go on and on. It's good enough on its own, but today it's too good to drink with fried tempura. 、、、、 I thought I shouldn't drink too much because it was a weekday, but I kept telling myself that it was okay because of the low alcohol content, and kept drinking more. (I'm going to drink some more.) It is a light, shwashy, slightly sweet sake without bitterness, and even those who do not usually drink sake or those who like champagne will definitely find it tasty. I'm so glad to have it again because I haven't seen it at the liquor store that used to carry Hana-no-Kou recently. (Translated by: ☆4.7
Good evening! I haven't had this drink yet! Seems to be very popular these days, I'll buy some next time!
Thank you for your comment, Red Rabbit. The secret of its popularity may be that it is low in alcohol content, so it is light to drink. Please try it! And I love the smell of flowers! (Holy shit!)
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(Holy shit, that's sharp! Kire! Yeah, sharp! It's the sweetness of Yamadanishiki, but with a kick! (persistent WW) The sweetness and slight bitterness spread in the mouth, and then quickly run their course, leaving no lingering taste in the throat. Since the label was spring-like, I imagined it tasted like a flower viewing (imho), but it was totally different. I can feel the strong sake flavor because of the slightly higher alcohol content. (**ω`*) Well, I am happy in a sense that I have a stupid tongue that feels whatever I drink is good. 3.8
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(Translated by: Mmmm, this is full-bodied. The aroma is also good. It is a sweet sake, but my stupid tongue has an impression that it is a little dry with a slight bitterness that comes afterwards. (It might be better not to use this as a reference.) When you put it in your mouth, you can smell the CEL24 yeast, and at the same time, you can feel the slightly viscous yet firm fullness, and as it goes down your throat, the mouthfeel is smooth and smooth. The slight fizziness may be due to the fact that it is freshly pressed. ☆3.5
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(*ω`*) Ooh, honey, this, juicy honey! But it's not bad. When it's exposed to the air for a little while, it loses its sweetness and retains the freshness of the raw liquor, making it a juicy honey that's moist and full of juice. Astringent like the thin skin of a nut and sweet like a peach. I like this one. (I'm not sure what to think of it, but I'm sure it's not the only one. 4.2 Stars
Emishikidot SAKE project純米大吟醸
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...*+. \(( °ω° ))/. :+Yum!!! It's a tweaky label, but it's yum! Aww! I wasn't expecting much since I bought the jacket (I'm really sorry), so I took a sip and was surprised by the gap. It's very juicy, and smells and tastes like you're biting into a very sweet apple. The acidity is a bit restrained, but it's really good! The alcohol content is low at 13 degrees, so I'm already drinking it. The rice polishing rate is 50%. I once saw a collaboration of the same dot project at Hassen, but I didn't buy it at the time, but I didn't realize how good it was. (I never thought it would be this good.) I've heard that it's recommended to use with curry bread, so I'll go to the bakery tomorrow and buy some. But I don't have garam masala at home, so I guess I'll try the rocks first. According to Okina-kun (the face on the label), it's a drink to find a pairing. Well, it's good, so whatever! 5.0 Stars
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(Holy crap, 37% rice polishing rate! It's a daiginjo, but the aroma is unexpectedly subdued, the taste is clean and light! You can feel the lightness and freshness of the vegetables. It's an elegant sake with a light and fresh vegetable flavor that goes down your throat quickly. It is better to drink it alone rather than with a meal. It is the best Shichiken I have ever had. (It's delicious! 3.9☆3.9
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Oh, is that your first registration? ( Pssst.) This is a Junmai Daiginjo from Amabuki Shuzo. It has a clear throat without any peculiarities, and is watery, in a good way. The aroma is full, the alcohol is low, the acidity is low, and it's easy to drink. The cost is quite good. I enjoyed it very much. (Translated by.) There are many famous breweries in the world that I don't know. I'm really feeling the depth of it, and I'm chipping away at it again today. (*´ω`*) 4.0
Zaku雅の智 中取り純米大吟醸
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(*´ω`*) Happy New Year! After much deliberation, I decided to open my first bottle of the new year. The label has changed, so I thought. As for the taste, it's the best as always, yes. It's fruity, but after it goes down your throat, the aroma of koji comes in softly, and it ends quietly. The same sake or the same type of sake can have a slightly different consistency if the time of year changes, but it's stable. Recently, there have been nouveau and kami-no-ho that are similar to Ganochi in terms of specifications, but personally, I think the best is Miyabi's Nakadori. Today I had it with New Year's dishes, but I prefer to enjoy it on its own. The bottle was empty before I realized it. (Holy shit!)
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The other day, a sake brewer came to the liquor store to sell Nanada, and I got a bottle of this. He said he was there to promote a limited edition new sake, so he was mainly introducing that, but I was interested in the Omachi, so I got the Omachi while looking at the new sake! (******) It's strong, yes, it's strong! Omachi dark! The image of Shichida is that it has a strong acidity, but the acidity in this one is restrained. I personally like this one better than the usual green-labeled Shichida. It's a matter of taste, yes. When you put it in your mouth, the sweetness of the Omachi comes first, and then the taste of the sake comes quickly, followed by a quick aroma, and finally a momentary bitterness. (Holy shit!) 4.2
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The first Kagoshima. Yes, yes, we already bought it just because of the location of the brewery... But, it's not so bad, this is so good! It's good! The first impression is refreshing, less sour and more sweet. The first impression is clear, with little acidity and a strong sweetness. Yes, it's like a dragon fruit with honey, light and sweet. The aroma is subdued, but the core sweetness of the rice stands out. 4.1 It's been getting colder and colder lately, so I thought it would be nice to have a hot sake for New Year's before Christmas.
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Mmmm, ho ho ho, well well well! (*ω`*) It's so good! I knew it, but it's so good! The ginjo scent that you can smell in your mouth is fluffy, and the specs seem to be the same as Ganochi, but it is a little younger and leaves a little spiciness in the aftertaste. My personal impression is that it is more refreshing than fruity compared to Ganochi's Nakadori. However, the fruitiness of the saku is still there, and it's very tasty...no, it's very good. The pungency gets a little stronger after a little while after opening the bottle, so it's a food-friendly saké that will refresh you after eating with a meal. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 4.5 Stars