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W純米無濾過原酒 生 愛山
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Then here it is. I didn't expect to find it around here, so I bought it immediately. The aroma is mild and not strong. However, the moment you put it in your mouth, the sweetness and umami explode 😅. It's not too strong, so it goes down easily and is easy to drink. It is very tasty.
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This is a new item. I bought it on my way out. It is a light cloudy color because of the origami. The aroma is sweet but not that strong. The taste is sweet and fruity, just like the aroma. It's not too strong, but it's not too strong. It is delicious 😋.
Oosakazukiマッチョ 山田錦80 生
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Great pressure on the label lol. It has a gaseous feel. When poured into a glass, it is shwashy. The aroma is like old-fashioned sake, and I thought it would be a classic taste, but when I put it in my mouth, it was full of umami and sweetness. The rice is polished to 80%, but there is no cloying taste and it is surprisingly refreshing. It is very tasty and I like it. I would like to try the other series! I'd like to try the others in the series too! My favorite sake rice: ❤️
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Numérosis again. It's really strange, or maybe it's just a matter of image, but it doesn't seem like sake, but it's definitely sake. Maybe it is because of the acidity, but it tastes like white wine. The store owner told me that the taste changes with time after the bottle is opened, so I will drink it again after about 3 days. If I can stand it...but it is delicious 😂.
HanaabiTHE MATCH 純米吟醸
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They said it was the last new sake of the year. On a personal note, I was actually hospitalized for almost a year and did not know about sake before. I started drinking sake after I was discharged from the hospital after being taught by a physical therapist who took care of me during my stay. She told me that she liked sake and that her favorite sake was Hana-yosu. Whenever I drink this sake, I remember him. Thank you so much for your help. This sake is the same as the Hanayoso, but I think it is more robust or thicker. It is very tasty and I like it. It's really tasty and I like it. I was on a roll, and in no time at all, bottle #4 was empty...
Good morning, Mee 😃. I'm sorry you had to stay in the hospital for a year 😓I didn't have such a long stay myself, but I have the feeling that the physical therapists helped me a lot 😌 I'm looking forward to meeting you at "Sake no Wa" 🤗.
Dear Jay & Nobby, Thank you for your comments. Hospitalization is tough, isn't it? We want to take care of our health and drink our favorite sake 🍶Please keep in touch with us at 🙇‍♂️
Denshu純米吟醸 百四拾(桜)
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It is spring from the label. The taste and aroma are gorgeous and fruity. The spring-like feeling makes me feel cheerful when I drink it. It's too hard to drink it so smoothly and it's empty in no time 😭.
Yamamotoうきうき 純米吟醸生酒
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Just the right amount. I like the aroma and taste very much. Not too sweet, not too gorgeous, not too bitter. Yamamoto-san likes it. I think it's like a sweet taste followed by a bitter taste that quickly disappears. I'm still disappointed at my lack of vocabulary 😂.
Bunpuku純米 搾りたて 生酒
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Color is pale yellow. The aroma is not strong but has a heavy alcohol smell. It may be a little too strong for me... When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the umami of the rice, but it has a strong lingering taste, and the alcohol is assertive in the middle of the taste. I was told to drink it chilled, but I think it should be served lukewarm. Sorry 🙏. I drank it again after a few days from the opening of the bottle, and it has become very easy to drink, and the taste is becoming similar to Shin Tsuchida. Next time I have a chance to drink it, I'll just open the bottle and drink it days later.
亀の海春うらら 純米吟醸 うすにごり 生
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It's insanely fruity from the aroma. Green apple-y and gorgeous. It is sweet with a hint of gas. But from the sweetness, there is a fairly strong alcohol taste. I'm not a fan of this strong alcohol feeling, but this is totally fine. This is amazing😍.
Chiyomusubi微発砲純米吟醸 しゅわっと空 生
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Mild aroma and sweet taste. It is very light and easy to drink as if it were low-alcohol. Even though it is sweet, it is not harsh and has a clean aftertaste. Very tasty 😋.
Isojiman特別本醸造 特選
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It is refreshing and easy to drink. It has a mild, mellow taste that is typical of Aruzoe. There is a bitterness in the aftertaste? If anything, it is rather dry. Maybe because of the name, it seems to go well with sashimi. It is delicious.
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I was wondering if it was too late in the season to get it, but then I found it nearby! The brewer of Higen was at the sake shop. I haven't had Higen for a long time, so I hope to drink it soon. I digress...this one is a very vigorous nigori. I almost exploded lol. I can't say enough about the taste and aroma! I like it so much. I don't have that much experience, but all the nigori this year are too good 🤤Machida-san, I recommend it 🥰.
Good evening, Mee🌆. I'm drinking this right now too 😋. It's delicious 😉.
#Thanks for your comment, Mizuhashi. It's so delicious. ‼️ Let's enjoy each other's company 😋.
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I still love Omachi: ❤️ I bought it at the brewery and couldn't resist opening a bottle! I think it's a good deal because you can enjoy the taste twice with the ogara-mi, which is a mixture of the top clearings and the top clearings. The taste is the same as usual. It has a crazy gorgeous aroma, sweetness and bitterness. The lingering taste is long and pleasant and happy 🤤.
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This is good~ ⁉️ I like it very much. The aroma is fruity and gassy, and the sweetness fills your mouth. The store owner said it was an adult melon soda, and that's exactly what it is 🥰I'd like to try different kinds of this one as well ❣️
BunrakuBunraku Reborn Blooming Cloud 特別純米生詰
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It is hard to buy Sairai, so I bought this one from the same storehouse. It has a weak citrus-like aroma. It tastes fruity and slightly sweet with a strong acidity. The aftertaste is citrusy and alcoholic. It is natural, but it is similar to Sairai. And I personally prefer that one. But it is also very tasty 🤤.
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It's very cold today, so I had it heated. I had it chilled before heating it up, and it was very refreshing yet full of flavor, and very tasty even when chilled. It is easy to drink heated, with no alcohol taste that makes you swallowed. It is delicious. Price: 1,200 yen without tax. Cospa😅.
Kanae特別純米限定酒 無濾過瓶火入れ生貯蔵
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Nagano sake. I bought it because it was recommended at a liquor store. What does it mean that it is fire-aged but stored fresh? Hard to say 😓. It tastes delicious. It is sweet and fruity. However, the aftertaste of alcohol might be a little bitter.
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This is the first time for me to buy this. I always wondered whether I should buy it or not when I buy hana-yosu, so I finally bought it. I read in other reviews that it is not sweet, but when poured into a glass, the aroma of Huayouyasumi is weak. When you put it in your mouth, it tastes more umami and bitterness than sweetness. It is certainly different from Hana-yosu. But there is no unpleasant alcohol taste, and it is a delicious and cost-effective food sake. As one would expect from a popular brewery.
Hanaabi純米吟醸おりがらみ 備前雄町 無濾過生原酒
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The next one is Hana-yoso, a Yumachi. I think the basic strain is the same, but the bitterness that lingers in the aftertaste is stronger in this one. I think this one has a stronger bitterness that lingers in the aftertaste. However, it is very tasty. I am not a believer in rare sake, but where I live, you can't get Shinsei or 14yo, so I am happy just to be able to drink Sogape or this one 🍶.
Hanaabi美山錦 純米大吟醸磨き四割 無濾過生原酒
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Oh, it is delicious. Very tasty. I honestly don't know the difference between the rice or anything, but this premium type has no cloying taste at all, the taste and aroma are punchy and the aftertaste is pleasant. I am really happy to be able to drink a variety 😊.