akebonoHakkaisan特別本醸造特別本醸造Hakkai JozoNiigata1/30/2025, 10:57:37 AM1/30/2025家飲み部24akebonoHakkaisan as before. Easy to drink and just right for eating.Japanese>English
akebonoHakkaisan清酒Hakkai JozoNiigata1/24/2025, 11:35:32 AM1/24/2025家飲み部27akebonoIt has a refreshing aftertaste. It tastes different if you warm it up to human skin.Japanese>English
akebonoKamikawataisetsu上川大雪酒造Hokkaido1/22/2025, 12:45:12 PM1/22/2025花の木サシ飲み部6akebonoI got a recommendation from the store. It was easy to drink!Japanese>English
akebonoToko純米吟醸原酒Kojima SohontenYamagata1/20/2025, 9:47:27 AM1/20/2025家飲み部21akebonoMy usual restaurant was occupied, so I relaxed at home. We had a relaxing and thick feeling.Japanese>English
akebonoDaishinshu番外品 生純米吟醸Daishinshu ShuzoNagano1/9/2025, 10:30:42 AM1/9/2025家飲み部28akebonoPurchased an extra item. It is fruity and tasty.Japanese>EnglishいちごあいすI bought it as a souvenir for myself when I went to Nagano. I am looking forward to drinking it.Japanese>English
akebonoAKABU純米赤武酒造Iwate1/5/2025, 12:00:19 PM1/5/2025家飲み部32akebonoWith homemade kombujime Fruitiness comes with a clean aftertaste.Japanese>English
akebonoMutsuhassenピンクラベル吟醸Hachinohe ShuzoAomori12/31/2024, 9:24:33 AM12/31/2024家飲み部24akebonoFor the end of the yearJapanese>English
akebonoDenshu特別純米Nishida ShuzotenAomori12/29/2024, 4:08:13 AM12/29/2024家飲み部32akebonoAs the first part of the year-end Refreshing aftertasteJapanese>English
akebonoTakachiyoしぼりたて生原酒おりがらみTakachiyo ShuzoNiigata12/22/2024, 5:47:02 AM12/22/2024家飲み部29akebonoThe first bottle in a while was Takachiyo (orikara). It is said to be green with a grapefruit image, so it is a refreshing drink.Japanese>English
akebono結芽の奏純米大吟醸Hanaharu ShuzoFukushima11/9/2024, 8:48:04 AM11/9/2024家飲み部18akebonoIt's been a while since I've settled down from work. Purchased at the Tohoku FairJapanese>English
akebonoTakachiyoチェリちよ生酒無濾過Takachiyo ShuzoNiigata9/21/2024, 10:13:19 AM9/21/2024家飲み部26akebonoPurchased at a nearby liquor store.Japanese>English
akebonoMansakunohanaかち割りまんさく吟醸Hinomaru JozoAkita8/31/2024, 1:16:52 PM8/31/2024家飲み部2akebonoI thought it might be the last of the season.Japanese>English