yamepiZarusohorai純米吟醸 山田錦 60Ooyatakashi ShuzoKanagawa7/3/2022, 8:40:48 AM16yamepiApple flavored, good sake!Japanese>English
yamepiJikon純米吟醸千本錦Kiyasho ShuzojoMie6/25/2022, 12:15:23 PM19yamepiFruity, but with a refreshing taste. As expected of JikinJapanese>English
yamepi羽田Toshimaya ShuzoTokyo5/14/2022, 6:01:04 AM5/14/202211yamepiI got it as a souvenir. It is a refreshing type.Japanese>English
yamepiMonsoonEmishikiShiga5/4/2022, 1:53:36 AM5/4/202217yamepiIt is quite sweet, as it is called "kijoshu" (noble sake). It can be drunk by itself. Personally, I like it.Japanese>English
yamepiHiran愛酒クリーム森酒造場Nagasaki5/1/2022, 10:22:34 AM19yamepiQuite sweet. It is more of a stand-alone drink than a food sake. Personally, I prefer it.Japanese>English
yamepiYoshidagura u石川門Yoshida ShuzotenIshikawa4/15/2022, 2:17:08 PM21yamepiIt has a well-balanced flavor with a luxurious feel. Delicious.Japanese>English
yamepiSenkinさくらせんきんTochigi4/3/2022, 5:53:02 AM22yamepiThe acidity of the Senkyo matches the gassiness from the fermentation, making a good match and tasting delicious.Japanese>English
yamepiSenkinモダン仙禽 無垢せんきんTochigi3/31/2022, 1:49:00 PM15yamepiIt is a modern subject, but it tastes more like a classic. It may be more classic than classic Sentori.Japanese>English
yamepiKoeigikuアナスタシアグリーンKoeigiku ShuzoSaga3/29/2022, 9:58:25 AM3/29/202218yamepiModerate acidity. Taste is quite rich.Japanese>English
yamepiDenshu特別純米酒Nishida ShuzotenAomori3/17/2022, 10:45:43 AM3/17/202220yamepiSake that is relatively sweet and well-balancedJapanese>English
yamepiGakki Masamune中取りOokidaikichi HontenFukushima2/25/2022, 3:43:06 PM23yamepiMelon-like taste. Moderate gassiness. Best of all, it's inexpensive!Japanese>English
yamepiMichizakura普通酒 R ClassMichizakura ShuzoHokkaido2/18/2022, 5:02:32 PM26yamepiIt has a gorgeous aroma, but the taste is rather protein, which makes for an interesting gap.Japanese>English
yamepiKaze no Mori秋津穂 657Yucho ShuzoNara2/16/2022, 9:48:10 AM20yamepiThis may not be the best of the Kaze no Mori. I guess I don't like the way it's woven.Japanese>English
yamepiTamagawa純米吟醸 手つけず原酒Kinoshita ShuzoKyoto2/10/2022, 12:13:44 PM2/10/202220yamepiThe moment you take a sip of this sake, you know it's Tamagawa-like. It's rough right after opening the package, but it's calmer and better when it sits.Japanese>English
yamepiAKABU純米吟醸 結の香赤武酒造Iwate2/4/2022, 10:27:45 AM20yamepiIt has the clean taste of Akatake and a deep fruity flavor. Delicious.Japanese>English
yamepiKaze no Mori秋津穂507Yucho ShuzoNara2/1/2022, 10:35:41 AM2/1/202214yamepiIt has a rare beer-like aroma. It's quite tasty.Japanese>English
yamepiKameizumi純米吟醸原酒 生酒cel-24Kameizumi ShuzoKochi1/25/2022, 1:00:39 PM1/25/202218yamepiVery fruity. Sweet and quite tasty.Japanese>English
yamepiMutsuhassen特別純米Hachinohe ShuzoAomori1/16/2022, 10:31:48 AM16yamepiIt is clean and refreshing, but has a sweet aftertaste.Japanese>English
yamepiYuki no Mayu (Kamosu Mori)純米大吟醸苗場酒造Niigata12/31/2021, 1:59:18 PM12/31/202123yamepiPretty sweet, but also sour, and quite tasty!Japanese>English