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2018年頃から、作をキッカケに日本酒にハマりました。 せっかく呑んだんだから、感想を記録したいなぁと思いました。 まだまだ日本酒初心者ですが、よろしくです。

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AkabuSNOW Xmas 2023純米生酒おりがらみ
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We opened the bottle on Christmas Eve 🎄🤶. The gasiness is very subtle 🤔. Sweetness and acidity 🤔 Very easy to drink🤔 Goes well with Caesar salad, chicken, and Christmas dishes 😋. In addition to being easy to drink, it's also an excellent food sake, so as a matter of course, I emptied the four-pack in an instant 😅.
Fusano Kankiku電照菊 山田錦50 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Next, the unfiltered raw sake 🍶. This one has a slight yellow tinge when poured 🤔. Sweetness is stronger than orikarami🤔. Honey-like sweetness🤔. Not to the level of Kijoshu, but quite sweet 🤔. Personally, I find it hard to match with a meal🤔. Once closed, I tried it with chocolate brownie that was my after-dinner dessert, personally, it's quite good with it 😋. I didn't expect such a difference in characteristics, so it was a worthwhile time to compare the different drinks 😋.
Nice to meet you! I know the honey-like sweetness 💕 I like to drink unfiltered raw when I'm tired and before bed 🥰.
Nice to meet you, na2 😊. I'm so glad you share my sentiments 😁. It is indeed an enchanting sweetness that relieves fatigue 😋.
Fusano Kankiku電照菊 山田錦50純米大吟醸原酒生酒おりがらみ発泡
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It's almost time to drink it, otherwise it'll be over the New Year, so here's a luxurious Denshogiku drinking comparison 🍶. First, the ogara-mi (ori-gara-mi). When you pour it into a glass, you can feel the gaseous sensation 😁. When you drink it, it has a nice slight effervescence that pleasantly stimulates the tongue and throat 🤔. Slightly white sour and refreshing sweetness 🤔. As I wrote before, it feels similar to Wind Forest 🤔. Very tasty 😋.
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December liquor stores are a treasure chest 🍶. It's been a while since I've had a Toyobai 😁. It's a little dry, but I also feel a hint of sweet and sourness like apple ❓❓🤔. And anyway, it's fresh ‼️ I have the impression that the sake comes into my mouth on its own because it's so young lol. I was so excited about it that I found myself emptying it in a day😅.
Hello, Tsunahachi 😃. Really! Liquor stores this time of year are a treasure chest ✨🤗there's so much sake to buy 😅. And Toyobai is delicious 😋 no wonder you're killing it 😁.
Hi Jay & Nobby... I'm having a hard time finding too many sakes to buy right now 😅. I went to buy only 3 kinds of modern SENKYO, but I found myself buying 3 different sakes including HOYOBAI instead of SENKYO😅.
Tedorigawaneo 2022純米大吟醸山廃原酒無濾過
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I bought a packet and later realized this was Tedorigawa😅. It has a modern fruity taste, but also has a hidden soy sauce ❓-like sensation in the middle 🤔. Its subtle soy sauce taste is very pleasant and goes very well with food and sake 🤔. I always have the impression that the Ishikawa sake has a hidden salty ❓ taste, and I wonder if it goes well with me too, I like this sake a lot 😊.
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 Series 橙海純米吟醸原酒生詰酒無濾過
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There's a lot of kangiku around these days 🍶. I bought this sake in November, but they said it was released in late August, so I wonder if it is hiyaoroshi 🤔. It has the fruity taste of Kangiku, but I have the impression that it tastes mellow or gentle 🤔.
Glorious Mt.Fuji極超新星〜HYPER NOVA〜純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I thought the name of the drink was awesome and bought it 🍶. It is supposed to be a food wine, but it was more fruity than I expected 🤔. But in the second half, the sweetness and umami of the rice became more assertive, so the first half was like a sauce and the second half was like a rice 🤔.
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Atago no matsu🍶 after a long time. I bought it because it's a new sake 😁. When drunk as it is, it has a dry feel to it 🤔. When paired with a meal, it's also great. I imagine it adds sweetness to light snacks, but when paired with deep fried foods, the sweetness is followed by a dryness that really appeals to the palate 🤣. It was the most delicious sake with a transformation worthy of the name "ultimate food sake" 😋.
神心豊醸感謝祭 里海米アキヒカリ純米大吟醸原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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I already look forward to this sake every year 😊. Slightly gassy texture that rides like a film on the tongue and then pops 🤔. Just the right amount of acidity and sweetness to give it a yogurt feel, but the lingering sweetness of the rice in the second half is a great balance 😋. Great new sake this year 😊.
Tenmei中取り 零号純米原酒生酒中取り無濾過おりがらみ
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New sake is crowded in liquor stores 😁. It has unexpectedly strong sweetness and acidity 🤔. It has a fruity taste like drinking white wine 🤔. It seems to be for aperitif ❓ Or perhaps it is for dessert wine❓ I was thinking about that when I drank it and it was half gone in an instant😅. It's easy to drink and has a nice mouthfeel so it goes down smoothly 😊.
Koganesawa創業120周年記念酒 愛山純米山廃原酒
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I wasn't aiming for it, but it's the third Aizan in a row😅. This is my first time drinking this sake, but the liquor store recommended it to me 🍶. This sake has a slight sourness at the beginning and then a crisp sensation 🤔. I wonder if this sourness is because it is Yamahai ❓🤔. This sourness and the crisp and refreshing feeling is very well balanced and very tasty 🤔. It is very useful as a food sake 😋. Well, I didn't know about this sake, but I'm glad I bought it 😊.
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It's been a really long time since I've had an instrumental Masamune 🍶. The moment you drink it, the honey-like sweetness comes rushing in, but then it quickly disappears 🤔. So the sweetness doesn't stay on the tongue and doesn't interfere with the snacks 🤔. Personally, I found it a good match with light snacks, but I think it's also possible to savor it on its own 😊.
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My brother came to visit me at home, so I landed on my favorite as a sake missionary 😁. At the beginning of drinking, it is like a young melon that still has some greenness to it, then the rich sweetness comes rushing in with a time lag🤔. And yet, the clarity is unbelievable🤔. I'm too happy to be able to enjoy such a wonderful sake at home 😊.
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I bought this because I have been drinking a lot of sweet sake lately, and I wanted something dry. It has a crisp, dry, fresh, youthful mouthfeel that is seriously delicious 😋. It's also very useful as a food wine 😋.
Yuki Daruma純米にごり酒発泡
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I bought it because I wanted to drink sparkling sake this time 😅. It was quite gassy and took a little time to open the bottle, but it wasn't a struggle 😁. I drink it every year either at the store or at home, and it's always delicious 😋.
Tenmei焔 二回火入れ特別純米山廃原酒無濾過
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Suddenly it got cold and I was looking for heated sake and the owner recommended it to me 🍶. I was also interested 🤔, because I was thinking of heating sake in Tenmei ⁉️ When heated, the fruity acidity is impressive 🤔. But very tasty 😋. I know it's not a correct analogy, but if you think of hot calpis or hot lemon, there are many warm sweet and sour beverages, and I thought that's true for sake too 😅. Thank you for changing my image of heated sake 😊.
TedorigawaSparkling SLASH純米原酒生酒にごり酒発泡
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I wanted to drink a sharper drink, so I bought it 🍶. But this time there was almost no gas and I opened the bottle easily😅. The aroma is banana-like 🤔. The description said it tasted like pears and pineapple, but for me it tasted a bit like ripe bananas with a sour and sweet taste 🤔. I was a little disappointed about the fizz, but the taste was incredibly delicious 😋.
Fusano KankikuMonochrome 山酒4号純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Kangiku, which is not so common in Osaka 🤔. I found it at a liquor store when I was in Tokyo on a business trip and bought it 🍶. Very easy to drink, fresh and slightly muscat-like with a hint of gas 🤔. As I was drinking it, I was thinking that I've had this kind of sake before... but then I realized it was very similar to Kaze no Mori 🤔. It's 15% alcohol, but it's so easy to drink, I drank 2 cups in about 30 minutes, the pace was too fast 😅.
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Amego no Tsuki drinking comparison, followed by Senbon Nishiki🤔. This one is less alcoholic and gentler than Hachitan 🤔. It has a melon taste, but the taste is also more moderate than Hachitan🤔. However, I have the impression that the flavor becomes more intense when paired with a meal🤔. Compared to the Hachitan, the change in taste during the meal is much more delicious 😋.
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The moon after the rain after a long time 😊. Here's a comparison of two hiyaoroshi sake 🍶. First up is the Yatan😋. Slightly alcoholic and sweet like melon🤔. Strong flavor impression 🤔 But not too sweet 🤔 I think it goes well with meals 😁.