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2018年頃から、作をキッカケに日本酒にハマりました。 せっかく呑んだんだから、感想を記録したいなぁと思いました。 まだまだ日本酒初心者ですが、よろしくです。

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I went on a trip to Nara the other day and had been drinking Mimuro cedar, but had never had a taste of samorosugi 🤔. I bought this at Imanishi Sake Brewery 🍶. The brewer told me that this "Next" is made irregularly and that it is brewed with the same rice and process as the "Dio Abita" from Mimurosugi, so it is almost the same as the "Dio Abita" according to the brewery 🍶. Light sweetness, with a slight complexity that lingers on the tongue at the end 🤔. It really is a great sake 😋.
Glorious Mt.Fuji暁乃翼純米原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ発泡
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It's a clearly jacked up liquor 🍶. Opened the bottle effortlessly in about 3 minutes 😁. Sake level is -11, but the label says it goes well with sashimi and sushi🤔. The first sip is definitely sweet 🤔. The sweetness soon disappears and it is as dry or sharp as the label says 🤔. After 3 days of drinking, the sweetness was like a ripe melon 🤔. To sum up, I think it goes well with sashimi and sushi 🤔. However, I prefer to drink "Hitakami" or "Oze no ichii" to pair it with fish 🤔. However, I think this sake is an all-around preferred sake before and during dinner 😊.
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I've been drinking a lot of Tasake at home this year 😄. It's been about 3 years since I've had a bottle of Hyakushikan (cherry blossom) 🍶. Sweetness comes first 🤔. Very light and easy to drink 🤔 I drank it while eating sea urchin squid, personally I think it goes well with the sweetness of sea urchin👍. Also, I think it went well with the garlic 🤔.
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Another bottle of sake I brought when I was invited to my brother and sister-in-law's house for dinner 🍶. I forgot to take a picture of it so I took it at home😅. When I heard it was Junmai Ginjo brewed by that Kikuhime Shuzo, I bought it without a second thought 🍶. It has been on sale since last December, but the liquor store said that they have been brewing it for 5 years and assembling the sake from each year. This one has a slight banana taste, but the sweetness of the rice and the umami of the grains give a gentle and sinking impression 🤔. It has a classical taste, but it has no peculiarities and really sinks into your body 🤔. I am happy to be exposed to Kikuhime Brewery's new philosophy in a delicious way 😊.
Yoshidagura u- Hello & goodbye -純米山廃生酒にごり酒発泡
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It's been a while since I've had a Yoshida Kura u🍶. Took about 5 minutes to open the bottle, but it opened safely 😁. Surprisingly dry🤔. Refreshing and good with bubbles 🤔. A little bit of saltiness at the end is also good with food 😋. I love this drink very much 😊.
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I've heard a lot about this brand, but this is my first time drinking it 🍶. It is said to be lightly cloudy, but there is only a slight hint of nigori 🤔. Gentle sweetness like eating sakura mochi without red bean paste 🤔. I get the impression that there is just a little bit of complexity as it goes down my throat 🤔. It is delicious even if you drink it by itself, but actually it is also good with food 🤔. It was a very delicious sake😁.
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I was invited to dinner by my brother and his wife, so I brought my favorite Jikin as a souvenir 🍶. Slightly effervescent 🤔. Very clean mouthfeel, but with a hint of sweetness 🤔. The aftertaste at the end is like a lingering peach❓or cherry❓🤔. It's soooo good 😋! 4 of us drank it and it was empty in no time 😊. Good sake really tastes twice as good when you drink it together 😁.
Kenkon'ichi特別純米 辛口特別純米
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I recently had another sweet drink in a row, so I decided to change things up 🍶. Delicious ‼️ The sweetness and umami of the rice is hidden in the moderate sharpness, which is very pleasant 😋. This kind of dry taste with no frills is the best 😁.
Tenmei中取り 伍号純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Tenmei spring sake 🍶. They say beware of spewing, but open the bottle with no worries at all👌. Sweet 🤔 Quite sweet 🤔 The moment the sake goes down your throat, the aroma that goes through your nose has a hint of strawberry-like sourness ❓ Something like I wrote the same thing before ❓🤔
Koeigiku月下無頼 雄町純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Since the last bottle of Saint was very light, I thought I would open the bottle today with a heavier drink 🍶. When I drank it, it had a voluminous umami 🤔. The taste has a modern feel, but the sake feeling is quite robust until it goes down your throat 🤔. It has a thickness and volume of flavor that I have never seen in Kouei Kiku before, but it is still very much Kouei Kiku 🤔. Very satisfying and very drinkable 😁.
HijiriHizirizm 酒母活性酒純米にごり酒発泡
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I found this sake on a business trip to Tokyo 🍶. Is this my first time drinking this brand 🤔. First of all, it took an absurd amount of time to open the bottle😅. It took more than 30 minutes 😅 I bought it without looking at it properly, but when I drank it, it was so light on the palate! And when I checked it, it has 5 degrees of alcohol ‼️ It tastes like calpis soda 😁. We had tonteki for dinner that night, so I ate tonteki and drank it down in one gulp and it was empty in an instant 😋. I thought it was good to have this kind of drink once in a while, and I think it's good to know about it as a drawer when recommending sake 😊.
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I saw this sake at a liquor store. The liquor store said that they had also stocked yeast #6 and wanted me to compare two bottles, but #6 was soon sold out 🤔. But I was curious, so I bought only No. 7 😁. It has a refreshing sweet and sour taste 🤔. It's a fruity taste like apple 🤔. The second half is quite sharp 🤔. This is a great sake 😋. If it's this good, I'd like to try No. 6 as well 😁.
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I'll have my first Amami since the toji took over 🍶. Mild sweetness with a little gas 🤔. Sweet like a cider 🤔. A slight bitterness comes just before the second half goes down the throat 🤔. Very delicious 😋. I've been drinking it in the evening, and when I came to, it was empty 😅.
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Long time no Morishima 🪨. The sweet and sour taste is more voluminous than I expected and the umami is stronger than I thought 🤔. I thought it would go well with strong flavored dishes, but surprisingly it goes better with light snacks 🤔. But it's a delicious sake that you can drink all the time even if you just drink this 😁.
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I found this sake on our wedding anniversary trip 🍶. It is a sake brewed by Imuraya, a major Japanese sweets maker 🤔. This time, we compared 3 kinds of sake 🍶. Junmai Daiginjo, fresh and fruity 🤔. Sweet and sour like pineapple 🤔 It reminds me a little bit of Jikin 🤔. Well, all three types of sake were very high quality and wonderful 😋.
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, Tsunahachi-san! (^o^) I understand that you were on a trip for your wedding anniversary, and you compared Imuraya's sake on the trip. I had the impression that they were a bit pricey, but they are of high quality.
Tomoyuki Kumagai, hello 😊. The Junmai Daiginjo was quite expensive, But if you buy a trial size of 1 gou like we did, you can drink it at a reasonable price 😁. And there are 3 bottles for 3 gou 😁. This time it was a draft, but they also have a hi-iru version 😊.
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I found this sake on our wedding anniversary trip 🍶. It is a sake brewed by Imuraya, a major Japanese sweets maker 🤔. This time, we compared 3 kinds of sake 🍶. Junmai Ginjo, like Junmai, has a muscat flavor 🤔. It also has a slight sourness like yogurt ❓
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I found this sake on our wedding anniversary trip 🍶. It is a sake brewed by Imuraya, a major Japanese sweets maker 🤔. This time, we compared 3 kinds of sake 🍶. Junmai sake, fruity and youthful 🤔. It also has a little bit of muscat 🤔. Some complexity at the end 🤔. A little bit like Honochi of Saku 🤔
Good evening, Tsunahachi 😃. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 💍🎉Traveling on your anniversary! It would be nice to compare the sake you found there 🤗We recently found out in Sake no Wa that Imuraya serves sake 😄.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😁. Thank you very much! I first heard about it at Vison in Mie, where I was traveling 😁. It was a very good sake 😋. This time it was a draft sake, but they also have a hi-iru version 😊.
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It's been a little while since I've had Nabeshima 🍶. There was a caution tag on the bottle, but I opened it without difficulty 😁. The mouthfeel is smooth, sweet and sour 🤔. Fruity, citrusy sweet and sour, somewhere between pink grapefruit and orange 🤔. Easy to drink and very tasty 😋.
Hiranにこまる QUEEN純米原酒生酒無濾過
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This is the first sake I've ever had 🍶. This is one of the Valentine's Day gifts from my wife 😊. I was told to be careful opening the bottle, but it opened easily. Slightly gassy 🤔 Sweet and sour taste like white wine🤔 Slight strawberry 🤔 The aftertaste is clean all the way through, very easy to drink, and goes down smoothly 😋.
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I bought it at a liquor store because I thought it was a rare SENKOURI. When I drank it, I found that although it has SENKOURIKI-like characteristics, it is very refreshing, light and very easy to drink 🤔. It's so light that it's like a juice or ❗️ 🤔 I don't think it's the right word to describe it, but it's like Suntory Natural Water Yogurina water with a little bit of flavor added 🤔. It's so light, I don't feel like I'm drinking alcohol😅. It's 10 degrees alcohol, so it must be light 😅. But when I drink it today after 2 days, the flavor has become stronger ❓Impression🤔. It's too light, so I finished it today, but it's a fire-brewed sake, so I think it's possible to drink it while enjoying the change of taste over time 😊.