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DenshuNEW YEARボトル2021純米吟醸生酒
Denshu Check-in 1
This was the first time I drank sake while being aware that this was sake. My wife said that it was a bit too much like sake. It's true that it's dry like Niigata sake. However, it is easy to drink in the modern style. A sake that goes well with food. Delicious.
Juyondai Check-in 1
New Year's Eve. I had Jyushiro and Shinsei No.6, but my wife said that Jyushiro was the best. It's true.... For me, it's not a question of which one is better, but that the Jyuoshiyo and No.6 are both delicious on a different level, not which one is better. I'm having the most wonderful time with my three daughters, my son, and my grandmother, and I'm thankful that we can all spend time together.
AramasaNo.6 X-type
Aramasa Check-in 1
"Rei-Rei", the last drink of the year. My wife bought the No.6 for me. Thank you. I've drunk R-type and S-type, but this is X-type, the complete conquest of Shinsei! Anyway, it's really good. It's the best! Thank you. Thank you very much.
Odayakaおだやか 雄町純米吟醸
Odayaka Check-in 1
I've always wanted to try a bottle of "Odeyaka". It is slowly gaining popularity in Fukushima Prefecture. Probably the most common package is green, but I chose this one, which has a slightly noble image. I guess it's good as a midday drink, but it's a very, very punchy sake with a heavy alcohol content (16 degrees). My wife and I felt our stomachs were upset while drinking it, and we gave up. We felt that it was too strong for us. It's hard for us to try again.
MiharugomaSILKY DROP おりさげ特別純米特別純米
Miharugoma Check-in 1Miharugoma Check-in 2
My wife chose this brand because she wanted to drink it. I didn't know anything about it, but the package was very beautiful. And it's muddy sake. It has a nice oriental taste and a deep sweet sake flavor.
Kameizumi Check-in 1Kameizumi Check-in 2
I drank "Sawaya Matsumoto" and then drank this one which I had bought a long time ago. Maybe it's because I drank it as I went along, but it was like Sawaya Matsumoto Moribari without the gas. I'm finally starting to understand the pineapple feeling. I don't mind the sourness, but it's not the straightforward sake I'm looking for. Yeast: CEL-24 Alcohol content 14%. Sake strength -13 Acidity 1.7 Amino Acid 1.0 Rice polishing ratio 50%.
Sawayamatsumoto Check-in 1Sawayamatsumoto Check-in 2
I have a memory that Sawaya-Matsumoto, which I drank in Iwate Morioka before, was very good, so I found it and bought it to drink with my wife. I found it and bought it to drink with my wife. However, there were different brands of Sawaya-Matsumoto. But I bought it with the expectation that the taste would be the same because it is the same brewer. As a result, I'm not sure because it's been a long time, but I think it tastes a little different. Like Kaze no Mori, it has a touch of gas. I've been drinking sake for a while now, and I've come to know what I like, apart from the taste. I (and my wife) don't like the feeling of gas in the mouth when drinking sake with a gassy taste. I don't think I'll try it again. I also don't find sour sake to be that tasty, except for the gasiness. (I don't think it's bad either). I can gulp it. The two of us finished one bottle lightly.
Nabeshima Check-in 1
I chose this as my last drink of the day. The last time I visited this restaurant, this was the first drink I had. At that time, I was surprised at how delicious it was. I tasted it again today. It has a clean and refreshing taste. It's not that it has no taste, but it's fruity. But the fruity taste didn't die. Anyway, it's delicious (laughs).
AramasaNo.6 S-type生酒
Aramasa Check-in 1
This is my second No.6 in my life. Last time it was R-type, this time it's S-type. Delicious on the main island. I think it's good only for sake. You can drink it without feeling it's sake. It's like a wine with the sourness wiped away. If you don't like the sourness of wine, I would recommend this sake. It doesn't have the distinctive smell of traditional sake at all. It is a delicious sake that is neither sake nor wine. I want to drink it again and again.
imayotsukasa Check-in 1imayotsukasa Check-in 2
What we got. It says "for oysters," so I buy oysters and eat them sautéed in garlic. I wonder if they are supposed to be raw oysters. First bite. Wow, that's wine! It is more of a wine than a sake. It's more like wine than Japanese sake. As a result, it goes well with oysters. It was very good. In other words, this sake goes well with any dish that goes with white wine, such as those with olive oil. Alcohol content: 12%.
Isojiman Check-in 1Isojiman Check-in 2
The last sake of the day. I ordered a sake that wasn't on the menu. I had seen "Iso-Jango" on a few YouTube videos and had been wanting to try it someday. Before I drank it, I was a little intimidated by the name of the sake. I thought that "Iso" and "Boasting" had a vaguely Showa or old-fashioned image to them, and that it might have an old-fashioned sake smell to it. I'm an avid fan of sake, but I don't like traditional sake, and I can't drink it. However, I thought I had to try this highly rated sake, so I ordered it. As a result, it was definitely more like a Japanese sake than any other sake I've had today. However, I still think it's very easy to drink. It makes the food stand out nicely.
Shichiken純米大吟醸 絹の味純米大吟醸
Shichiken Check-in 1Shichiken Check-in 2
I've had it before, but the taste is similar to Nabeshima. It's a refreshing drink. I went into it expecting the taste to hit me harder, but it was very refreshing and was a nice choice for a sake that came after Nabeshima. This drink is delicious, too. Alcohol Content: 15%. Polishing rate: 47%.
Nabeshima Check-in 1Nabeshima Check-in 2
It's insanely good. I drank 4 brands today and this was the best (maybe it's because I drank it first). It was refreshing. I don't think there are many sake beers that have this kind of sensation. It's not too sweet or too spicy. It's not too sweet, not too spicy, not too hot. Alcohol Content: 15%. Rice polishing ratio 60%.
Hakkaisan Check-in 1Hakkaisan Check-in 2
Weekend. I feel like having a few drinks. When I glanced inside the supermarket, I saw Hakkisan. Hmm, I don't like Niigata's sake. I drank a Kubota before, but I didn't like it very much. But I thought I had to have a drink at least once, so I reached for it. As a result, it was delicious. It was refreshing to drink and went well with all kinds of food. There were times when I wasn't sure what to drink in Niigata, but from now on, Hakkisan might be a good choice. I'm glad I did. I found the right Niigata sake for me. But, including Kubota, I guess the taste and perception of the sake depends on my mood, physical condition, and accompaniments. Rice polishing ratio: 50%. 15.5 percent alcohol by volume.