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This is a store exclusive sake that was recommended to us when we asked the restaurant staff to recommend a sake that would go well with sashimi. It has a refreshing taste but is a little sweet. It has a refreshing aftertaste without leaving any aftertaste, and is easy to drink.
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I bought this for my son who loves mandarin oranges. Hououmida's fruit sake. It is made from 100% Onshu mandarin oranges. It is full of mandarin orange pulp. Is it mikan juice or sake? It is a sake that can be drunk in any quantity. As expected of Houou Mita!
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A new sake from Niigata Prefecture. I bought it thinking it would be a modern sake that I would like, different from the "light and dry" sake that is rapidly gaining popularity. But it was still a Niigata sake, after all. Dry. Well, it was a smarter drink than the old-fashioned sake, but, well, I don't think I'll drink it next time. I think "Abe" is better for me. Yeast No. 7 Limited edition of about 1000 bottles Alcohol content 13.5
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For me, this is the most delicious sake from Niigata. It tastes exactly the opposite of Niigata's so-called "light and dry" sake. It has a clean taste. Very fruity. I couldn't help but buy it at my favorite liquor store in Fukushima. It was my dream to drink "Abe" at home (Abe's house). It came true. I feel like I'm going to get drunk.
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I drank "Sawaya Matsumoto" and then drank this one which I had bought a long time ago. Maybe it's because I drank it as I went along, but it was like Sawaya Matsumoto Moribari without the gas. I'm finally starting to understand the pineapple feeling. I don't mind the sourness, but it's not the straightforward sake I'm looking for. Yeast: CEL-24 Alcohol content 14%. Sake strength -13 Acidity 1.7 Amino Acid 1.0 Rice polishing ratio 50%.
Hououbiden初しぼり 純米吟醸酒純米吟醸
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No. 1 in Tochigi and No. 8 in Japan. I've been wanting to try it. I think it's because I just drank it yesterday, but it feels like it excludes the gas sensation of Kaze no Mori. They're both fruity sake of the Imadoki variety. And we were also drinking "Tenmei" together, and my wife says Tenmei is better. Well, that's for sure. As a sake to go with food, Tenmei is delicious. Tenmei is delicious as a sake to go with food. I think it's true, but I realized that Fukushima's sake is delicious.
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This is the second time in my life that I have visited Kaze no Mori. Several types of Kaze no Mori are always available at the Echigo-ya. We were thankful for this. Again, there was a gas smell. I guess this is the result of trying to fill the bottle freshly, but my wife doesn't like the smell, to tell the truth. It is true that there is a sensation of gas every time I drink it. But there is a sensation of gas every time you drink it, but it's a sensation of bubbles and freshness. Whether you like it or not will depend on whether you like it or not. To tell the truth, my wife doesn't like it. Whenever she sips Kaze no Mori, she gets a little sick. But I can't help but feel that it is very delicious. I would like people who don't like sake to drink it to drink it. It's more like a Budokan wine without the corners than a sake. I don't think there are many sakes that are as refreshing and crisp as this one. It is delicious on the mainland. The taste is far removed from that of Japanese sake. I want people who don't like sake to try it at least once. Thanks again for the food! Rice polishing rate 50%. Alcohol content 14%. 100% dew-leaf wind from Miye Village, Nara Prefecture
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At Echigo-ya. I bought this for the wife. I'll see what I think of it tonight... I see that the male clerk is off on Sundays! I have no recommendations. I ransacked the place, but the tentacles didn't move... (So did the fountain shop yesterday.) After that, I didn't even buy it at Kishinami... (I did take a picture...) I guess you have to go out of the prefecture to look for it after all
I had a little drink. Rikko has the smell of plum in the yogurt... In the mouth, the plum and yogurt are well balanced. Sweet and sour... We have this.
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When I learned that its popularity was skyrocketing, I bought it along with "Kaze no Mori". It's a coincidence, but I felt that the sweetness of Kaze no Mori has been extracted from this sake. It's a sour, or rather sour, sake. To be honest, I think it's not easy to drink this sake all by itself, but if you have a snack, you can drink it forever. I guess this is what is called a "food poisoning" sake. Sake is really very profound. Alcohol content: 16%. Rice polishing ratio: Koji rice 60%, Kake rice 70%
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I drank the rumored "Kaze no Mori (Nara Prefecture)", which ranked 2nd in the nation's "Sake no Wa" in September 2020. It's a completely different taste from the traditional sake, which is why it was ranked second in the nation. When I opened it up, even though it wasn't a sparkling sake, it had a carbonated feel to it, and although it was fruity, it wasn't too sweet, it was crisp and refreshing. It's good. It's 17% alcohol by volume. My wife says it makes me drunk easily. I see. But it's so smooth that you can drink it all you want. It's a dangerous drink, isn't it? Also, I don't know if writing this will make it better or worse, but the aroma is something I've never smelled before with sake. If I were to compare it to the smell of chemicals, it smells like chemicals. It's not as nasal as thinner and not as unknowingly invasive as cemedine.... Hmmm, it's hard to describe. I'd like to get drunk with sake while discussing it. I'm looking for a sake friend group. Anyway, this was too good a sake. I think I'll go to buy it when I have a chance, because it's always available in the Echigoya.
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This is the highest grade of sake for young people (that is, they don't like old-fashioned sake). We found it at the Echigoya store we visited yesterday, so we bought it along with a bottle of Sentoya. Yes, it doesn't feel like sake. It had a sweet and refreshing taste to it. For me, it was refreshing compared to the Sentoori I drank the day before (although the Sentoori was delicious). But my wife still finds the golden crystal to be better. Indeed, the taste is not extremely different. If that's the case, should we, who live in Fukushima, recommend "golden crystal"? Well, I'll leave it at that, fruity and sipping! Recommended!
Senkinモダン仙禽 無垢 2019原酒無濾過
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I searched hard to find my favorite local liquor store. I found a liquor store in Fukushima City that carries a variety of brands from all over the country, and I opened one of their two bottles. Delicious. I'm so happy. My wife said she liked the taste of the Kinseijojojo (Fukushima City) we drank two days ago, and she said it was a bit more... in comparison. Come to think of it, the taste is similar to that of Kinsei. It doesn't taste like what is commonly known as "sake". In that sense, I would recommend it to people who originally avoided sake. The difference is that Kinseijojiu has a deeper taste. The difference is that Kinnakusui has a deeper taste.