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イチコ 高田西店

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イチコ 高田西店
Weekend. I feel like having a few drinks. When I glanced inside the supermarket, I saw Hakkisan. Hmm, I don't like Niigata's sake. I drank a Kubota before, but I didn't like it very much. But I thought I had to have a drink at least once, so I reached for it. As a result, it was delicious. It was refreshing to drink and went well with all kinds of food. There were times when I wasn't sure what to drink in Niigata, but from now on, Hakkisan might be a good choice. I'm glad I did. I found the right Niigata sake for me. But, including Kubota, I guess the taste and perception of the sake depends on my mood, physical condition, and accompaniments. Rice polishing ratio: 50%. 15.5 percent alcohol by volume.
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イチコ 高田西店
Rice polishing ratio: Koji rice 50%, Kake rice 55% 15% alcohol by volume. I saw a sign at my usual supermarket when I was out for dinner saying that they had just started carrying Kubota. I may have seen Kubota in my unconscious sake drinking, but this was the first time I had ever thought, "This is Kubota? Gokun.... Hmmm, that's the way I've felt about sake since I was young. Of course, it's not bad, but it's oishii! It's not like that (sorry, that's just my feeling). (Sorry, that's just my feeling). If it was a different brand of Kubota, some of them might taste good.
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イチコ 高田西店
Rice polishing ratio 60%. 13% alcohol by volume. Collaboration between Nanihaya, the originator of persimmon seeds, and Yoshinogawa, a sake brewery! This is a refreshing type of ginjo-shu that blends perfectly with the flavor and spiciness of persimmon seeds. You won't be able to stop drinking it! It says. Pure me, I've won the persimmon seeds together. Certainly, it goes with persimmon seeds. You can drink it very fast. It may be more of a snack sake than a cooking sake.
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イチコ 高田西店
Rice polishing ratio 60%. 15% alcohol by volume. This is a brand of sake from Niigata that I have recently heard is delicious. On the bottle, it says, "White crusts may occur, but there is no problem with the quality", which is true. But it's mild and easy to drink. Mmmm, it's delicious. I have to drink it little by little so it doesn't go all at once.
Yoshinogawa特別純米酒 ひやおろし特別純米ひやおろし
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イチコ 高田西店
Rice polishing ratio 60%. 15% alcohol by volume. Sake meter value +3 Acidity 1.4 If you watch a YouTube clip of Japanese sake, you will see that most of the sake sold in supermarkets is not suitable for beginners and should not be consumed. That's true, but in Niigata, in particular, you can enjoy a variety of Niigata's sake in different seasons. When I went out to buy dinner, I saw the word "Hiyaoroshi" on the table in front of me. I was going to pass it off as I don't drink on weekdays, but I couldn't resist buying it. The label made me buy it. Sake from Niigata! It's like.
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イチコ 高田西店
I hadn't planned to drink it, but I was absentmindedly looking at the liquor section of my usual supermarket and before I knew it, I had bought it (laughs). It was cheap. The package, which said "A new kind of sake with a dense sweetness reminiscent of white peaches, with a crisp acidity and a pleasant aftertaste," must have inspired me to buy it. In fact, it tasted exactly as it did, and I was reminded of how sweet sake is, even after all this time. When I was young and didn't drink much alcohol, the only image I had was bitter and astringent. However, I've come to realize that I'm someone who likes to drink while I eat. My journey to find a sake to go with it will continue... Rice polishing ratio: 65%. 12% alcohol by volume.
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イチコ 高田西店
I bought the rumored meat-focused sake. It has a good punch to match with the meat. It's a bit too alcoholic to drink on its own, but it's a great sake to drink with meat. As expected. Alcohol content: 18.5 degrees Rice polishing ratio: 60%.