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Kikusuiふなぐち 一番しぼり 元祖生原酒本醸造原酒生酒
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This is the first time I've tried this drink, which has been touted as the best cup of liquor in the convenience store. It tastes just like it says on the chart in the back. The first time I took a sip, I felt it was sweet. It has a rich sweetness with a full-bodied flavor. It has a rich sweetness with a full-bodied sweetness, which I think is one of the sweetest sakes available. It also has a high alcohol content, so you can get really drunk with this amount of sake (200ml). Rice polishing rate 70%. 19% alcohol by volume.
Hououbiden初しぼり 純米吟醸酒純米吟醸
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No. 1 in Tochigi and No. 8 in Japan. I've been wanting to try it. I think it's because I just drank it yesterday, but it feels like it excludes the gas sensation of Kaze no Mori. They're both fruity sake of the Imadoki variety. And we were also drinking "Tenmei" together, and my wife says Tenmei is better. Well, that's for sure. As a sake to go with food, Tenmei is delicious. Tenmei is delicious as a sake to go with food. I think it's true, but I realized that Fukushima's sake is delicious.
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This is the second time in my life that I have visited Kaze no Mori. Several types of Kaze no Mori are always available at the Echigo-ya. We were thankful for this. Again, there was a gas smell. I guess this is the result of trying to fill the bottle freshly, but my wife doesn't like the smell, to tell the truth. It is true that there is a sensation of gas every time I drink it. But there is a sensation of gas every time you drink it, but it's a sensation of bubbles and freshness. Whether you like it or not will depend on whether you like it or not. To tell the truth, my wife doesn't like it. Whenever she sips Kaze no Mori, she gets a little sick. But I can't help but feel that it is very delicious. I would like people who don't like sake to drink it to drink it. It's more like a Budokan wine without the corners than a sake. I don't think there are many sakes that are as refreshing and crisp as this one. It is delicious on the mainland. The taste is far removed from that of Japanese sake. I want people who don't like sake to try it at least once. Thanks again for the food! Rice polishing rate 50%. Alcohol content 14%. 100% dew-leaf wind from Miye Village, Nara Prefecture
Tenmei槽しぼり 純米吟醸生純米吟醸
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I've been holding off on drinking in November because of the humanitarian crisis. Finally, today is the day the ban on drinking was lifted. To commemorate the ban, I wanted to try a bottle of Tenmei. There were several different kinds of Tenmei, and after much deliberation, I chose this "Midori no Tenmei". It's delicious with a meal or on its own. I really like Fukushima's sake. Raw material rice: 100% Yamada Nishiki Rice polishing ratio 55%. 16% alcohol by volume.
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Rice polishing rate 65%. 5% alcohol. Speaking of firing sake, "Mio" is famous, but it has a more elegant taste than "Mio". You can drink as much as you want without feeling it is called sake. My mother, who hates sake, said "I can drink this one. It's like a juice.
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I didn't think it was Nigori sake, but it was a Fukushima sake, and it was called "Niidashi Zensyu", so I ordered it only because I thought it tasted good. It was called "Nigori" on the menu. It was like drinking amazake with alcohol. The rice particles were still in the sake, and this was delicious. It's good for when you want to savor a sake rather than a meal. I am grateful for this kind of encounter with sake.
Hanatomoe水酛×水酛純米生 貴醸酒 乳酸純米生酒貴醸酒水酛
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For the first time, I'm aware that this is a noble brew (although I may have drunk it in the past without knowing it). It's trongy and has a very mellow, rich taste. It's so sweet that for a moment you'd think it was plum wine. It probably goes well with cream cheese, natto (fermented soybeans) and other issued food. I don't think it's the kind of drink you should drink in a gulp, but I like this kind of sake too.
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I had never tasted a famous local sake before, so I tried it. I expected the sake to taste like the traditional sake, but it tasted like a traditional sake. (My wife said) It has a bit of "ego" to it. Some people may like it very much, but for someone like me, who likes soft and new style sake, and likes smooth sake, it may be a bit difficult to drink. Now that I've become able to drink sake, I'm not afraid to drink it, but I can't drink it again because it's good. But I can't drink another sake because it's good. But if you like to make sake from the sake brewing process, I think this is a good sake. I don't think I would buy it myself.
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It was a gift. It was more pleasant and delicious than the Otters I had yesterday. Thank you for such a delicious sake! Slightly spicy and refreshing down the throat. Alcohol content between 15 and 16 degrees. Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio 35%. Sake meter value +1
Dassai純米大吟醸 磨き三割九部純米大吟醸
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For the first time in my life (consciously) my first otter! A lot of people have said it, but I thought it was definitely time to drink this polish 30 percent ninety-nine percent of the time, which is a nice touch.
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Today, I drank a sake that the restaurant that helped me out said I should try it. It was made with "Yukigami" rice from Yamagata. It had a refreshing flavor like the Jyushi, and after drinking it, it reminded me of the sensation of Japanese sake. It was quite good. It seemed to me that this is a saké that is not often sold in the market.
Jokigen純米大吟醸 雪女神純米大吟醸
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It has the taste of Japanese sake with a touch of sweetness. It's not quite a noble brew, but it's a good palate cleanser after drinking a lot of sake.
Kudokijozu純米大吟醸 雄町純米大吟醸
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It's only 3 degrees, but compared to the previous 14yo, it has more of a Japanese feel to it. It goes perfectly with the food. But for people who don't like sake, it's not so easy to drink.
It's my favorite sake too. 😍I opened 2 bottles of Kudoku-teki sake this week too 😍Bakuren is good too 😍
Thank you. Bakuren? I agree. I'll keep it in my head and take it next time. Thank you for the regular law.
Juyondai純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
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Oh, boy! There are fourteen different "fourteen generations" here! So that's why you're in your fourteenth year? (Laughs) Take a sip, refreshing, crazy! I'm so happy. Long live the fourteenth generation! Even if you don't like sake, this drink will change your outlook. The question is, when you go into an izakaya, what time do you drink the Jussiyo? I always think about when it's a good time to drink it. This time we drank first. I'm not sure if this is the right choice...
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イチコ 高田西店
Rice polishing ratio: Koji rice 50%, Kake rice 55% 15% alcohol by volume. I saw a sign at my usual supermarket when I was out for dinner saying that they had just started carrying Kubota. I may have seen Kubota in my unconscious sake drinking, but this was the first time I had ever thought, "This is Kubota? Gokun.... Hmmm, that's the way I've felt about sake since I was young. Of course, it's not bad, but it's oishii! It's not like that (sorry, that's just my feeling). (Sorry, that's just my feeling). If it was a different brand of Kubota, some of them might taste good.
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イチコ 高田西店
Rice polishing ratio 60%. 13% alcohol by volume. Collaboration between Nanihaya, the originator of persimmon seeds, and Yoshinogawa, a sake brewery! This is a refreshing type of ginjo-shu that blends perfectly with the flavor and spiciness of persimmon seeds. You won't be able to stop drinking it! It says. Pure me, I've won the persimmon seeds together. Certainly, it goes with persimmon seeds. You can drink it very fast. It may be more of a snack sake than a cooking sake.
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イチコ 高田西店
Rice polishing ratio 60%. 15% alcohol by volume. This is a brand of sake from Niigata that I have recently heard is delicious. On the bottle, it says, "White crusts may occur, but there is no problem with the quality", which is true. But it's mild and easy to drink. Mmmm, it's delicious. I have to drink it little by little so it doesn't go all at once.