Mouth opening impressions after taking it out of the refrigerator at minus 5 degrees Celsius.
The refreshing aroma like a fresh sunny sea breeze peculiar to Kangiku, the rich aroma of strawberry syrup, the aroma of ripe pineapple, and the astringent aroma of the bark of wet old trees.
As the temperature rises, the aroma of strawberries and pineapple becomes heavier and more fragrant. Aromaticity also comes into the picture. There were many reviews that said it smelled of apples, but I don't think so.
I usually put it in the fridge to enjoy the changes in the yeast.
The mouthfeel is sharp with minerality and fine gassiness, and it flows smoothly.
The taste is just like the aroma, sweet and sour with elegant syrup, sharp acidity and bitterness.
The sweetness comes out in the front, but it is not persistent and is very easy to drink.
The bitterness is washed away by the acidity, and the sweetness is always juicy but does not leave a residue on the palate.
It has a refined and beautiful taste because it is made from jun-dai, polished Yamada-nishiki.
I look forward to the changes tomorrow and the next day.