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記録用です。 2020年初めから日本酒の美味しさに気付き家飲み用に買い込むようになりました。 多分今トレンドの味のもので初心者にも飲みやすいものを中心に買っているような気がします。 お燗や、熟成、どっしりしたタイプなどにもそのうち挑戦したいです。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Kid Check-in 1
Kid Check-in 2Kid Check-in 3
A delicious doburoku with the taste I imagined. I was expecting a little more than I imagined, but at 1,200 yen, it's cheap compared to sake, and I was satisfied. It's slightly carbonated, has a little bit of the shape of rice, and has a sweet and sour taste. It's easy to drink, without any of the nasty taste of fermentation that I used to get as a kid.
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
It tasted like a disappointment! I bought it twice last year, and the first time it was really good, smelling like sweet fruit and tasting like Skoal (lactobacillus drink) but not too sweet. When I bought it for the second time, the smell was not so flattering. I didn't feel much sweetness, and it tasted dry but oxidized and hard to drink. This time it tasted the same as the second time last year... I don't know if it's the bad storage at the store where it tasted bad, or my own storage... I'll try buying it again at the store where it tasted good last year. There was a post on Twitter by someone who probably felt the same taste. Do I have to be very careful about storing it...? It was a little frustrating because I was looking forward to it!
MutsuhassenNUMBER EIGHT原酒
Mutsuhassen Check-in 1Mutsuhassen Check-in 2
The aroma is as tropical as the drink's introduction. It also has a honey-like taste. The taste is similar to the aroma. It's sweet and sour, and a little alcoholic, but it's not disgusting. It's a sake I'd buy again!
Good evening Abroller... I bought this at a special order store on release day thinking it would sell out quickly 😆. It seemed to be very popular and sold out instantly 😯 I'm looking forward to opening this bottle after seeing the delicious reviews 😆.
Sorry for the late comment. I bought mine right away! LOL! And in case you couldn't buy it at the distributor, I was able to see on the Hachinohe Shuzo website that they've had it in stock for a few days!
Kazenomorialpha type1純米生酒無濾過
At Izakaya Kaze no Mori after a long time! It didn't seem to be freshly opened, but it was still delicious! There was a little bit of puchiuchi left. Sweetness, umami, a hint of rice flavor, but also a hint of fruit! A good balance of flavors! I'll get some at the liquor store soon!
Nabeshimaharvest moon
At a pub I remember drinking Moon series in winter and summer, winter was good, but summer was delicate. Harvest Moon is autumn, isn't it? I thought it might be hiyaoroshi, so I ordered it. As it turned out, it had a delicious taste like hiyaoroshi, but the total taste was not that much to my liking? But my memory is a little fuzzy.
I haven't been to a pub in about two years. Aged sake? I was curious about the Kamikame, but didn't have the courage to buy it in a four-pack, so I was able to drink it at the izakaya! I ordered a bottle of it heated only. I'm not sure of the specs, but the alcohol is soft. Is it because it's an aged sake, or because it's well made? Maybe it goes well with strong food? It tastes similar to Shaoxing wine, so it goes well with Chinese food. And I found out that Kamikame is not for me, so this was a good experience for me!
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
I think the last time I drank it, I felt that it was the most alcoholic of the Colors, but this time I felt it was still alcoholic. It's still good, but if I wanted to drink Shinsei, I'd be satisfied with Ecru instead of Cosmos.
Reisen Check-in 1Reisen Check-in 2
I wanted to drink something strong, so I asked the liquor store to choose it for me. It has a cool label and costs about 1000 yen. It has a little bit of ginjo aroma, but it's still a full-bodied umami type sake. If you want to drink it with a meal, you don't need the ginjo aroma... If you want to drink a strong sake, it should be more strong. But it was a satisfying taste.
Yukinobijin Check-in 1Yukinobijin Check-in 2
It is an Akita limited sake and used modified Shinko. It is sweet, bitter, delicious and sour. There is gas. The sourness was beautiful like Shinsei, but after a few days or a week after opening the bottle, the sourness seemed a little bitter... I prefer to drink it freshly opened. It has a lot of umami, so it goes well with a meal (or a sweet meal?). It was very good. It was very delicious.
Kamonishiki Check-in 1Kamonishiki Check-in 2
I found Kamonishiki, which is not sold in my neighborhood, at Yamaya (I threw away the tag hanging from it). I thought it might be for a mass merchandiser, but I bought it. Even though the rice is polished to 60, it is called Ginjo, and the aroma is Ginjo aroma! The taste is a little heavy, with a sweet and spicy flavor. The taste is a little heavy and sweet and spicy.
Suigei Check-in 1
Suigei Check-in 2Suigei Check-in 3
It's an unpasteurized sake at 17 degrees, so I expected it to be a heavy drinker. It's not what I expected, but it has a refreshing acidity that makes it surprisingly easy to drink. The owner of the sake shop recommended drinking it on the rocks, but I think it tastes better on the rocks. The aroma is subdued. It seems to be a melon type. It's refreshing, but has a good flavor. I'd like to try other Drunken Whales.
Type-FY2 Check-in 1Type-FY2 Check-in 2
Purchased in a bottle. This is a series that I am confident I will never get tired of, even if I personally buy it in a bottle. Especially in the summer, when sake consumption tends to drop, but it's refreshing and perfect for summer! Maybe I like most of the Fukuoka Yume Yeast sakes...
Bijofu Check-in 1Bijofu Check-in 2
The yeast is Cel24, so I imagined pineapple, and when I drank it, it was still pineapple (I might be biased). The aroma is gorgeous and sweet, but when you drink it, you can feel a bitterness and a pungency. It was delicious, but if it tasted as sweet as it smelled, it would have been a repeat purchase.
Matsunotsukasa Check-in 1Matsunotsukasa Check-in 2
A classic type of liquor. The aroma is mild and there is not much fruitiness. It has been aged for 2 years in the brewery. It is a sake that has been matured in the brewery for 2 years. I couldn't really tell how it was aged, but it has a lot of flavor and no miscellaneous tastes, so it goes well with food. It is mellow with little alcohol. It is a classic type of sake that is well made.
Mr. Abroller, hello ^ ^. I have yet to drink any Shiga sake. I saw it on a list of stores near me and will buy it next time I see it in a store😊.
Good evening! I've never been a classic drinker until recently, but I've found that when it's good, you don't have to think too much about pairing it with food, it usually matches and enhances the taste of the food when you sip it together. It was the shop owner's top recommendation 😋.
Wakanami Check-in 1Wakanami Check-in 2
I dared to buy it because I had never had a standard one, though I had not personally removed all the Wakanami until now. It's refreshing and I like it, but if it had a little more sweetness, it might have been a repeat purchase. The taste was good, mainly sour and bitter astringent. The taste was mainly sour and bitter. I heard it has a lot of malic acid... I'll try to buy it with the yeast in mind next time.