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Fusano KankikuTrueWhite 純米大吟醸 雄町 無濾過生原酒
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Preferred ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Like a sweet, slightly sparkling white wine. Less sweet than Blue Sapphire. The sweetness is light, with a slight acidity, lush, muscatel and grapefruit-like. Immediately after taking it out of the refrigerator, it has a wine-like mouthfeel, especially because of the gaseous sensation, but once it returns to room temperature, the sake-like rice flavor and alcohol taste become more assertive. It is not too sweet, so it would go well with shellfish or white fish. Today's meal German potatoes Chicken nuggets Blue cheese
神心純米吟醸原酒 涼吟醸
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Preference★☆☆☆☆ When I visited the restaurant for hiyayoroshi (grated yam) after the Bon Festival when it was still hot, I bought this recommended for a hot day. The alcohol content is 13 degrees. It is smooth, refreshing, watery, and does not interfere with food. Neither sweet nor spicy is assertive, and the slight sweetness of the rice in the mouth and the gentle bitterness that comes afterward fade away quickly. The brewery uses mineral-rich oyster shells to improve the soil, so I would like to try it with fried oysters with a squeeze of lemon.
大嶺大嶺3粒 生詰ひやおろし山田錦
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Preferences★☆☆☆☆ We started with Ohmine's hiyaoroshi Yamadanishiki from among the many autumn sakes we stocked. It has a mellow hiyaoroshi taste with a rounded and rounded flavor without any corners, and you can feel the footsteps of autumn, while its refreshing aroma and minerality are just right for the still hot late summer. The following is a quote from the website. The aroma has hints of muscat and apple, and the rice-derived plump umami, acidity, and layers of minerality bring a deep and long aftertaste. Today's meal Pork and mushrooms simmered in ponzu sauce with grated radish Kinpira burdock Miso soup - eggplant and leek
Yamamoto純米吟醸 フォレストグリーン
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Preferred ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Misato Nishiki was born in the same year as me. I felt a connection with this sake because it is 100% Misato Nishiki, which was born in the same year as me. Personally, I have a strong image of Yamamoto as a very spicy sake, but at a sake strength of +2, it was perfect for summer, as it was easy to drink like water. I felt more alcohol than Omine's summer sake, which also tastes like water. It is usually served in early summer, but this year it was served at the height of summer. I asked the store owner and he recommended this one over Sunshine Yellow.
KudokijozuJrと小川酵母 純米大吟醸
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Preference★☆☆☆☆ Polishing ratio 44 Sake meter value -5, but the sweetness seemed less than I had imagined.
Hououbidenミクマリ 純米大吟醸生酒
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Preferred ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ More effervescent than expected and easy to drink with a good balance of sweetness and acidity. Like a white sparkling wine. I was told it would go well with Italian food such as cheese and tomatoes, but it is more of a carpaccio than cheese. Tomatoes go well with it. It is also good with fresh salads and bongolebianco. If you pour it into a glass and leave it for a while, the fizziness will disappear and the taste will change soon, so it is best to drink it immediately after chilling it.
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Preferences: ★★★★★ With dinner in Kuji, where I was on a business trip. It was my first tasake and it was delicious. Sashimi Maitake Tempura Maitake mushroom tempura
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Taste ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Polishing ratio 70%. Nitoshi's summer sake satin. Low alcohol, sweet and tasty. Cream cheese and nuts would go well with it.
Toyobijin醇道一途純米吟醸 酒未来
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Preference ★★★★★ Polishing ratio 50%. The current president of the company was trained at Takagi Shuzo in Yamagata, and the sake we purchased was a limited edition sake made from a rice called Sake Mirai developed by Takagi Shuzo. I had high expectations for this sake before opening it, and when I tried it, I found it to be extremely tasty. It is soft on the palate and has a gorgeous aroma. The sweetness and umami of the rice spread out, and it had a nice sharpness that I really liked. I want to drink it again. Today's meal Sushi Shijimi clam soup
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Taste ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Polishing ratio 60 Unfiltered, unfiltered, single shot fire-brewed sake. This is a summer edition of the Four Seasons series, which expresses the seasons with the same rice and the same rice polishing ratio. I bought this because I wanted to try a dry sake, which I don't usually choose. I expected it to be drier than I expected, but it was not at all spicier than I imagined, and I rather liked it. Later, I found out that the sake was rated at +3 on the sake scale, which is slightly drier than the sake I usually drink. The initial sweetness of the first saké accentuated the sharpness of the second saké, and the crisp, refreshing taste was perfect for the hot, humid summer. I would like to try more dry sake.
Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 星祭
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Taste ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Polishing ratio 50%. I really liked Shiboritate Senryu, so I bought this summer sake to try the other Eikofuji. It has a gorgeous daiginjo-style aroma and a sweet flavor that spreads the sweetness of the rice, but it also has a pleasantly bitter aftertaste. I drank it with a friend who does not usually drink sake, and she said it was delicious and easy to drink. I preferred the Senryu, which was sweeter and more umami, but it was also a good summer drink. Recently, I have been drinking a lot of unfiltered nama sake at festivals.
Haneya純米吟醸 煌火
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Preference ★★★★★ Polishing ratio 60 I had it with a meal, but I prefer it on its own or as a mealtime sake. There is no sake degree listed on the label, but a quick internet search suggests it is about +2. It has a mild sweetness with a bitter aftertaste when cold right out of the refrigerator, and a mild spiciness when slightly warmed up, both of which I liked. The aroma is subdued in the glass, but as soon as you put it in your mouth, its gorgeousness spreads softly, and the softness of the mouthfeel is very much to my liking. I would like to use this bottle regularly with a wide range of meals, such as rolled egg, simmered vegetables, and deep-fried tofu. Today's meal Fried sweet pepper and eggplant with pork miso Tempura of chicken with ume paste and shiso Maitake mushroom and tofu miso soup
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Polishing ratio 65 Purchased because of the fireworks label. The aroma is subdued. Sourness and a hint of bitterness. It is neither sweet nor spicy (more on the sweet side?). As the name "Sarasara Junmai" suggests, it is low in alcohol and smooth. I am not sure if this is the right word, but I felt it was "thin. I preferred Nakatori No. 2, which is also a Tenmei.
Fusano KankikuBlueSapphire 山田錦×五百万石
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Taste ★★★☆☆☆☆☆ Junmai Daiginjo Light Nigori Unfiltered Nama Sake Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku from Chiba Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Sweet and delicious. The sweetness is well perceived, but it is not a clinging sweetness, but a fresh and light sweetness that quickly disappears. There is no sense of gas, and you can only feel it on the tip of the tongue. It is low in alcohol and can be drunk like a juice, like a slightly effervescent sweet white wine. I think it tastes like it would be popular with women. I like sweet, so I would like to repeat this.
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Taste ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Polishing ratio 60 This is a summer sake from Akabu. It was written "Imagine a magnificent mountain," so I drank it thinking it would be deep green and full-bodied, but it was surprisingly light and smooth, and my image was of lush green summer mountains and the cool mountain air. I was betrayed in a good way. As the menu says, "Enjoy it casually," I had it with summer vegetables from my vegetable garden and sashimi from the supermarket. Casual is a word that fits perfectly. If anything, I prefer Jade.
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Taste ★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 13%. In the mouth, there is a slight feeling of fine carbonation, but it quickly fades away, leaving a slightly sour aftertaste. There is almost no aroma, and the mouthfeel is light and smooth. In addition to its deliciousness, the low alcohol content, which is typical of summer sake, makes it very easy to drink. Compared to Jade, which was my favorite, Jade is soft, round, and smooth. If you compare it to a figure, it would be like a fat, and if it were a cloth, it would be like silk. On the other hand, SEA is light and smooth. If it were a figure, it would be straight lines; if it were a cloth, it would be aerism.
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Yamada Nishiki A cup of sake with a summer-only fireworks design by Omine Shuzo! It comes in a 100ml bottle, which comes in handy when you want to drink just a little bit by yourself. Replacing your holiday coffee time with this cup of sake will make you feel a little extravagant from noon. At the liquor store where I purchased it, the price was about 1,500 yen for a set of four. The following is a quote from the website. The wine has an exhilarating flavor of muscatel and melon, suitable for summer. The fruitiness is reminiscent of tropical fruits such as lychee, and the lively acidity and minerality bring a refreshing aftertaste. Pairing Lightly-pickled summer vegetables, Grilled chicken with ume and shiso paste, Grilled squid with soy sauce butter, Please serve in a wine glass.
Glorious Mt.Fujiしぼりたて仙龍 純米吟醸無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Preference ★★★★☆ Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio 60 Purchased at Gutto Yamagata during a trip to Yamagata. It has a full sweetness on the palate, with a tangy, raw sake aftertaste. Very much to my liking. The sake has a good sweetness and is easy to drink. It made me want to eat sushi. I would like to have it with rice instead of sashimi.
Kankobai樹米吟醸 NATSUSAKE純米吟醸
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Favorite ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Summer Sake Penguin🐧 by Kankoubai The sake taste is the same as in winter and spring. The mouthfeel is mellower and sweeter than in spring. The sweetness is like fresh juicy fruit, and the slight acidity in the aftertaste is refreshing and not too assertive. I have not yet had an autumn owl, but my preference is summer > winter > spring.