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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Chiyomusubiひやおろし 純米吟醸
Chiyomusubi Check-in 1
It has a slightly yellowish light blue color. It has a refreshing ginjo aroma with tart and sweet fruit. The mouthfeel is sticky and thick. The sweetness from the core of the rice lingers on the tongue like a lingering aftertaste, and turns into a refreshing umami. The accent of light acidity gives way to a moderate bitterness. Mellow and slightly bubbly with a long finish and a sparkling aroma. It is a strange taste that seems to have reversed the normal taste development of sake. The bubbles and the aroma come from the back, and the thickness of the flavor comes from the front. From the thickness of the mouthfeel, we expected a strong flavor, but the aftertaste is refreshing. It was a new taste and a good experience for me.
Mizubasho純米吟醸 ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろし
Mizubasho Check-in 1
Fairly clear, almost transparent water color. The ginjo aroma is just barely acceptable along with the sweetness of sugar. Thick sugar on the palate. Just a hint of foam, amplified cane sweetness. Bittersweetness that retains the sugar texture. The sweetness is hard to leave with an intense aftertaste that fades away. A gracefulness that fits the image of a skunk cabbage. The balance is on the border of fragility and thinness. This is my personal favorite brand, where you can enjoy the pure sweetness of the rice.
Fumotoi (hiragana)秋あがり 吟醸
Fumotoi (hiragana) Check-in 1
We met again at the place where we went to get the autumn sake. I don't get the same one as much as possible, but I remembered the good impression and bought it again. The color is clear and light blue. It has a clear fruit aroma with hints of apples and pears. I don't like sakes with a strong ginjo aroma, so I was relieved by the unchanged aroma. It has the same fruitiness as the aroma and a sharp mouthfeel. It has a refreshing and moderate honey sweetness. The aftertaste is apple skin, a little bitterness and thick flavor. A little heat lingers in the throat. A little more fruity than last time. I want to drink it slowly in the long night of autumn when the heat is over. The more you drink it, the sweeter it gets, and it is one of my favorite bottles.
Zaku恵乃智 中取り 純米吟醸
Zaku Check-in 1
Like Honochi, the water color is highly transparent. Sweet and mellow rice, unpleasant fruit aroma, a dark aroma of pineapple with a freshness like a watermelon, resulting in an apple feeling. The mouthfeel is clean and crisp with a pineapple sweetness. It is supported by the rich flavor and moderate acidity derived from the fruit that does not lose to the sweetness, and the flavor draws a circle. The bitterness of the fruit peel accentuates the flavor of the pineapple candy that remains at the end. The aroma and taste are the opposite of Honochi. It is a thick pineapple type, but the taste of the apple beyond that is unique. There is no flaw in the production, and this time is also a jackpot.
Fumotoi (hiragana) Check-in 1
The water color is highly transparent with a slight yellowish tinge. The aroma is sweet with a hint of sugar. The mouthfeel is unexpectedly viscous. After the momentary impact, there is a gap, which leads to a delicate taste development. After the void, the flavor of the rice, the fruit reminiscent of Japanese pears and persimmons, and the simple bitterness and richness that color the aftertaste. All of the flavors are like a mysterious beauty. It has a smooth texture and a refreshing feel on the tongue, perfect for a cool summer night. A well-calculated taste, a delicious bottle.
Tenbi特別純米 火当て
Tenbi Check-in 1
The second bottle of Tenbi horizontal drinking. The water color is transparent with a yellowish tinge. It has a clear aroma derived from rice. The mouthfeel is a harmony of heaviness and lightness. It has a bubbly, rice-based taste, and a sense of gas without being unpleasant. The clear flavor suddenly disappears and is replaced by bitterness. The aftertaste is thin and lingering. The bitterness of citrus remains afterwards. It is too clear and feels tasteless. The balance that was felt in the Junmai Ginjo is not felt, and on the contrary, it is felt as if the goodness is canceled out. It is not watery, but the flavors cancel each other out. From the accuracy of the Junmai Ginjo, the clear taste is probably on target. There is a possibility that it is simply not to my liking, so please understand that this is just my personal opinion. If you compare it with Junmai Ginjo, personally, the evaluation will be quite different, and the difference between Shinsei's Ecru and Viridian is similar to the image (although there is almost no price difference here). The evaluation of Junmai Ginjo is outstanding, so it is a difficult bottle.
Milan Hauser
Lovely drink. I loved the bubbles!
Tenbi純米吟醸 火当て
Tenbi Check-in 1
Nearly transparent water color, just a hint of cloudiness. A sweetness hidden in the clear aroma. Glistening pudgy, cold and stimulating mouthfeel. A definite bubbly sensation on the tongue, a little ramune. Umami amplified from the ramune flavor. The flavor slides down the throat refreshingly, and what remains in the mouth is a pleasant bitterness. A thick aftertaste that lingers even after you finish it. There is no doubt that the bubbles are a characteristic of this wine, but what is noteworthy is the excellent taste development and the good balance. It is a harmonious blend of freshness and weight, without being overpowering but with a strong aftertaste. The palate is versatile, complex and delicate. This is a great bottle that you can't go wrong with, and one that you'll want to continue drinking on the side.
Sharaku純米吟醸 播州山田錦 一回火入れ
Sharaku Check-in 1
Light blue with a slight yellowish tinge. It has a faint ginjo aroma and a light fragrance. It has a sharp mouthfeel and a pineapple fruitiness. The sweetness and flavor of the fruit overflows with the faint ginjo aroma. The sweetness lingers for a long time, and a round bitter taste remains on the tongue. The fruitiness is similar to Hanayakuyo, but this one has a stronger aftertaste and is like licking candy. This is a bottle that can be recommended to those who like a rich candy feeling like molasses. The fruitiness of baked apples after a few days is also interesting.
Zaku Check-in 1
Highly transparent water color. Slightly refreshing aroma of rice. A mouthfeel that is both crisp and sweet. The rush of sweetness is balanced by the sharpness of citrus. The sweetness is balanced by the sharpness of the citrus. A hint of fruit lingers in the mouth. The accent of the bitterness is so subtle that you have to look for it to recognize it. There is not much aroma, but the taste development is the best in the world. It is so complete that it is better than a badly brewed aroma, or perhaps this aroma is the correct answer. The more you drink, the better it gets, and it's a bottle to love.
Kokuryu Check-in 1
It is cloudy like a frosted glass. The aroma of rice is bubbly and frothy. It also has a fruity and fresh image. The lees-derived texture is soft and smooth. It has a rich sweetness, a crisp acidity, and a heavy bitterness and umami taste. The aftertaste is a strong citrus bitterness and hidden flavors. I had an image that this wine was more sweet, but it should be noted that it has an inconspicuous sharpness and a strong bitter aftertaste. The sweetness and the bitterness, the taste development that swings to both extremes, depends largely on the taste. This is a bottle that is likely to be evaluated differently.
Dassai Check-in 1
It has a slightly yellowish light blue color. It has a rich rice aroma reminiscent of ramune. The palate has a gorgeous aroma and ripe fruit. The bitterness and sweetness form a circle on the palate. The aftertaste is refreshing, but lingers for a long time. The bottle is a little thin, but it is a perfect bottle with no mistakes.
Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 1
Reductive scent of blueberries at first. It disappears as it opens, but the aroma itself is quite thin. Bubbly mouthfeel, a bit of sweetness to oaky bitterness. Long lingering aftertaste centered on a long lasting bitterness. This is an experimental bottle with only bubbles and bitterness, or a concept to be served in a wine glass.
久保田 紅寿 Check-in 1
Light blue with a slight yellowish tinge. Clear rice, a little oaky. The palate has a strong sweetness derived from the rice. From the back, there is a bitter taste and a fragrant aroma of oak. The aftertaste has a clear outline of good water. This bottle is a good example of sweetness in a good sense.
Aramasa Check-in 1
Immensely clear water color. Just a hint of grain aroma. Aroma of rhumune. Clear sweet taste. A little sourness and the flavor of clear rice. It is cut down to the extreme, and it produces a mysterious taste. There is almost no aftertaste, and the faint flavor of the rice remains on the tongue. A very experimental bottle. It is difficult to evaluate.
Fumotoi (hiragana)吟醸 秋あがり吟醸
Fumotoi (hiragana) Check-in 1
Clear light blue. Clear fruit aroma with hints of apple and pear. Soft and fluffy mouthfeel. Refreshing fruit and a good sweetness. The aftertaste is not stubborn, and is fragile but certainly resonant. A slight heat lingers in the throat. A bottle to be left to the senses rather than to the five tastes. The beauty of subtraction, the quintessence of Japanese taste. The more you drink it, the sweeter it becomes, and it is a bottle with a very high degree of perfection.
Aramasa Check-in 1
Endlessly clear light blue. The aroma is neutralized and nearly unscented. A few thorns prick the tongue. The texture is fluffy, the fruit is clear. A hint of apricot fruit, clear and transparent. It has a delicious taste and a slight acidity on the finish. It feels very experimental. The bottle is devoid of any brewing incense or related substances. The price is reasonable, but I have a good impression of the Japanese flavor. Colors is still interesting. I can feel a clear direction in this series. Opinions may vary, but I would like to praise this brewery for paving the way to the future of stagnant sake.
Shimeharitsuru純米吟醸 越淡麗純米吟醸
Shimeharitsuru Check-in 1
強めの吟醸香。 透明感のある甘い口当たり。 甘さと塩味がバランス良く調和し、酸と苦味はほぼ無い。 後味・余韻は細く儚く。 辛さも甘みも主張しない。 まさに淡麗。 儚さが際立つが繊細なコクもあり、飲めば飲むほど味が太くなる。 日本酒の妙味を体現した、しみじみと旨い一本。
作 新酒 2019純米大吟醸
作 新酒 2019 Check-in 1
Almost transparent light blue. The aroma is pineapple with a hint of ginjo. Good viscosity and bubbly texture. Sweetness and savoriness on the palate. The aftertaste is full of flavor. Sake with fruitiness is the latest trend. A masterpiece that expands the range of drinkers and creates new values. It was a very good experience.
Aramasa Check-in 1
微かに柔らかな熟成香。 甘い泡を感じる口当たり。 無駄を極限まで削った旨味。 甘味・酸味・苦味のバランスが円を描き、全ての尖りを丸く感じさせる。 余韻は愛嬌を感じる酸っぱい木の実。 日本酒の新たなジャンルと言われるだけの存在感、今迄頂いたものを否定しかねない危険な程の旨さ。 賛否両論あるかもしれないが、この一本が日本酒の基準となるならば日本酒は世界中で愛されるものになるであろう。
黒龍 純銀三十八号 Check-in 1
It has a strong ginjo aroma that may be liked or disliked. It is viscous, but has no miscellaneous taste. The ginjo aroma and strong sweetness spread throughout the mouth. The delicious taste of rice follows. The aftertaste is like after licking molasses. It is a taste that makes you smile after drinking it. The strength of the flavor is such that it can be consumed by itself, but it is also a versatile bottle that goes well with food.