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Trying to keep track of good nihonshu I’ve drunk and remember my favourites. Not a reviewer so please forgive the simple comments.

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EchigotsurukamePonshukan x Echigotsurukame Junmai Ginjo純米吟醸
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Bought from Ponshukan in Niigata Station. Alcohol 15% Light slightly fizzy taste with rice bitterness that lingers. Quite a light drink. Will be having with homemade barbecue chicken with たれ and grilled miso zucchini.
KinsuishoJunmai Ginjo純米吟醸
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I’ve been keeping this one for a few weeks as I was disappointed on initial tasting, even thought it’s not namazake. As opened, it was spicy, with the taste of rice and hint of bitterness, then nothing! The taste did not linger at all! After 2 weeks in the refrigerator, I still get the spicy start, but not as strong, then a lingering savouriness with a hint of melon and pineapple, with stronger rice and touch of bitterness. Not up to the flavour of the other Fukushima nihonshu…
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Drier nihonshu with melon, rice and bitterness at the end. Good with food, but I prefer the Yuho Yamaoroshi which I also tried which has more umami and longer flavour
ChiyoJunmai Nama Moromi Nigori純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒
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Palate cleanser with slight spritz. Clean slightly acidic. Not heavy so great nihonshu to start by itself without food, but worked well with lighter snacks.
DassaiDassai 23純米大吟醸
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Always wanted to try this, and as the queue at Hasegawa Tokyo Station was very long, I felt that I had to make the wait worthwhile.😜 Not as mild as I expected, as a lot of JDG are very light; has a fruity melon, peach but also spicy. Delicious and worth the price for a special occasion; what more so than New Year Eve!
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Was searching for more Shundei, but it’s sold at a different place. This is one of their rice from a single farm series; wonderful namazake. Opened with a pop, savoury with a melon finish and spicy, not too dry and well balanced. From a single field at Katakado, Fukushima. Delicious Nihonshu and worth the trip! Will try again a few days later to see how the flavour develops.
Kamotsuru本釀造 上等酒本醸造
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ミライザカ 宇都宮駅西口店
At an izakaya in Utsunomiya for dinner tonight; most places were full! Had the local fried chicken, here as 清流若どり 骨付モモ一本グローブ揚げ. Felt it needed Nihonshu beside just beer, so chose the Kamotsuru off the drinks list. Good balance of light sweetness with a hint of fruitiness, savoury and dryness, with long finish and umami. Sometimes I feel 大吟醸 looses out with food, whereas the stronger flavour cuts through the friend chicken, making you want more of both! Surprisingly good inexpensive Nihonshu.
KidKID 純米吟醸酒しぼりたて純米吟醸生酒
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Sushi Sakai (すし堺)
Had sushi tonight, and asked for recommendation for nihonshu. Choose the 中 option. Has a taste not too sweet or dry, with good rice flavour and long finish, making you want to drink more. The flavour of the nigiri and nihonshu was better together. Haven’t had a nihonshu worth writing about in a while.
Tenmei“Homura” Kimoto Junmai Daiginjo Nama Sake
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Another delicious Fukushima Nihomshu, although unintended as bought a few years ago. Seems like a mix of 2022 and 2023. Fizzy when opened with a pop. I opened it a few days ago, and it seemed more active after a few days after breathing; much more gas than the first day. Taste more complex than the first day; caramel, mushrooms, rice, fruit, but not sweet, more 辛口。
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Another nihomshu that needs time to breathe. When first open, mainly tasted the sharp alcohol, but after a few days, it mellows to a taste of rice, melon, sharpness with a slight bitter finish. Very drinkable cold. The taste mellows over time and 2 weeks later is still good with less alcohol hit.
Miyakobijin山廃純米 雲乃都美人
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When I first opened the bottle, flavour was not great, but after letting it breathe for a week in the fridge, it was delicious! Initial taste of strawberries and rockmelon with sweetness then long dry finish. The changes are why I really enjoy namazake.
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Yakitori Yurippi
Another good Fukushima nihomshu Slight sweetness with melon and hint of mushrooms with a dry finish Delicious with the ひざ軟骨の唐揚げ but not so good with the Yakitori as the delicate flavour is lost
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Light crisp taste with scent of mushrooms. Taste obscured with stronger foods, just taste the alcohol, so lighter tasting food might work better, or drink by itself. Easy drinking.
Morishima山田錦 純米吟醸 生酒
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Was a bit uninteresting when initially opened. Left overnight, some gas buildup, but the flavour developed to a slightly sweet, fruity, melon with acid finish. Delicious with nabe, with more pronounced acid.
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Decided to open this small bottle for dinner. Smooth sweet sparking nigori. Delicious with salmon poke, both do not overpower each other
Drinking by itself, has a melon taste with less sweet finish. Still good after a few days.
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Delicious effervescent Nihonshu that goes well with chicken at My Farm to Table おにや, Niigata