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Hatsusakuraニューハツサクラ 生酛太郎純米吟醸中取り槽しぼり
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Koka City area of Shiga, my favorite place to visit these days. While visiting the Shigaraki Ceramic Forest, I went to stock up on sake. I found a limited edition sake from Hatsuzakura! Made from 100% Shiga Prefecture Ginbukiyo. It is a "super" limited edition sake with a medium kumi. The aroma is more yogurt-like acidity than fruity. It is lightly cloudy. The taste is strong - the acidity is effective, but the umami and flavor are strong. There is a bitter aftertaste and the alcohol content is 17%, so it has a lot of punch! I like the Namahashitaro series!
Kamonishiki荷札酒 黄水仙純米大吟醸無濾過
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Yellow Narcissus ✨ for packaged sake. Omachi, right? It's my absolute favorite one. I've had it at a restaurant before, but it was when I was tongue-tied, so this is the first time I've had a chance to take my time with it. The aroma is strong. Nice aroma~❤️ Like cream soda. Sweet aroma like cream and rice. It has a mild acidic flavor of banana and pear. The flavor is strong. Sweet. But the bitter aftertaste and the tangy gas make it easy to drink. Maybe because the alcohol content is 13 degrees. Yummy!
YokoyamaSILVER 超辛7純米吟醸生酒
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お久しぶりのよこやまです。 よこやま、うまいけど私の好みからは少し甘み強いなーと思っていたところ、「超辛」とは! だけど、甘い辛いの表記はイマイチ信用してないので本当に辛口?と疑いながらも飲んでみよう♪ 香りはバナナ&ほんのりメロン。甘さは控えめの辛口。(ホントだった🤪) スッキリー うっすらにごりあり。 1週間後、香りが立ってきた。 そうねぇ、うまいけどこっちだと私の好みからするとあっさりしすぎかなー中間ぐらいがいいなー
Hi Yuki! I totally agree with you! I wish there was a middle ground. (I haven't looked for it yet...)
Takashi-san Really! Maybe try assemblage?
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This is the first Yamawa. ❤️ A new unfiltered unpasteurized sake. Yogurt aroma. It tastes like banana. It has a strong spiciness. A little grassy aroma in the back, but it tastes good. The next day, the banana-like aroma increased and it became thicker. After that, I let it sit for about a week, and the aroma that bothered me disappeared, and it came together nicely.
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I bought this one in February. Mitsuo, the theme for 2024 is "timeless sake brewing". To reduce CO2 for the future? Making gas-filled sake? 😆. Sweet & acid aroma like drinking yogurt. But the taste is refreshing. Easy to drink with just a hint of gas. Tasty but not harsh, low acidity. It's like a 00 sour. What is it, light banana?
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This is also a part of Noto support. Senkin after a long time. The aroma is cream soda. Sweetness and acidity. Slightly cloudy. It is thick and has a faint gaseous taste. The taste is more sour and bitter than sweet. It is refreshingly citrusy. The sweetness increases when it is mixed with orikomi. It is so good! Wishing Noto a speedy recovery.
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I have not had a sake from Yoshida Shuzo since I had a Junmai Daiginjo from Tedorigawa about 20 years ago (it was delicious). With a wish for the recovery of Ishikawa Prefecture. 100% Ishikawa-mon sake. Banana and melon aroma. When opening the bottle, it popped! and there is a moderate amount of gas remaining. The bottom part is slightly cloudy. It starts out smooth and light, like water. Maybe because of the 13% alcohol content? It is like a light melon soda. Later, there is a sweet aroma like cream. As you continue drinking it, the umami flavor comes out and it becomes thicker. It is easy to drink.
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This is black rust. It is made of Gohyakumangoku. The taste is totally different from the red one! This one tastes like apple. It has a clear acidity with little sweetness. It is thick and has a spicy aftertaste. The umami is felt later.
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I went to a liquor store on February 22, Cat's Day, and came across this 😻 Inomata Sake Brewery of Tsukifumi no Ike is releasing this sake on Cat's Day. On the package is the brewery's kitten, "Anko," a rusty cat. ❤️ Part of the proceeds will be donated to animal protection activities. There was also a draft version, but this one was fire-aged. The red rust is made with Takananishiki. Sweet citrusy aroma. The bitter aftertaste is citrus-like. Slightly gassy. It is sweet, but when paired with food, it also has a spiciness. As the day goes by, the sweetness settles down and the balance improves.
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It's been a while since I've seen this one, too. This is a limited edition Aizan! The aroma is mild and lychee-like, with a hint of plum-like acidity. Oh, it's so sweet! Pear + banana with a mild sweetness and a thickening taste. Slightly cloudy. There is a slight bitterness with a little gasiness. Light in comparison to the sweetness. Good taste!
Gassan春酒 しぼりたて生純米吟醸生酒
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Long time no see, Gassan ❤️ I bought a freshly squeezed spring one at the end of February❤️ Nice aroma of pear and lychee, but not strong. The first sip is sweet! Like melon juice. But the aftertaste is spicy with a refreshing bitterness. It leaves a little gassy feeling. I think it's a little sweet for my taste, but it's good. The next day, the standing sweetness settles down and it tastes like mellow banana, but refreshing. Yum!
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I completely bought the label and brought it home 😁. And then the sweet/dry issue in my mind broke out. Sweet aroma like pear ‾. First sip. Sweetness like rice and banana. The label says "super dry. Really? Isn't it rather sweet? The aftertaste is definitely spicy. There is also bitterness. There's also a bit of a sputtering gasiness. Hmmm.., In my case, it depends on the first sip and the impression of the aroma. If I am hungry, I feel the spiciness more strongly than the umami, But when I am hungry, the spiciness is stronger than the umami, but the umami is also there and the impression is sweet. I think of dry wine as having more acidity and dryness than sweetness, and more cleanness than umami. It is difficult to describe the taste! I think it's a good idea to try it. Oh, but this was my favorite type of taste: ❤️
EmishikiSensation WHITE New Gen純米生酛原酒
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Laughing Four Seasons Sensation! Sweet aroma. Rice, banana. Nice aroma! The first sip may be a bit sweet, but it quickly recedes to a pleasant bitterness. Yum ❤️
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Suzukagawa is made by the same brewery as Sakusaku. I was lucky to find it in a somewhat unexpected place, a local supermarket 😄The label was also nice, so I bought it: ❤️ The first aroma of slight acidity is like that of a rum. In addition, pear and banana aroma. It's fresh ✨Bitter taste remains, but it's not too strong. The next day, the sweetness is more pronounced. I wonder if the bitterness is becoming less noticeable. The image of the taste has changed, with a more mellow pear and banana type feeling than the freshness. New brew is so good 😋.
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It's a label buy: ❤️ The tag string is also woolen to match the design♪ Junmai Daiginjyo new sake, once-hired. Nice aroma of banana and pear. The taste is spicy and refreshing, but the balance of thickness, umami, and acidity is well balanced, making it easy to drink. Good as a food sake.
Edo Kaijou純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
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When I pass through Tokyo Station, I stop by Hasegawa Sake Shop in Gransta. And I buy some kind of sake from the Kanto area: 💪🏻 Yamada Nishiki ✨ from Edo Kaijo. Sweet aroma of rice, banana type of mild & acidic! Nice aroma 😍. It's clean but juicy like melon. There is some bitterness in the aftertaste, but it becomes more umami and balanced the next day. I love the sake here 😋.
SuminoeSOMETHING FOUR純米吟醸生詰酒
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This is also the first Suminoe! It is an assemblage of 42% Hachitanishiki, 21% Gin-no-Iroha, 19% Gohyakumangoku, and 18% Yamadanishiki. This fine gradation makes a difference in the taste, and unfortunately, I wouldn't notice any change in the balance. Nice aroma - sweet pear type. My favorite aroma ❤️ color is slightly yellow. But the taste is not juicy & fruity. It tastes more like a solid junmai sake. Sourness and bitterness are more pronounced and sweetness is less. It is good as a food sake.
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First Hakuhodo ~ ⭐️ Nice aroma of pear and sweet rice 😍. Fruity, thick and delicious! After the sweetness recedes, a strong bitter taste remains on the tongue. Fresh and tangy. Freshly squeezed is the best! The taste is a bit cucumbery when mixed with the cucumber. The next day it was more cohesive.
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I bought this sake from Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture, as a hometown tax payment. On New Year's Day, an earthquake hit Noto. The full extent of the damage is still unknown. By chance, I lived in Nanao City about 20 years ago. Buildings in the town I knew well were crushed and a tsunami hit. I also went to Okunoto many times. There is nothing there, but just driving along the road by the sea is soothing. Noto is gentle, even to the soil." It is true. The road along the coast collapsed. Because there is nothing, the damage is not conveyed or understood. The brewer of this sake is Kazuma Sake Brewery in Noto Town, but it seems that this brewery was also affected by the disaster. Many other sake breweries were also affected. I know it must be tough, but I hope they can somehow get back on their feet. I want to drink good sake from Noto again. I will definitely go back. ****************** Noto Tsugi" with a desire to take over Noto's primary industry. The sake is made from Koshihikari (Koshihikari produced in Nanao City). It is brewed in a wooden vat made of Noto Hiba (Noto Hiba). The color is quite yellow, probably because it is brewed in a wooden vat. The aroma has a yogurt-like acidity. It is like a white wine! The aroma of the wood is a little savory at the back of the bottle. Thinking of Noto. I will continue to support you.
Jikon純米吟醸 雄町火入純米吟醸
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This one had been sitting since May and was opened at the end of the year! Pear - strong flavor - slight bitterness in the aftertaste. Fresh even though it's been sitting since May ✨. After some time, it started to thicken. It's so good 😍.