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安くて美味しい純米酒の価値を教えてくれた一本義·純米(福井の酒·終売) こんなに華やかで面白い酒があるんだと気づかせてくれた仙介·純米吟醸白麹(兵庫·灘の酒) ペンネームは日本酒にハマるきっかけをつくった2つの酒から。 福井県出身の兵庫県民。アラフォー独身男。 福井の蔵元は一巡、引き続き兵庫の蔵元制覇を目指します。 焼酎·泡盛も好き。 ヤクルトスワローズファン。 T31エクストレイル乗り。

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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Sake from Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture. Discount price of 800 yen at a nearby supermarket. If only we could get to know good sake from such encounters. The sweetness that comes in slowly. Good on the palate. The sweetness spreads as if it envelops you. A light spiciness. You can feel the rich rice flavor deep in the back of the mouth. How about if you warm it up? Along with the sweetness, there is a lactic acid astringency and umami. It is a taste that makes you feel good. The spiciness and astringency that finishes off the finish resets the aftertaste. We will have another cup of sake.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Akita City, Akita Prefecture. It is the kind of sake you often see around downtown bars in Tokyo. It is about 250 yen for one sake. It is reasonable. It has a sharp, piercing sweetness. The spiciness rises like a spring water after the sweetness has landed. The spiciness rises up like a spring water after the sweetness has landed. It leaves no trace. The span of time between tastes is short and graceful. It makes you want to drink the next sip right away. How about if you heat it up? The sweetness rises to the upper jaw. The sweetness is not dull, and the spiciness that follows soon after tightens it up. The spiciness that follows soon after tightens the sweetness. I paired it with ascidians, and the aftertaste that disappears while being intertwined with the taste of the tide and sweetness is too good to be true.
Echizenmisakiシュタルクカイザー 超辛口+10
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This sake is from the town of Eiheiji, Fukui Prefecture. I bought this in Fukui over the holidays. I had been curious about this one for a while. There is also an Echizenmisaki brewed with plum yeast (of course I bought it), and the brewery seems to be quite enthusiastic about new approaches. The spiciness rises sharply! The spiciness is quite solid, and when the spiciness climbs, there is a hint of astringency and a slight sweetness. The spiciness climbs up, followed by astringency and a hint of sweetness, and then it drops off, leaving the taste on the tip of the tongue. Finally, the sweetness of the rice and the refreshing taste of water linger on the palate. A very refreshing sake. How about when it is heated up? The astringent and pungent taste comes out of the mouth. The astringent and pungent taste drifts down to the back of the throat. Considering how beautiful the taste is, I would recommend serving it cold.
GekkeikanTHE SHOT 純米酒
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This sake is from Kyoto-Fushimi. Thank goodness it is readily available at supermarkets. The color is light yellow. Half a hint of hiney aroma, half a hint of peachy aroma. The umami flavor comes in with a rush, and the spiciness, acidity, and sweetness blossom. The full-bodied sweetness is a type of sweetness that has a strong effect on the original sweetness of the rice. The acidity is added just before swallowing. The aftertaste is refreshing. It goes very well with simmered Thai fish. How about if you heat it up? The sourness comes first, and then the umami taste swells up and turns into spiciness. The aftertaste is austere and refreshing with a dry taste. However, I would prefer the acidic, glossy and refreshing taste of the cold version.
Meitomasamune特別純米酒 乙天(超甘口)
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This sake is from Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. I was attracted by the words "super sweet" and bought it. I have tasted this super-hot sake before, but it was quite sharp. Oh, from inside the noble aroma like muscat, a rich umami and sweetness derived from the rice came out. It is indeed sweet, but then a spiciness like that of a Hakka comes in. There is no sticky sweetness at all. The spiciness is the only thing that makes the sweetness come alive. How about if you heat it up? The sweetness spreads and the spiciness spreads. The spiciness with a hint of astringency rushes up. From the second bite, the sweetness and spiciness spread smoothly and pleasantly. The sweetness is not necessarily sticky-sweet, but rather the sweetness is only attractive when backed up by the cool, refreshing spiciness, both cold and warmed. This is an interesting sake. Highly recommended.
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This sake is from Kami Town, Hyogo Prefecture. Located in the Tajima region, the home of the stork, this brewery is all about Yamahai. It is often seen in the prefecture. At first, it is smooth. It starts with a clear sweetness and a slight spiciness. The rice flavor appears and then blends with the spiciness that rises and fades away. The aftertaste is quite clean. How about if you warm it up? The spiciness attacks quickly. The spiciness surges up and down, and then becomes a pungent taste with astringent and bitter undertones, and a rich flavor wafts over the palate. It has a sharpness, but the flavor remains clear. This heated sake feels so good!
Ichinokura無鑑査 本醸造辛口
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Sake from Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. I have seen Ichinokura's sake in quite a few places. I have been curious about it for a long time. What does "no inspection" mean? It has a slightly unpasteurized taste. It tastes like a fruit (a bit like kiwi). Then a wave of dryness washes over you. There is something interesting about the freshness. How about when it is warmed up? The aroma is a little savory, and the spiciness comes in. From the moderate sweetness, the rich sweetness and the fragrant spiciness fight each other in the mouth and fall off leaving a numbness of spiciness on the tip of the tongue. Variety of flavors, nice!
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Hokkaido is a sake of Asahikawa. I have not yet explored Hokkaido. Dreaming of one day being able to visit Asahikawa (and Escondido and Chestnut Tree Farm). It tastes very rich even at room temperature. The sweetness of the rice is strong. The spiciness follows, but it is probably because of the sweetness of the base. It is pleasant to drink. How about when it is warmed up? The spiciness comes in like a wave of refreshing spiciness, and the sweetness of the spiciness and the rich sweetness come back and forth. It is a rippling wave of flavor that comes and goes. It is better as a heated sake.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture. From Hyogo, it is a neighboring prefecture across the sea. It is not easy to get there, though. It is soft and fluffy. The spiciness comes in as if drifting into the mouth. The spiciness drifts into the mouth, and then, at the center of the mouth, sweetness and umami quickly creep in and combine with the spiciness. The flavor is light and smooth, and it fades away with a grape-like aroma. How about if you heat it up? The spiciness is light and light, and is combined with the grape-like aroma. The aroma and spiciness that passes through the nose have elegance. The umami taste comes out in the back of the mouth, and it takes care of the taste of the snacks. It would be good with warmed sake.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture. It was bought in February and is now in the warehouse. It is a 5% alcohol, junmai-based fruit wine. When I opened it, it was a very bright orange color (I forgot to take a picture--). There is a layer of pulp at the bottom. I guess it has a high percentage of fruit. Oh, wow! Intense! Crisp acidity! Tangerine bitterness and slight sweetness. Refreshing! The sake-like taste is mildly effective. It may be low in alcohol, but the way it works is certainly different from that of shochu or liqueur-based fruit wine. It is like drinking a noble mandarin orange juice. But this intense and refreshing feeling is something you can't get with fruit wine for preservation. Recommended. On this day, I had a standing drinking contest with my fellow volunteers. In the end, I was so drunk that I don't remember anything. I do remember having a good time, though.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Nada-Mikagego. Another brand of Izumi Shuzo, which brews the famous Nada sake Senzuke. I have had Hakuizumi several times, but this is the first time I have had a simple Junmai. The first thing that comes to my mind when I put it in my mouth is the taste of nothing. It tastes like water. From the core, there is a light sweetness and a deep spiciness, which spreads out like a pale water pattern. It is a beautiful, pale sake. How about if you warm it up? It is dry and crisp. A little grapefruit-like acidity on the back end. Leaves only a slight solid bitterness at the end. But it's too dry and not enough for warmed sake. I prefer it cold to enjoy its lightness and cleanness.
Kikusuiふなぐち 一番しぼり
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It is a sake from Shinobata City, Niigata Prefecture. You can find it in the one-cup section of most supermarkets. I often see it, but this is my first time to drink it. It goes in smoothly and gracefully. The sweetness is well balanced by a spiciness that is a bit intense. The sweetness is well developed and the spiciness is a bit intense. The sweet aroma and refreshing spiciness are pleasant. How about when warmed up? The sweetness drifts gently and softly, and the spiciness rises to the surface while it remains cool and refreshing. When paired with snacks, this spiciness quickly disappears while accepting the snacks. The lingering spiciness softly lingers in the mouth. It is pleasant to finish the drink with a gulp!
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Nada-Uosaki Township. It is on special sale at a local supermarket for 300 yen. It is interesting that they sometimes sell interesting sake at a discount. How does it taste? It is indeed a junmai daiginjo. It has a sweet ginjo aroma like a peach. Then, the polished sweetness. The pleasant acidity that rises slightly. It is a nectar of sweetness. How about if you warm it up? Peachy sweetness and a spiciness that has been boiled down quickly. The spiciness is cooked down and then it disappears in your mouth. It is a strange taste. I think it would be better to drink it cold. No, but this strange taste is interesting. It's interesting. While drinking, I was zapping the TV and saw that NHK was re-broadcasting Keisuke Kuwata's live special! It was perfect for watching while drinking. Let's drink some more while dancing and singing. I want to hear "Tsuki," my favorite solo song by Mr. Kuwata.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Kanazawa sake. I am from neighboring Fukui, but I don't have much experience with Ishikawa sake. Is the motif on the label Daruma? Cute. The color is light yellow. The aroma of "nettori" (a kind of sweetness) is very strong, and the sweetness comes along with the aroma. The mouthfeel is smooth, perhaps due to the sharp pungency on the back. The aftertaste finishes relatively quickly. How about when it is warmed up? It is sweet and spicy with a refreshingly crisp taste. The clear, umami taste is followed by a lingering pungent, numbing aftertaste. This continues to be a strong taste. The taste is quite strong. It is quite different from the gentle taste of cold sake. I like this strength.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
It is a sake from my hometown - Ono City, Fukui Prefecture. From the shelves at home. Fairly yellow color. Custard-like aroma, slight hiney aroma. Slightly cloying sweetness accompanied by a mild pungency. However, it combines well with the pungency and is sweet without being sticky! How about when warmed up? The spiciness floats up to the surface. The sweetness spreads deep on the tongue, accompanied by the slightly intensified hinekoso. And the aftertaste that quickly fades away. The vanilla-like aroma that passes through the nose. Enjoy it cold for its elegant sweetness, or warm it up for its sharpness. WBC Final. Yuhei Nakamura, catcher for the Yakult Swallows, was born in Ono City. He led seven pitchers, including Shohei Otani, and held the star-studded American team to two runs, while also taking chances at bat. From hometown to the world! As a Swallows fan and an Ono native, I am happy for him. Today may feel a bit like a small victory celebration.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Sake from Sanda City, Hyogo Prefecture. Purchased at the brewery. The person at the brewery was very nice. I have to go back to buy some more. Mild hinekoso aroma. The sharp sweetness comes in sharply and is immediately followed by a refreshing spiciness. The hinekoso keeps the conflict of flavors at bay. Dynamic flavor. It is like an old-fashioned sake. How about when it is warmed up? The hinekoso has a slightly flowery aroma. The sweetness comes. Riding on the flowery aroma. It goes in smoothly. It's quite good as a heated sake. For those who don't like the hineyoshi aroma, I would recommend heating it up.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Sake from Odate City, Akita Prefecture. Kitashika brand. It was on special sale at a nearby supermarket for 799 yen before tax. How does it taste? A graceful and reticent sweetness that enters easily. A fresh and sharp pungent taste tightens the aftertaste. The sharp spiciness is combined with the bright sweetness, and while expanding, it takes on the taste of the snacks and fades away. It has the freshness of a freshly stored sake, yet the depth of nostalgia. How about if you warm it up? Oh, the sharp sweetness rises. It is different from the sweetness of cold sake. The astringency and spiciness come right after the sweetness. The conflict with the sweetness deepens the flavor. The astringency and spiciness of this flavor is what makes even the strongest snacks taste good, and it also cuts through the aftertaste of the snacks. Considering the interesting flavor, I think I prefer it warmed.
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This sake is from the town of Inagawa, Hyogo Prefecture. I went to a roadside station in Inagawa to buy some. It seems that it is now made at Meijo Sake Brewery in Himeji, instead of being home brewed. It has a full-bodied sweetness and a grape-like aroma, followed by a mild spiciness that blooms like a flower. The spiciness fades away in the aftertaste. How about if you heat it up? The sweetness comes out quickly. The spiciness and umami are the aftertaste of the spiciness. The spiciness leads the spiciness to disappear. The simple taste is perfect as a food sake. It has a lingering taste. If I were to drink it, I would probably drink it warmed.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Nada is a sake from Imazu Township. I like the Shin Tamba series. I finally found a Junmai and bought it. It has a mild mouthfeel like cheesecake. It has a crisp and spicy taste. The cleanness that runs through the mouth is conversely good. It goes down the throat pleasantly. This pleasant feeling lingers in the mouth. How about when it is warmed up? The spiciness rises up. Solid and clear spiciness. The mild sweetness is followed by a bit of astringency. This astringency fits well when combined with snacks. It is the last piece of flavor that falls into your heart. This flavor. It is better with warmed sake.
Gekkeikanザ·ショット 大吟醸
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Kyoto - Fushimi sake. About 270 yen. I wanted to drink it quickly. How does it taste? Gorgeous ginjo aroma like honey. It tastes sweet and sour and light like a white peach. I think this gorgeous sweet and sourness is more for after dinner than during. Rather than drinking it with something else, it might be better to drink it by itself to relax at the end of the day. How about if you warm it up? It is much more refreshing. Both sweetness and spiciness disappear in a flash. It is refreshing, but not very interesting. It is better cold.