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安くて美味しい純米酒の価値を教えてくれた一本義·純米(福井の酒·終売) こんなに華やかで面白い酒があるんだと気づかせてくれた仙介·純米吟醸白麹(兵庫·灘の酒) ペンネームは日本酒にハマるきっかけをつくった2つの酒から。 福井県出身の兵庫県民。アラフォー独身男。 福井の蔵元は一巡、引き続き兵庫の蔵元制覇を目指します。 焼酎·泡盛も好き。 ヤクルトスワローズファン。 T31エクストレイル乗り。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
(The photo was not attached, so I am re-uploading it. Sorry to those who liked it) I live in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan. I don't play Mahjong (I had a bad experience with it when I was a newcomer), but the design makes me want to buy it. I bought it in the Hankyu underground. The sweetness comes to you quickly. The dense sweetness swells in your mouth with a refreshing spiciness. When it is paired with snacks, the sweetness quickly fades away, leaving a lingering sweet and spicy aftertaste. It has a slightly rich aftertaste, but that is a good thing. How about if you heat it up? It has a crisp sweetness and a refreshing spiciness. Everything flies upward. The smooth taste goes well with all kinds of snacks.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Sake from Sanda City, Hyogo Prefecture. Not a member of the sake brewers association. It is sold almost exclusively directly. It is said to be released around December and sold out around March. When we visited them last July, they were already sold out. Thank you very much for your support, such as offering products from the brewery in the back of the building. The sweet aroma of rice. The aroma is a little like peaches. A wide and fascinating sweetness that drifts in and out. A refreshing spiciness that surges up. The sweetness is clinging to the nose, yet it is light and smooth. Refreshing spiciness. The spiciness enhances the sweetness. When the spiciness is mixed with the muddiness below, the sweetness is combined with the spiciness to create a mellow taste. The sweetness is also combined with the spiciness to create a sharp taste. The flavors complement each other. How about when warmed up? Mellow, leisurely, and relaxed. It tastes a bit like amazake (by the way, they also sell non-alcoholic amazake), and the sharp spiciness that comes out of the ample sweetness is great! I think I like this sensation of heated sake.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture. It has been active in new initiatives in recent years and is making a name for itself in the prefecture. The owl on the label is impressive. The vanilla-like aroma has a mild fragrance and a spiciness that is about to break into the bottle. The gentle sweetness trails behind. The vanilla aroma that lingers on the palate refreshes the palate. How about when it is warmed up? A noble, grape-like aroma comes through softly. The dense pungency rises up. The spiciness and umami that wafts through the aftertaste are plentiful. It would be better to warm it up to activate the umami.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture. I visited Sakaiminato the summer before last. I couldn't see the Kitaro Museum by a hair's breadth, but I walked Kitaro Road in the rain. I think I bought a bottle of Kitaro sake there, too. I also heard that Wakana Matsumoto, an actor I've recently been really interested in, is from the neighboring city of Yonago. The color is slightly yellow. The slight sweetness is wrapped up by the firm umami of rice and sharp spiciness, and disappears in the back of the throat leaving a pleasant tingling sensation. Ah, it is truly pleasant! How about if you heat it up? Sweetness, spiciness, and umami quickly come together. Then, the sweet umami swells up with a bang. The aroma of ginjo (ginjyo) blows through the air. Below that, there is a pungent spiciness that gradually takes hold at the back of the tongue. This is combined with the sweetness to broaden the range of flavors. The spiciness and sweetness are well integrated with the taste of the fish. It is best served slightly lukewarm. However, the spiciness at room temperature is also hard to ignore.
Junsei絹光 生酛純米 R1BY
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture. It is a sub-brand produced by the brewery that produces FUKU-NISHIKI. I have drunk Fuku-Nishiki many times, but this is my first time drinking Junsei. The color is a little yellowish, and the R1BY means that it is an aged sake. It is quite sweet on the palate. It has a sharp spiciness that comes in from the side of the sweetness. It was bottled in November 2010, so it must be 3 years old. When paired with snacks, it has a slight plum-like aroma and sweet and sourness that envelops. This aroma and sweet-sourness accentuate the flavor. It is not so twisted, so you can drink it without hesitation. It is not heavy! How about when it is warmed up? The sweetness and sourness blows through smoothly. The spiciness then passes through while the full-bodied sweetness tries to take root. A plum-like flavor lingers in the aftertaste. As it cools down, the sweet and sour taste is pleasant. It's absolutely delicious when served lukewarm!
Gekkeikanミニカップ 純米
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Fushimi sake. About 118 yen for 100ml. I bought some. The spiciness comes on quickly. The spiciness quickly withdraws, and the sourness and sweetness of sake lees type taste comes out. But the spiciness overtakes it again, and it disappears down the throat with the taste of the snacks. It lasts only about five seconds. The aftertaste is good, and it accompanies both oily and delicate snacks. It can be bought in a flash and drunk instantly, regardless of the type of snack or situation. The taste is the embodiment of the functional beauty of one-cup sake. One-cup sake is truly excellent.
太陽赤石 たれくち 純米吟醸生原酒
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Sake from Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture. Not a member of the sake brewers association. A small brewery that makes all of its sake pure rice. Only seen in the vicinity of Akashi. Comes from a gushy, hikki acidity! From a vivid and bright muscat-like acidity, it moves to a deep acidity. Along with a hint of sweetness, a cool spiciness spreads quickly. The sweetness, acidity, and spiciness quickly fade away. This is delicious. How about when it is heated up? Aroma, sweetness, and spiciness are all wrapped up together. It is comfortable as if it envelops you. The warmer it gets, the better it tastes. However, I still think it should be served cold. The coolness of the taste is very special. If you are in the Akashi area, please get it.
Hakutsuru深山霞 純米酒
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
It is a Nada sake. I've never seen this deep mountain haze sold in a liquor store or something, maybe it's for restaurants only? It is a very cold sake. It is light on the palate. It has a crisp, refreshing sweetness and a tight spiciness. The fullness extends for a moment and then quickly disappears. It is a perfect sake for a mealtime drink. This sake goes very well with tasty mackerel kizushi. This day was our regular meeting with Kusetsuyo's brothers and sisters. We went to a restaurant recommended by one of the sisters who lives in the area, and it was a great place! We also drank Umeshiki Ginjo and Tosatsuru Honjozo Dry Taste, but I lost my notes and lost my memory of the taste due to drunkenness, so I can't write about it. I am disappointed (I will go back next month, so I will take my revenge then). It is fun to drink with people after all.
Senpuku激熱 低温熟成
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Hiroshima - Kure Sake. The words "Chifuku Gekihotsu" by the left field pole at Zoom-Zoom Stadium. I was curious every time lefty was shown at a Swallows vs. Carp game. When I saw a liquor store in Himeji had it in stock, I went to buy it without a second thought. The bottle and label are a bright Carp red. I am a Swallows fan who drinks it (and it is from the hometown of beloved manager Shingo Takatsu). It has a smooth texture. It has a rich sweetness like sake lees. The sweetness trails off and disappears in the aftertaste. How about if it is heated (lukewarm heating is recommended)? The sake-kasu-like sweetness expands, and it has a cheesecake-like richness. The sweetness comes out and a refreshing spiciness blooms as if it is riding on top of the sweetness. The refreshing sweetness flutters in the air! Oh, it is definitely better as a heated sake! It's just as they say, "This sake is intensely delicious when heated. I bought a bottle of Chifuku's mikan (mandarin orange) sake with it, and I'm looking forward to another gathering around the time of hanami (cherry-blossom viewing). I look forward to that day in spring.
沢の鶴純米酒 米だけの酒
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
It is a well-known Nada sake. It costs about 150 yen at the supermarket. This is the first time for me to buy paper packaged sake. The rice flavor is sweet and full. The spiciness quickly rises. The spiciness reaches its peak in a well-balanced manner, and then disappears without a trace. It lasts about 5 seconds. Simple and clean. It is an excellent utilitarian wine that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. How about if you heat it up? Both sweetness and spiciness become lighter. However, the spiciness drifts in and catches the snacks, while the mouthfeel is light and clear. It is quite strong. As it cools down, the sweetness comes in gradually. This is not to be underestimated!
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Kainan City, Wakayama Prefecture. Nationally popular sake. Bought at 3 discount about 6 months ago. 21 years BY. waking up from a year and a bit of sleep. As soon as it was poured, the aroma of grape-like sweetness was immediately noticeable. The elegant sweetness is fragrant. The slight twinge of fragrance that comes from the depths of the bottle is tightened by the spiciness that envelops it. The aftertaste is the sweetness of rice. The taste is elegant to the last. How about if you warm it up? The rich sweetness is accompanied by a slight bitterness and astringency. The bitterness and astringency quickly fade away, leaving behind a rich sweetness that remains refined and fragrant as it fades away. It is best drunk lukewarm!
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Tanba Sasayama, Hyogo Prefecture. I bought it when I went to Tamba Sasayama the other day to buy soybeans for miso. I also went to the castle ruins, but unfortunately it was raining. I grew up in a castle town in the basin, so I felt nostalgic. The taste is very nigori (nigori sake). A muscat-like sweetness that comes for a moment drifts in slightly, and a spiciness that seems to well up from deep in the chest penetrates through. The spiciness that rises up from the bottom of the mouth disappears without a trace. The softness of the mouthfeel makes it easy to drink as much as you want. How about when it is warmed up? The spiciness and sweetness come up strongly. The rich rice flavor comes afterwards. It is also good to drink it softly. It is like an adult's amazake (though not sweet)!
Kitaakita純米吟醸原酒 ひやおろし
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Odate City, Akita Prefecture. Purchased at a discount price at a certain sake discount store in northern Hyogo Prefecture. Kita-Akita is a sake often seen in supermarkets. This is the first time to drink it. Mellow aroma. It smells like ripe apples. As soon as it hits the palate, it has an apple-like aroma, a ripe, rounded sweetness, and a sharp spiciness that is not too assertive but supports the flavor from the back. The first sip is rather generous, but the second sip disappears quickly and is very pleasant to drink! I could drink this for hours! How about if you heat it up? The sweetness blooms. Then the spiciness rises. The spiciness rises in the mouth, becoming one. The full-bodied, rich sweetness and spiciness disappear into the back of the throat while making a commotion. It is the opposite of room temperature. The sweetness at room temperature was quite good, so I would recommend room temperature.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This is sake from Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture. Around Ojiya, I'd like to go see the JR hydroelectric power plant group. I'm a maniac. The color is quite yellow. In the mouth, there is a slight hiney aroma surrounded by a thick flavor. Little by little, a sharp spiciness melts into the firm sweetness. It disappears without any aftertaste. How about when heated? The thick flavor shell is broken and the dry taste comes from the beginning. The umami, spiciness, and astringency come and go quickly. As it cools down, the range of flavors expands a little more, but the twisted aroma does not stand up. It is best when lukewarm. It tastes good as a mealtime sake.
JR's hydroelectric plant in Ojiya is maniacal👍. There is also a hydroelectric power generation exhibition facility called Ojiyaru.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This is a sake from my hometown - Echizen-Ono, Fukui Prefecture. I bought it as a souvenir on my way home. The color is quite yellowish. There is almost no scent of hineyoshi. When you put it in your mouth, it has a sharp and sharp spiciness. It has a slight hineyoshi aroma and a crisp, hard sweetness. There is no lingering sweetness at all. The spiciness is followed by richness and umami, and while the flavor is well balanced, it sinks gracefully down the throat. This freshness is remarkable. I would have liked to drink it warmed, but my friend and I drank it in one gulp and didn't have any left. I'll buy some more heated sake when I get it again.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
It is a sake from Tonami City, Toyama Prefecture. I would like to go for a walk in the scattered villages of the Tonami Plain or something. At the beginning of the year, I bought it at a supermarket in Fukui at a 3-discount. It has a nostalgic, umami-guchi taste, and a refined sweetness that makes you feel nostalgic. The spiciness that seems to come out of the earth comes from the first "savoriness". The spiciness comes from the "kara-kari" (the spiciness that comes from the earth), and then the spiciness goes straight down into the gut of the stomach! This bachi-bachi sensation is sinking in! There is almost no brewing sensation. That is why it is easy to drink. It is easy to drink because of its deep nostalgia, and it goes well with strong snacks. It is quite good as a food sake. How about if you warm it up? The sweetness is light and the spiciness is refreshing. The two tastes are combined, and the sake is a bit of a rush, but then it dances lightly for a moment and then disappears. It is a very clean sake. Heated sake is good, but I prefer to drink it as it is and let the flavors sink in. It costs around 300 yen without discount. It's quite cosy.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
灘は御影郷の酒です。 ペンネームの由来になった酒。 ただ特別純米は初めて飲みます。 ブドウ様の深い甘み、下の脇から先へ上がってくるじわじわ系の辛み。 ベタベタ残らない。スキッと胃の腑に落ちる。 あとに残るは甘い香りだけ。 また次のひとくちが飲みたくなる。安心して飲めるスタンダードナンバー。 温めるとどうか。 ホックリした飲み口。 カラリと甘さと辛さが漂う。 そして、甘酒のような、滋味深くホッとする味わい。 燗酒のほうが好みかなぁ。 明日で阪神·淡路大震災から28年。 神戸で働いている者(職場周辺も大きな被害を受け、職場の先輩やOBたちも救援活動に尽力されました)として、絶対に忘れてはならない日。 仙介を醸す泉酒造も、震災で蔵が壊滅。 自醸酒の復活まで12年もの歳月を要したそうです。 長い歳月をかけて再起し、今や灘を代表する名酒になった仙介。 今日私が仙介の味を楽しめるのも、再起に力を尽くされた蔵元の皆さんのおかげです。 震災で亡くなられた方のご冥福を祈るとともに、震災の日から今日まで、復興に尽力されたすべての方に心からの敬意を表して···。
Tatsuriki特別純米酒 山田錦 黒ヒゲ
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Sake from Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. New Year's specification for 2021. I bought it at one of the sake discount stores in Hokuban in the fall of 2022. It was unexpectedly aged for 2 years. How does it taste? It tastes very strange (because it had been stored for 2 years?). The sweetness spreads. The sweetness spreads and the spiciness rushes in from deep inside like a wildfire. The spiciness comes from deep inside like a fire. The flavor is quite robust. How about when it is heated up? The spiciness is light on the tip of the tongue, and the sweetness is a little lighter. It is a sake that rises quickly. It's a pleasure to drink it quickly and taste it in the chest and stomach. I think I would like it warmed up.
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
I am a sake from Fuchu-cho, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture. I was born in Toyama where my father was transferred and grew up in Toyama until I was 2 years old. I have few memories, but why does the sight of Tateyama make me nostalgic? The color is just de yellow! And the flavor is strong! Sweet! Spicy! Thud! Everything comes straight to you! The sweetness is a bit like candy? The twist in the aftertaste is a vanilla feeling. It's a little bit hearty. The fatness of the salmon is well taken care of. It is a very direct sake. How about when warmed up? It is dry and spicy, but soon a strong sweetness hits you. When it cools down a little, the sweetness becomes a little lighter. The vanilla-like aroma is also present. It goes well with something a little stronger like steamed oysters. Five days have passed since the beginning of work. I want to take a rest now. New Year's comeback (lol)
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from my hometown, Echizen-Ono in Fukui Prefecture. It's been a while since I've had Hanagaki. It seems that Hanagaki is gaining more and more recognition both within and outside of the prefecture. The color is quite yellow. As expected of a Yamahai sake. Wow! Fresh hinekoso! I don't know how to describe it, but the hinekoso jumps out with a fresh and volatile pungency. This pungency resonates well until the end. The taste is supported by a deep bass-like flavor. The fresh pungency is quite accented. How about when warmed up? The fresh aroma becomes a little stronger. Fine sweetness like a fruit wine. The volatile spiciness seems to fly away a little slowly and lightly when warmed. This spiciness tightens the sweetness and does not make it dull. But the freshness is the most notable feature. I would drink it cold. I would also like to try a sake made from the traditional sake yeast. Tomorrow is the end of the New Year holidays. I will go back to Hyogo tomorrow. Good luck with your work!