SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from the town of Inagawa, Hyogo Prefecture. I went to a roadside station in Inagawa to buy some. It seems that it is now made at Meijo Sake Brewery in Himeji, instead of being home brewed. It has a full-bodied sweetness and a grape-like aroma, followed by a mild spiciness that blooms like a flower. The spiciness fades away in the aftertaste. How about if you heat it up? The sweetness comes out quickly. The spiciness and umami are the aftertaste of the spiciness. The spiciness leads the spiciness to disappear. The simple taste is perfect as a food sake. It has a lingering taste. If I were to drink it, I would probably drink it warmed.