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Enjoying the change of the sunburst, I opened a bottle of Koei Kiku no Hakutsuki today following yesterday. I'm sorry for drunkenly imitating Eririn fans and above all Eririn-san 🙇♂️I won't imitate you again 🙇♂️🙇♂️🙇. ♂️♂️ Now, how is Mr. Shiratsuki, whom I brought home with Sunburst yesterday 😋? Slightly sweet aroma. It is smooth and very easy to drink, partly because it has a slight fizzy feeling and low alcohol content. So you can go for it! The wife of the owner of the liquor store? She said. I think "beautiful people are beautiful..." at the time, but I am not so impressed. But it doesn't leave much of an impression on you. Hakutsuki is that kind of sake." I guess so. I think I understand somehow, but I don't know 🤔 lol Well, that's just it, Hakutsuki is also very delicious and I recommend it. I'm going to go with the Koei Kiku series for a while, I wish you all the best!
Asayan konbanhasan ´´Thank you´´ for the decision. Hmm? What? Your name is here. It's good to drink well❣️ Please imitate me more and more 🎶. I'm honored chrysanthemum.
Nice to meet you Eririn! The opening pon (****) ⭐ was so cute I had to copy it 🙇♂️ excuse me 😅 Kouei chrysanthemum is really delicious.
Good evening, Asayan! 😄 It's the Kouei Chrysanthemum Festival! 😆👍Shirotsuki was so delicious ☺️I'm waiting for Sunburst and Snoclet to open the bottle, so I think it's time to drink one of them. 😁Opened pon 😁It's Erin-approved 🤣.
d(**D)**So so so so so.... You don't have to add "Ms." like MAJ 😉.
Good evening, MAJ😄. Speaking of Koei Chrysanthemum, MAJ-san! I too would love a snoclet! And a twilight orange too! Renovation of the brewery? So the new one is stopping at Sunburst 🤔.
I'm a bit nervous now that I've sobered up a bit. Once again, good evening Erin 😊. I always enjoy reading your comments that show you are having a good time drinking 😆. I will learn a lot from you in the future☺️.
I love Koeikiku so I will continue to follow it 😆👍Snokule is a famous sake that is synonymous with Koeikiku so I hope you will drink it 😋 After a pause, Ikubou will be released in the fall 🤗.
I see that Ikubou is being released in the fall😳 MAJ you are amazing! You know everything 👏✨ I'll be back with Snoqualmie as soon as possible this weekend 😋.
Today we went to pick up Koei Chrysanthemum Sunburst and White Moon! First of all, Sunburst! It's very soft to the taste with a slight carbonation. It is not too sweet and leaves a mellow feeling in the mouth, but it is very crisp! And it's still acidic! This might be my first time to experience this 🤔. But the gentle sensation lingers for a while as an aftertaste ☺️. The owner's wife? According to the owner's wife, the acidity and bitterness increases on the second and third days. I'm looking forward to that too! I'm looking forward to that too! After all, all Koei chrysanthemums are delicious!
Kameizumi純米大吟醸原酒 宇宙深海酒純米大吟醸原酒
The package explains that it is a space deep-sea sake, slowly fermented with yeast cultivated in outer space and the deep sea. It's quite a mystery, and I'm too stupid to understand it 🤣. Anyway, open the bottle! Fruity aroma Unique taste, pungent, sweet, deep and complex! It's like entering a crazy journey into a world I've never experienced before. Mmmm. But it's still spicy! A little tough without a chaser 💦. If you like spicy drinks, this is a great choice 👏If you see it, you should too!
type of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) I've been wanting to drink Koei-Kiku for a while! Kouei Chrysanthemum was lined up in the fridge at the store. I was torn between Hakutsuki and Harujion until the very end, but finally decided on Harujion because of its high alcohol content and the owner's wife's advice that it is like a white wine and goes well with Italian food! Well, well, well. After reading the description, I carefully opened the bottle! I was quite prepared for it to blow, but it opened surprisingly calmly, which was a relief lol. Sweet aroma of rice and a slightly pungent smell. When you drink it, it has a schwarziness and is very mild, but leaves a bit of bitterness or pungency in the throat. It's not sweet, it's refreshing, and you can drink many cups ☺️. I'm sorry for my comment, maybe it's because I've been wanting to drink Koei chrysanthemum for a long time. But it's so delicious 😋. I recommend this to everyone and I will definitely repeat it many times myself! I hope you all do too ✨
Good evening, Asayan! I'm looking forward to it 😄 I'm waiting for the Halcyon to open... it still looks delicious and I'm looking forward to it... please bring back some Hakutsuki next time! 😆👍
Hi MAJ😄 I'm looking forward to waiting for the Halcyon opening ✨. Yesterday was day 2 and it was even better with more acidity and mellowness 🤤. I'll go pick up some Hakutsuki soon and post again!
Kenkon'ichi大吟醸 生酒
The Ultraman-like red label is so beautiful that I bought it on impulse. I'm sorry, it's just my personal feeling from here on out. Strawberry flavor? Sweet and bitter? The aftertaste lingers in your mouth for a long time. A little surprisingly peculiar lol. The second sip was the same. I guess I got used to it after the third sip. The alcohol content is high, as indicated. It has a habit, so it would be better to have a side dish of wasabi or something that won't interfere with the taste of alcohol 🤔. Would I buy it again next time? If you ask me.... If my memory of today is not what it used to be, I will buy it again because of the label! LOL!
Additional Posting. Day 2. It's getting very mellow and very easy to drink (๑°ㅁ°๑)Wow! This is definitely what I'll buy next time! Sake changes so much when it is opened and exposed to air 🤔.
Akishika純米吟醸 能勢 厳寒仕込み 限定五千本 春出し
Purchased at a local liquor store, attracted by the name "limited to 5,000 bottles". Well, let's get to it! The smell is spicy. Soft and light on the throat when you drink it. But it is quite sour and dry. Hmmm... This may be a matter of taste 😓. I think it's not my favorite type. I'll leave it for a day hoping for a taste change! I guess it's like 🤔. Will report back! Day 2 No change Day 3 Everything has mellowed and changed! Hmmm. I wonder when the sake brewer thinks is the right time to drink it 🤔. Sake is so deep!
Thanks for the daily taste change report, Asayan ^_^. It is true that there is a time when it is ready to drink. It would be nice if there was a textbook that said, "This is what happens when you let it sit for a few days! It would be nice if there was a textbook that said "this is what happens when you let it sit for a certain number of days!
Good evening, Nee-san😄 Today is the 5th day and it's getting even mellower and less habitual. I would love to have a textbook! Sake that changes in various ways depending on the preservation conditions and the scene when drinking it is very romantic ☺️.
Ryoko純米大吟醸 おりがらみ
On May 1, relatives gathered at my parents' house for a Buddhist memorial service. And this weekend is my daughter's wedding! I invited my daughter's husband to the memorial service to introduce him to my relatives, many of whom I am meeting for the first time. After a while, a monk came to the house and started chanting sutra... After all the events were over, the meal started. Then, Hishiko, who had prepared for today, appeared! The atmosphere that had been so tense between the two was now completely relaxed as the husband handed it over to his relatives to serve. Fruity aroma Excellent balance of soft sweetness and sourness. It was very popular and easy to drink, and the bottle was empty in no time at all. Thanks to the many other sake we drank, I couldn't get up the next morning and was late 😓. But the power of sake is amazing! Hishiko It will be an unforgettable sake! It was a delicious sake! Thank you for the food😊.
Asayan, nice to meet you🤗. Alcoholic beverages connect people with each other, very nice 👍. I think everyone who seriously likes drinking is a good person. I have had many good experiences myself and I can't stop 🤤.
Nice to meet you Rigel😄. The 'serious' part is the key lol. Like you said, there are no bad people who are serious drinkers ☺️I'll keep on drinking nikon! Thanks for your comment 😊.
Zaku奏乃智 純米吟醸
Slightly sweet, no clutter, refreshing, very drinkable! Delicious ☺️ Hmmm. It's still a popular sake. Good thing I bought a bottle, GW is in! Now let's drink 🤣
Gakki Masamune別撰 生詰
Slightly sweet aroma of rice Slightly carbonated Very sweet and tasteless, it goes down smoothly. Delicious. You can enjoy it in a big gulp. It is pink in color, so be careful with it.
Good evening, Asayan. The pink label of Musical Instrument Masamune looks delicious. From Kubota to Musical Instrument Masamune, that's a fast pace. lol
Good evening Malby😄. I love the musical instrument series and when I found the pink label I jumped on it😅 It was supposed to be a slow drink but the pink color lured me into a fast pace lol
I'm looking forward to drinking the famous Kubota, but this is my first time drinking it 😊. Fruity aroma Light but fluffy and very easy to drink. I drank it with a high hurdle, but it cleared it without difficulty. It is a delicious sake☺️. My wife and I are about to drink up a 4-pack of it lol.
Chikumanishiki大吟醸原酒 吉田屋治助
Fruity aroma Sweetness with a deep yet tangy spiciness that leaves you wanting more. I love this feeling so much☺️. Now that I've had a good drink, let's keep going for the second half of the week 😙.
Asayan, I did not know Chikuma-Nishiki. Nagano sake, I'll definitely try it.
Thank you for your comment 😄 I bought it online and it was delicious without too many peculiarities. Please give it a try 😊.
Sweet smell. It is dry but the flavor of the sake that fills the mouth is very gorgeous and extremely delicious 😋. I bought this in bulk online, and this one was a winner! I'll buy it again when I get a chance...............
Dewazakura純米酒 出羽の里
The smell is not habitual. When chilled, it is tangy and dry, but has a sweet and very refreshing aftertaste. After drinking it, your throat will feel warm and you will have the feeling that you are drinking sake. It was a very tasty sake that made me feel positive and ready to work hard tomorrow.
The sweet smell, even before drinking it, gives off an air of dryness. When you put it in your mouth, it is sweet, but there is still a spicy taste and the aroma of fermented rice leaves your nose. I thought Daiginjos were supposed to be non-habit-forming, but is this one spicy because it's a raw sake? Sorry, I'm an amateur and have no prior knowledge, but it's delicious! Sake is so deep 🤔.
Sweet smell of rice, carbonated and tangy in the mouth. The aftertaste is the aroma of rice. Hmmm. Completely different from the sipping mouth (˘ω˘ ≡ ˘ω˘) chow chow chow. Both are delicious, but unlike Doroguchi, both have their own characteristics. I guess that's about it 🤔. I think I prefer the hanging mouth. I hope you all will try to compare the two 🎵.
Asayan, good evening. I've only ever had the medium-brew, so I'd love to try a sagataki!
Good evening, Takeshita-san! In my personal opinion, I think there is a big difference between Nakadori and Doroguchi. If you have a chance to purchase a hanging mouth, please give it a try 😊. By the way, I put (acoustic guitar) in the background just for the instrument lol.
Sweet aroma of rice, and when you drink it, you can taste the rice. It is tangy and spicy, with a clean aftertaste. This, this is a sigma. Good!!! Now I see why my seniors keep buying it! Ale? Is that the one with the middle man? Shit. Nope. There's also a medium-sized one, right? Tomorrow I'll open the instrument's inside 🎵.
Manufactured by Miyake Honten in Hiroshima Distributed by Osaka Sake Sales Cooperative Sweet aroma, sweet to drink. After a while, the taste of rice starts to come out, and the taste changes. Osaka, the distributor, must be doing something wrong. It is a strange sake. It is very delicious.