SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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基本家飲み、たまに外飲み。冷蔵庫の都合で四合瓶専門。 2022年はお初銘柄を優先してお酒選びをしてきた。すごく好みのお酒もあれば、あんまりだなぁと思うお酒もあり、それはそれで楽しくもあり。 2023年はお初銘柄にこだわらず、飲みたいお酒を飲んでいく。 ばか舌👅と少ない語彙と表現力による拙い感想で、自分でも恥ずかしいですが、よろしくお願いします🤲

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Ishizuchi初 寒造り新酒純米
ヒンナFirst issue #3 @ 2024. It is late when I get back from my parents' house, so I will have a lunch box from the supermarket for dinner. I open a bottle of this sake. It seems to be written "Hatsu" and read "ubu". According to a liquor store's blog, it is the strongest food sake. Well, it is very refreshing without being so assertive. When it is warmed up, the acidity comes out, but it has a nice sharpness. I prefer it warmed up.
ヒンナReturned home for legal matters. We gathered with relatives and family for lunch. We had delicious food and beer at a sushi kaiseki restaurant 🍺. At night, we had dinner at my parents' house. They prepared beer and sake for us, but we drank a lot during lunch, so both were in moderation. They had prepared Takasago for us to drink. I wonder if it's my dad's favorite these days, I feel like he buys it often 🤔. It is said to be dry, but I can feel the sweetness as well. After that comes the bitterness. You can drink it neatly.
ヒンナSince the other day, I've been in the mood for a sake that is easy to pair with side dishes. I'm going to buy some dry sake, which I usually don't choose. I have an image of light and dry sake, so I have probably had it at an izakaya before, but I had never bought it before. This is my first brand. Tonight's meal is tuna and sesame buri. I opened the bottle immediately. Yes, it is light and dry. Just as I wanted. Just as I wanted it to be. Next time, I'll try heating it up.
KamoshibitokuheijiLa Maison 山田錦純米
ヒンナI was supposed to go shopping this weekend, but there was no more alcohol in the fridge 😕 Well, I thought that abstaining from alcohol for a week was not a bad idea, but I bought some at Seijo Ishii, which I stopped by while I was out playing with my kids 😥 and also with some fashionable snacks. It's been a while since I've had Kuheiji. It has just the right amount of sweetness. It's sweet, but not too sweet. It's not light, but it's refreshing. Good balance. It is good to drink with snacks. I like this kind of sake.
ヒンナNew Year's party with usual junior staff. I had never had this brand before and my junior said it was delicious, so I bought it to drink at the New Year's party. For snacks, I had boiled rice that my junior made for me, potato salad and pressed mackerel sushi that I bought at the supermarket. The sake has a sweet taste, but it quickly fades and the aftertaste is refreshing. It is indeed delicious 😋 and a strain I also like. It's easy to pair with snacks, and it's a great sake 🍶.
ヒンナHappy New Year 🌅. This year, too, we will start drinking at the beginning of the year with Kaiun. I will have a cup of osechi and ozoni in the morning. The morning is the same as usual except for drinking in the morning. This is the first time for me to drink Honorifuji nigori, but it is refreshingly sweet, not cloying, and easy to drink. It is delicious. This year, I'm going to make a day off from drinking in moderation and reduce the amount of alcohol 🍶 while taking care of my health.
ポンちゃんHappy New Year, Hinna 🎍. Perfect for the New Year 😊I haven't had this brand yet and I want to make it my goal for this year 😁. I look forward to working with you as in the old year 🙏.
ヒンナPon. Happy New Year ㊗️ and best wishes for the new year 🤲. I recommend you to drink it as it is recommended to open the year!
ヒンナSafe? We finished our work for the year. My children got sick on Christmas Day, and the sake I was going to open is now on standby. I'd like to reward myself for finishing work with a nice sake. The sweetness and bitterness come to the forefront, with a bit of acidity. It was a sake to drink with light snacks rather than with a meal.
ジェイ&ノビィGood morning, Hinna 😃. Thank you for all your hard work throughout the year 😊. I hope you and your family are feeling better towards the end of the year 😌It sounds like a good one to start the year off 🤗.
ヒンナJay & Nobby. Hi 😀 Thank you very much. We had to cancel our trip home in a hurry this year 😔I'm a little short of stocking up on alcohol if we're staying at home😅.
ヒンナFirst issue #25 @ 2023 I opened a bottle of Hiroshima sake, following the moon after the rain. This time I was choosing my favorites and all I got was light nigori 😅I'm biased 🤔I'm too weak on ogara-mi and light nigori 😥. It looks like moon after rain. Melon🍈 is also good. I think Hiroshima's sake suits my taste. I wanted to go to Hiroshima next year with the new stadium, but they didn't make it to j1, so I'm looking forward to the year after next 😩.
ヒンナI went on a little trip to a liquor store. I opened a bottle of sake from the few I bought for the New Year's holidays. It's been a long time since I've had a glass of moon after the rain. Today, I was tired, so I went to the supermarket on the way home and had sushi that was on discount. Good as always 😋. I like the melon-like flavor, and the balance of sweetness, bitterness, and sourness makes it easy to drink. I must make sure I don't run out of sake for the New Year's holidays...
ヒンナIt's been a long time since I've had a kyankappu. Cute cups and the contents are jungin and taste good. Bought it for dinner. Today I went shopping for sake for the New Year's holiday. There are so many sakes to buy during the new sake season, it's hard to decide which one to buy. I got lost, but that's also fun.
Denshu百四拾 紅葉純米吟醸
ヒンナToday was the marathon. I didn't reach my goal time, but I did my best in the hot December weather 😊Even though it was only 10km, I was able to push so hard that I felt dizzy right after the finish line. I don't have the stamina 🤔. But as a reward for my hard work, I opened a bottle of sake that is a bit expensive for me 🍶. The balance of sweetness, umami, acidity, and bitterness is not too strong. It sinks into my tired body.
ポンちゃんHi Hinna, ☁️ I see you ran the marathon 😳Thanks for finishing 💦I can only think of great things to say about setting a goal and running ✨The autumn leaves 🍁 label on the rice wine looks so soothing to the taste 😊.
ヒンナHi Pon 😃. It's not a big deal at all! My goal is not fast at all 😅I'm running because I need to exercise to drink alcohol.
ヒンナThis is the 24th brand of the first brand we drank in 2023. Takeyoshi. I LOVE YOU. That's a pun 😅. Concept Worker's Selection following Tenmei. I have an impression that this series has many of my favorite sakes, so I have high expectations. I also like the fact that it's an orihara. Now, let's drink it. Sweetness and lactic acidity of ori. It's delicious♪ It's so refreshing that I think I could gobble it down, but I have to work tomorrow too. I'll keep it low 🤔.
ヒンナConcept Workers Selection. I thought there was a summery bottle, and it was a summer sake. It has a refreshing acidity that is typical of summer sake. It has a moderate sweetness. It is refreshing and easy to drink. Summer sake in autumn is also good.
ヒンナAt the Sake Cost Sake Brewery. This is another Nabeshima that is usually hard to find. Even though it is a small quantity, it is nice to be able to drink it for around 300 yen. With assorted cheese. Delicious!
ヒンナAt the Sake Cost Sake Brewery. Usually Sharaku is a bit expensive, so I don't buy it often. I appreciate the 300 yen per glass. With assorted cheese. It is delicious.
ヒンナAt the Sake Cost Sake Brewery. Kaze no Mori after a long time. With fried oysters, potato salad, and yakitori. Yum😋.
ヒンナAt the Sake Cost Sake Brewery. My friend, who accompanied me for a drink, suggested I try some local sake, so I ordered some. It is Hana-no-Mai, isn't it? We also ordered yakitori to go with the sake. It was delicious.
ヒンナOn a rare business trip to Tokyo, I had the opportunity to stop by a sake costing brewery that I had hoped to visit someday. I had one beer beforehand at a standing bar in Shinbashi, so I started with sake 🍶. There are plenty of snacks to go with the sake, but I guess the cheap sake makes the other items a bit more expensive. Since we were there, I started with a brand I had never seen before. Saishu. It was sweet and tasty.
ヒンナZoro 333 check in 🫢. How do you keep up with your boredom? Since it's a bit of a special number, I open a bottle of Jizokon, which I got after saving up my points card at my favorite liquor store. Part of my work is finished on Friday. I managed to get it approved, even though it was messed up, so it's a little reward for me 😋. Fruity aroma☺️ sweetness and a little bitter sourness, tangy, it can be served alone but also with a meal. I usually don't buy a bottle so I can enjoy it a lot👍.
なのは(名芭)Congratulations to Hinna on her Zoro 333 check-in! You have a special number now! It's important to reward yourself, isn't it?
ジェイ&ノビィHi Hinna, good evening 😃. Congratulations on 3️⃣3️⃣ 3️⃣check in ‼️ 🎉 A reward for you 而今🎵and with a bottle of it, you can taste it in peace 🤗.
ポンちゃんCongratulations on your 333 check-in, Hinna 🎉🎉🎉! I love that you can drink a metaphysical now on your Zoro ✨You've had a hard day's work 💦Celebrate and heal at the same time 😊.
ヒンナNanoha. Thank you very much... I just buy alcohol that I normally wouldn't touch for whatever reason 😊.
ヒンナJay & Nobby. Thank you 🫙's taking up space in the fridge, so I'll hurry up and reduce it to 4 jars and repack it in another 🫙.
ヒンナPon. Thank you so much...I enjoyed the weekend and the metaphysical now. I have a lot of work to do this week again 😭
Umenoyadounfeigned SAKE warm純米
ヒンナIt has become much colder today. It's time to drink hot sake. I bought some sake for heating sake when I went shopping this month, but I didn't know I'd be opening it so soon 😅. This is also my first brand. I've been thinking of having it someday, but haven't been able to get my hands on it yet. We enjoyed it with sukiyaki.