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Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15 The balance was very good. It had a fruity taste and a soft aftertaste. and soft aftertaste. It was fruity and smooth and easy to drink. There's a soft aftertaste that's stays in the mouth and is quite delightful.
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Alcohol content is between 19 and 20 degrees Celsius Because of the high alcohol content, this sake is a bit bitter. The acidity is pretty high and it made the Sake taste quite bitter. Not one of my favorite Nigori sakes.
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Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 17 degrees Celsius Slightly yellow sake Very well balanced! Refreshing and easy to drink Recommended cold Great balance and flavors. Very smooth, refreshing, and easy to drink. Tastes great chilled. It has a slight yellow hue.
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Rice polishing ratio: 60 This sake is called "Nurukan Jyukkozo," but it is better to drink it at 40 or 50 degrees Celsius. At 40℃, acidity is a little strong. At 50℃, a little good. It's recommended to drink this at 40°C or 50°C At 40℃ the acidity was pretty strong But at 50°C, it was perfect!
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Umeshu (plum wine) with sake With plum puree. The balance is really good. Umeshu made with Sake (instead of Shochu) Sweet but not too sweet The acidity brings out a good balance Plum purée in the umeshu
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熟成七年 赤色な日本酒 キャラメルの味わいがあるけど、口の中で酸度が増えてきて、甘い味が減る ナッツの味わいも少し入ってる 最後に、醤油の味がある Aged for 7 years. It’s a deep amber/red color. During the production process, part of the water was replaced with Sake. There are very strong caramel notes, but the sweetness isn’t too strong. In the mouth, the acidity kicks in and limits the sweetness. It’s also a little nutty. At the end, a hint of soy sauce. Light and easy to drink. Similar to a dessert wine.
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Aged 3 years Dark yellow sake Very sweet on the palate. Very high caramel, honey and sherry taste. Sweet at first After that, the acidity increases. Finally, a little bitter. Well balanced. Should be good with cheese or chocolate. Aged for three years. this is a deep yellow colored Sake with very sweet flavors and aromas. Caramel, Honey, Sherry, etc. Though, it has good balance and It starts off quite sweet, then the acidity increases, and then finally, it's a little bitter. chocolates.
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Rice polishing ratio: 68 100% Omachi rice used Alcohol content: 14 to 15 degrees Celsius The taste of cedar was very good. Easy drinking sake, like water. Taste is a little weak, maybe easy to pair with food Very light flavor and aromas, which would make this Sake good for pairing with food. There are woodys/cedar aromas and flavors that are especially strong It is a very smooth texture, like water.
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I finally drank some Kenrishi. It was a joy, though the flavor was weak. Sake that you can enjoy the taste for a while. There was also a nice balance. It was a good balanced sake with some rice notes in the fragrance and taste. The flavor stays on the palate for a while after taking a sip. aren't too strong, but still pleasant.
Oze no Yukidoke旬吟純米大吟醸生詰酒
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Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 15 degrees Celsius Very fruity sake. Apple aroma and taste Too sweet at first, but soon balanced. Aroma can be enjoyed for a while Better cold. A super fruity Sake. it has strong apple aromas and flavors. at first, the sweetness kind of hits you really strongly. but then, balance is quickly achieved as the sweetness dissolves, but the flavor remains. Best served cold!
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Rice polishing ratio: 65 One-stage Yamahai brewing at high temperature Alcohol content 13%. Slightly yellow sake Lactic acid aroma and taste. Very sour! Like a white wine! Maybe with cheese. Lots of dairy/lactic acid aromas. It's super sour! Much more like a white wine than sake. cheese.
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白麹米100%使用 精米歩合: 麹米: 55% 掛: 60% アルコール分15度 すごく美味しい! 草とパパヤの香りと味わいがある 酸度はシトラスを食べるみたい高さ 辛口けど、少し甘口 いいバランス Aromas and flavors of fresh grass and exotic fruits, like papaya. It’s very citric, like biting into a lemon. Made with 100% white Koji. Quite dry, but with a little bit of sweetness. So it’s not too dry. Light texture and not a strong aftertaste. Just a bit of body. Soooo delicious!
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I've heard a lot about Hanabaya, so I was really curious and wanted to try it. Rice polishing ratio: 70 Mizu-Hashiroshi Sake Mother 2020 Alcohol content: 17 degrees Celsius Slightly yellow sake Smells like cheese! I was a little surprised. Great lactic acid aroma. Complex taste It gets a little bitter later on. Enjoy the aroma for a while. Cheesy and other dairy-like aromas are very present. it has super complex flavors, so it's hard to explain. but it's good! The aftertaste is a little bitter.
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Rice polishing ratio: 70 100% Yamadanishiki Yamahai Sake Mother Alcohol content: 16%. Slightly yellow sake High acidity and aroma can be enjoyed for a while Amazing rice aroma and taste. Sweet at first, but acidity spreads and balances it out. Full-bodied sake Slightly yellow hue. there is some high acidity with some residual sweetness. Strong aromas of rice. the first note is quite sweet, then the acidity kicks in Flavors stay on the palate for a while. Very delicious!
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精米歩合: 69% 山田錦使用 爽快冷酒 生酛酒母 アルコール分14度 水のように飲みやすい 酸度が高くて、シトラスみたい 香りが少ない 米の香り The texture was a bit watery and very easy to drink, like water. Not many strong aromas or flavors. It smelled and tasted a bit ricey. High acidity. A citrus kind of acidity. Not so much my favorite because it tasted so watery.
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Rice polishing ratio: 50 Yeast: CEL24 Alcohol content: 14 degrees Celsius Sake degree: -13 Acidity: 1.5 Amino Acid: 0.9 Notes of banana, grapes, melon, citrus, and gum. Very sweet. I think it's too sweet. Complex sake with various aromas and tastes. There are sweet, fruity aromas and flavors or everything, but specifically bananas, grapes, melons, citrus, even bubblegum. complex, there's a lot happening with the flavors and aromas. because of that, it's a little too sweet and hard to enjoy in my opinion. CEL24 is a yeast usually used for making Koji.
HatomasamuneHato Masamune純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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weak sake "Hana-buki" snowstorm Rice polishing ratio: 55 Wine yeast used Alcoholic strength: 12 Slightly Cloudy Aroma not very strong Particularly apple taste comes out. Sweet sake Very easy to drink A little cloudy and bubbly. Not very strong aromas, but the retro nasal aromas of apple are very definite. A nice sweetness and easy to drink. yeast.
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Red wine Reddened with bamboo ash. Tastes so interesting! Looks like sherry. Caramel and buttery taste Too sweet It's a red Sake made from a Shochu brewery in Kumamoto. The sake is made red due to bamboo ashes. It's a little too sweet.
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Rice polishing ratio: 60 Yeast: No.901 Made with Yamadanishiki Alcohol content: 15 degrees Celsius Very fruity and floral aroma. There are aromas of apples, pears, and grapes. Especially the grape aroma and taste! Taste abruptly diminishes. Nice sweet balance It smells super floral and fruity, with hints of apples, pears, and white grapes, but especially white grapes! The finish is very sudden. Good sweetness and great flavor.
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精米歩合: 60% 酵母: No.701 山田錦使用 アルコール分15度 香りが少ないけど、ちょっとライチとぶどうの香りがある まずは飲みやすい そして酸度の味が出てきて 後で甘い 味がゆっくり減る Some bubbles in the glass, showing that the sake was quickly bottled and transported very little, or very gently. It’s not very aromatic, but there are Muscat and lychee aromas. It has a strong acidity with a bit of a punch when you first drink it. The flavors are a first soft, then a bit acidic, and then sweet. It’s very easy to drink and the flavors stay on the palate for a long time.