The pairing of spiced curry and sake, a collaboration between Mobu-san and Oka Sake Shop 😋💕The most unique was Kidoizumi's AFS zero fire-brewed, my first impression was "soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ❗❗❗" but after a while it became mildly sour like a lactic acid bacteria drink, perfect for a palate cleanser for spicy dishes 😆 For general use It is not on sale to the public yet, and I don't know if it will be in the future because it is too unique ❓
Good evening, pyonpyon-san. I'm so curious to try the spiced curry with Oka-san's sake ✨🍛🍶✨I'm so curious about Kido-sen's super-sweet sake! Suddenly my body is craving Kido-sen 🤣.
Good evening, pyonpyon 😃
AFS😳I've been curious about this since I saw it on social media before! I'd like to compare it with Mai-Bijin's SanQ: ☺️
Afs, I thought it was a brewing method, but this is the first time I know it was the acronym of the developer 🤔.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😃😃It is quite sour and I thought it contained lemon🍋 right after I got it on the table 😲. I thought 😲It also had a refreshing feeling that would be good for relieving fatigue when you are tired 😁💨💨You will be addicted to it 😋💕.
Aladdin, good evening 🌙😃I see you were wondering about this ❗The rice was so sour 😲 I was surprised how sour it was. Sake is interesting 😋I would like to try Mai-bijin 🎵.
Hi pyonpyon!
Spiced curry✕ Sake is a very interesting pairing 😁 sounds like a lot of fun 🥰.
I will refer to the pairing sheet 😁.
Mai Bijin is very sour 🤣.
Hi Jive, 👋😃I find it strange that Japanese sake goes well with Indian food 😆Please let me know if it's hard to see the pairing sheet 😁💨💨Maibijin, I'm getting more and more curious about it 😲.
Hi pyonpyon 🐦.
I've never had Kido Spring... this is really sour 😳😂 and it goes well with spiced curries ❣️ I'm suddenly curious if the effect is like yogurt 😁.
Good morning, Pon ❗I had a great yogurt-yakult feeling 👍that goes well with it ❤Here too 🐦 cloudberries were warmed up 🎵Cloudberries in a spiced curry 😃💕.
I was shocked at the tasting last year 🍶.
I bought it at Imanaya: ☺️
It has a strong acidity and is easy to drink like a white wine.
It has an aroma of honey, yogurt, and smoked fish.
It's very addictive, my favorite sake 💗💗.
It was the first time I tasted it. It is a white wine? It seems to be made from the sweetness of rice and lactic acid fermentation. I am surprised that they came up with such an idea to make sake!
1,650 yen
Alcohol content 13%.
Rice: --
Sake degree: --
Rice polishing ratio: 65
The taste is like a white wine. The acidity stands out. It goes well with cheese and cured ham.
Old wine?
It says recommended on the rocks or with soda, but with soda?
It tastes different as it gets warmer, but I think I will finish it soon.
Rice used: So no Mai
Polishing ratio 65