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三重県在住26歳のしがない酒飲みです🍶 最近日本酒にハマりどかどか流し込んでおります〜。 ほとんどが宅飲みです。 適当に備忘録として投稿します〜。 ハマって1年とかなので感想が疎い所があるかもですがご容赦ください🙏

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This is the first time I've seen the sake "Shinkai Ginbuki" (🍶). I bought this sake because I had never seen it at my favorite liquor store in my neighborhood and I had never had Shiga sake before! I bought it because I had never had Shiga sake before! The aroma is of rice, and you can tell it has a dry taste. The first thing you notice when you drink it is the dry taste of the sake! The first thing that hits you in the mouth is the dry taste of the sake 😆 . The umami flavor spreads slowly down the throat, giving it a solid drinking experience! The finish is well-balanced, though not heavy or light! It is not heavy, but has a well-balanced aftertaste, not to say it is light. It seems to be easy to match with food, and it was perfect with seafood as shown in the photo! (The photo shows grilled sea bream and sashimi. (The photo is of grilled sea bream and sashimi. We had it with the first opening of the bottle, and both sides were outstanding and great! 🎉) It is very light and dry! It is voluptuous, but the taste does not linger, so it can be a good introduction to dry sake! It's a great introduction to dry wine!
ZakuIMPRESSION Type H純米無濾過
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This time it is "Saku IMPRESSION type H"! 🍶 I tasted it before at an event, but always wanted to taste it at home... Buy it! 💸. First of all, the design of the bottle is too good! Stylish✨ The aroma is so sweet that you can smell it from a distance right after opening the bottle ✨. Slightly carbonated The carbonation and low acidity on the first sip stirs up the freshness, and then the melon flavor comes in with a freshness 🍈🌊. IMPRESSION is a sake made in Mie, so it has a great flavor! The IMPRESSION is more sweet than the others, perhaps because of its emphasis on freshness 👍 Well, the sake is stable and delicious! ☺️ I wrote this before, but I really can't believe it's fire-roasted lol. There are so many different types, I want to try them all! 💪(Huh? Did I write this before too?)
Good morning, v0ru. You are steadily enjoying yourself 🎵. ImpressionH is also really delicious ⤴️ I really like the aroma and sweetness ✨. I'm looking forward to reading more of your tried and tested reviews 😊.
Thank you ma-ki for every comment! Thanks to you, we are enjoying drinking 😆. It's delicious, isn't it? I am proud of Mie 👍 Thank you very much! 😭I will drink more and more and write more in my poor writing 😭✍️
Hououbidenミクマリ〜FLY HIGH〜純米大吟醸生酒
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This time it is Houou Mita Mikumari Junmai Daiginjo! 🍶. When I asked the clerk at the liquor store for a sake with a strong acidity, he recommended this item. It is a Houou Mita, so my expectations were quite high! 💪. It has a gaseous taste. It is quite strong. It has acidity and carbonation, so it is quite refreshing on the palate! It's very refreshing on the palate with its acidity and carbonation! It is a very refreshing wine! It reminds me of when I drank Houou Mita Hiyayoroshi before... The unique umami flavor spreads all over my mouth even after swallowing! ✨ It's a real treat! This is a test brew..............................................Hououomida is to be feared...! I really hope they release this as a regular sake👍 It's quite light, so it's perfect for summer! I couldn't drink much in August because I was suffering from corona...................................too bad! 😭😭
Good morning, v0ru. Zdon's deliciousness after the acidity - sounds delicious ✨. I recently got mine and I'm looking forward to drinking it more and more after reading your post 😊. Sorry you had a tough Corona 💧 Enjoy your drinking life without any problems 🎵.
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-! The carbonation, acidity, and flavor all stood out! Very tasty! 👍 Thank you for your concern 🙇. I will take care of my body and not destroy it 😆.
Good evening, v0ru.😃 This Mita is really good 😋. It's not too sweet for a Mida and it's right up our alley 😙. It's hard to take a Corona 🦠 these days 😰 so let's take our time and drink 👋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! ✋ This was really delicious, wasn't it? It was a real strike for me too! 👍 I had a high fever and then it got better, but I don't want to be affected anymore 😭. I will disinfect it with alcohol lol.
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This time it's "Atago no Matsu: Hitotsumatsu no Koi" 💕🍶. A YouTuber often introduced it as a recommended summer sake, so I bought it! The aroma is a bit like soy sauce! (This is my personal impression.) The taste was calm and quiet. It is indeed the ultimate food sake! 👍 The sweetness comes first and spreads softly in the mouth. After that, umami flavor drifts in the mouth continuously. However, this umami is not intense, but rather blends with the moisture and is still moderate. It is not too close to food. ???? Very full-bodied, yet light without being cloying! ✨ I wanted to drink this with a good snack 😭 Atago no Matsu is renowned as a perfect food sake that is easy to pair with regular sake as well as summer sake. I hope to buy the regular sake next time and pair it well when the timing is right... 🙏.
Taka特別純米 そうめい特別純米
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This time it is "Ki Tokubetsu Junmai Soumei"! I was so excited to see it! I bought it because it is my favorite brand and I saw what seemed to be a summer limited edition. I was so excited 😤. The aroma is a little sweet with a strong sourness. I thought it might be sweet from the aroma, but it certainly had a sweetness at the moment I took a sip, but it quickly disappeared, giving the impression of a wild and dry taste 💥. The acidity was quite strong, as was the aroma. However, the aforementioned flavor may have diluted the acidity... There is also a bit of umami. It has the acidity characteristic of a summer-only sake, but I personally don't find it very refreshing, nor is it robust. I wondered if it would work well as a food sake. I also thought it could be used as a food wine, but I might be a little concerned about the tanginess... 🤔. The mechanism of using koji that produces citric acid is also interesting, so if you are interested, you may want to pick it up! 👍
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This time it's Shinsei's "Flax Cat"! 🍶 I was going to buy No.6, but they didn't have it in stock, so I decided to buy this one that I have been curious about for a while! It's not easy to drink Shinsei sake... I'm going to chew it and savor it! 😆 The aroma is gorgeous with a hint of sweetness. Slightly carbonated The sourness spreads from the moment you put it in your mouth! However, it's not too strong and the acidity is just right and lasts until the end of the drink. ...... No, it's too good 👍👍 The sweetness is mixed in just right, and the umami flavor comes in at the end of the drink and gradually fades out.... I didn't feel any bitterness at all (was it drowned out by the acidity?). Even those who have never tasted Japanese sake before will be able to appreciate it! The alcohol content is also relatively low at 13%, which makes it even more recommended ✨. This is my personal No.1...! For a long time, No.6 was the best in my opinion, but it's a close call for Flaxcat! 🏳️ (I haven't had No.6 for a long time, so my memory of it may have faded.) Well, it was an unexpected harvest... ☺️
Mutsuhassen夏どぶろっく 活性にごり酒生酒にごり酒
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This time it is "Mutsu Hachisen Summer Doburokku"! 🍶 I was really looking forward to drinking this! When a local liquor store started selling Mutsu Hachisen, this doburoku was the first thing that came to mind in my mind... I had been waiting for it so long! Okay, I'm going to drink it! I'm going to drink it! I don't need to tell you that it's super carbonated 🫧. I still had a hard time opening it😅 I'm sure it's sweet! ☺️ I'm not sure if it's the same as the other ones, but it's a little bit more sweet and tart. It's quite cloudy, but the taste is as clear and pleasant to drink as San-ya cider 🎶. The bitterness is further reduced after a few days, and it is truly a refreshing summer sake! 💙. The sweetness increases and transforms into a taste like calx soda! Ohhhhhh ✨✨ It's a nigori sake that is properly suited for summer and naturally cools the body! 🎐 I'll be drinking this every year...!
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Now, I will be having the Tadashi Summer Junmai Ginjo 🍶. Tadashi is one of my personal favorite sake! A sake from Yamanashi with a noticeable full flavor. I was hooked on it after drinking a junmai sake before, I think. This time it was a seasonal sake 🌻. I wonder how it will turn out...! The bottle is clear with a light blue label. The color reflects off the bottle, making the sake light blue as well! It's going to be cooler from the looks of it! 🎐. The aroma is sweet. The aroma is sweet 🎐 ・When you take a sip, a moderate sweetness and strong umami spreads in your mouth gradually. Oh, I thought it was a good sake with the umami that is typical of DAN. ...... I was surprised to see the sweetness in the last half of the bottle! The sweetness came back from the last stage, and the aftertaste after passing down the throat was spreading sweetness like cider! Refreshing! ✨✨ What is this two-step approach that does not create squeamishness! It's like the Battousai of the sake world 🗡🪭. I love the summer sake from Umashu! I wonder if there are other summer sake like this? I'd like to look for some more😊.
Good evening, v0ru. Dansan, that looks delicious ✨. Two tiers of delicious sake - I'm drooling 🤤. I suddenly want to drink it 🎵
Thanks for your comment, ma-ki-! I'm a bit of an uneducated person, so my review may be a bit vague lol😅. Still, I'm sure it's a delicious sake, so please try it if you see it ✨.
Good morning, v0ru.😃 We had the same one the other day 😋 this was our first one and it had a nice sharpness from the sweetness 😚 I'd like to try the others 🤗.
Thank you for your comments, Jay & Nobby! That was a delicious drink that surprised me with the change! 😆 The constant junmai sake was also delicious! The unfiltered raw sake also seems to be quite well received👍
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Now we will drink "SENKOKU KABUTOMUSHI" again this year! I'm going to drink it again this year! I guess summer can't start without it.......! I knew summer sake existed last year, and it was the first time I drank it. Last year was the first time I learned about summer sake and the first summer sake I drank was "Kabutomushi". I remember marveling at the breadth of what could be done with sake and how refreshing it could be! ✨ Ultra slightly carbonated The aroma is soooooooo good! The sourness from the very beginning! Kabutomushi" is also known for its strong acidity! I've had a lot of sakes since I had this one last year, but "Kabutomushi" is the most acidic one I've ever had! I think it's the most acidic sake I've had since I drank this sake last year. The sweetness is blended with the sourness to create a sour grape-like sweetness 🍇. It's been a year since I've had it, but it's still delicious! 😋 It was named "Kabutobushi" to make fun of the drinkers who flock to this sweet liquor...(not)... Well, but it's so good to be a kabuki-bug. (?) Anyway, my summer has been held! The skies are very humid... ☔️ I want to consume summer sake so that I don't get sick! LOL👍
amayadori天泣 -prototype-特別本醸造原酒生酒無濾過
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The event "Sake Banquet" was held in Okage Yokocho in May. There, a lottery was held and I won the 3rd prize! In exchange for the ticket, I received amayadori tenmai! I drank some of the sake that an acquaintance of mine bought for me last November, but this time I'm going to review it again! The lot must be different, so I'm not sure if it's the same as last time or not...let's drink! The aroma is quite fruity. The aroma is quite fruity, and the taste is intensely sweet and delicious! Very full-bodied, with a lychee-like taste inside! Very full and lychee-like on the palate! The slight bitterness enhances the sweetness and umami. Despite the mellow taste in the beginning, the aftertaste is clean and light, giving the overall impression of lightness and drinkability👍. Although the sweetness of this sake was noticeable, it also had the umami that I like, making it a satisfying bottle 😘. I think the last time I drank it, it was more bitter...to be honest, I think I liked it better this time! Sake is interesting because you can get different colors from the same sake! 🍶. I would definitely like to try a different type of amayadori next time!
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The third summer sake of the year, "Kido Summer Gale" 🍶. Kido is an indispensable seasonal sake! In fact, I think I've only ever seen seasonal sake. And the price is very reasonable! I'm so thankful for this product because I'm short on money. The aroma is not that strong (maybe I just don't have a good nose so I couldn't tell lol). The sweetness jumps out at you first! The acidity comes rushing in as a second wave on top of the pear-like fruity flavor! 🍐🌊. The final impression is that of a tangy bitterness that sets the taste and blows through refreshingly without lingering too much on the palate...! Yup...! It's delicious 🍶🍶🍶. I guess summer sake should be this refreshing! (Was the previous Mimurosugi still different...? 🤔) Now I've had all Kido's summer and winter sake! It hurts that I couldn't drink spring sake. I want to complete the seasonal sake at this rate! I'm going to try to complete my seasonal sake collection at this rate!
Mimurosugi夏純 山田錦原酒
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The second summer sake of the year is Mimuro Sugi Summer Jun! 🍶 I've always been curious about Mimuro Sugi's seasonal sake! And it's quite popular! ✨️ When I stopped by the liquor store, there was only one left. Oh man... lol It has a little bit of gasiness. The aroma is slightly sweet. The taste is 50/50 sweetness and sourness. However, the sweetness is not strong and quickly disappears and transforms into umami! It is a very good taste! I am surprised to find so much umami in a summer sake! 😳 The moderate pungency of the alcohol gives it a freshness and lightness at the end of drinking! Yum!!! !!!!! What is this? The theory of summer sake is that it should be light and easy to drink, but this sake succeeds in maintaining the lightness even though it has a strong umami flavor, which is the exact opposite of what is expected! I was betrayed in a good way... I was betrayed in a good way...it's great! 👍
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This time I will be drinking "Huang Shui Xian" (荷札酒 Huang Shui Xian)! 🍶 I have been curious about this sake for a long time. The sharp design of the brand name is based on the packing tag, which caught my attention easily and was one of the sake I wanted to try at least once! I was curious to see what it would taste like. I wonder what it tastes like... Slightly carbonated The aroma is not too sweet, but more like umami. It has a full-bodied sweetness from the first attack! 💥 The acidity and carbonation make it easy to drink, while still having a strong umami flavor! The aftertaste is transformed into a deep sweetness...! It's a sake with a lot of props that allows you to enjoy a variety of repertoire while keeping the robustness at the base! It's so delicious... 🤤. I hope to drink more of this sake in the future!
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Buy a bottle of Yokoyama summer sake! 🍶 First summer sake of the year 🏖. It's already the season for summer sake! Well, it's actually hot, lol! I stopped by the store on a whim and saw it, so I bought it! It's refreshing to drink summer sake at this time of the year... It has a gaseous taste. Refreshing acidity typical of summer sake! Not too strong, but synergistic with the sweetness that comes after 👍. I think it tastes a bit like pineapple, maybe because of the acidity! It has a soft and sweet flavor in the aftertaste. The soft flavor comes through in the aftertaste and leaves you with a satisfying finish 🤤. The crab on the label is cute 🦀+1000 points I felt summer early... ☀️ Summer sake is still refreshing and delicious! I have nothing but high expectations for the summer sake coming out of here, since summer sake is right up my alley in terms of my own tastes! This was my first visit to Yokoyama, so I didn't really get a sense of the individuality of the brands, but I hope to try some of the standard sake in the future✋.
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" at Okage Yokocho It was the first time for me to attend such a sake event and I had a great time despite the short time I spent there. There was a unique lively atmosphere with sake drinkers as far as the eye could see 🏮. I was especially impressed by the red-colored lady near the entrance of the venue. I hope to be able to actively participate in such events again! Next time, I'll make a proper schedule... lol The last sake was Nanbu Bijin! I'm so glad I got to see this one for the first time! This is the first time I've seen this one too! Very dry! This was the most intense of all the sakes we drank this time! 😵‍💫 But it's a habitual drinker! It has an excellent sharpness!
Hi v0ru. These events are fun 🤗we've only experienced one small one 😅Mie has a lot of good sake! It must have been a lot of fun to do it in Okage Yokocho👍I'd love to go there with sightseeing 🥹.
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby! This was our first sake event and it was fun! 👍 It was probably a good thing that it was a tourist attraction, too, so it was easy to attract people! It seems to happen a few times a year, so if you get the chance, please do!
Hidakami弥助 芳醇辛口純米吟醸
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" in Okage Yokocho The road to the venue was so deserted that I wondered if it was really today, but there were still a lot of people around the venue! The sense of unity of the whole festival is quite good 🏮🏮. The sixth one was Hidakami! 🍶. What a first for me, Hidakami! It was dry, light and delicious 👍. It is indeed the ultimate food sake...! It's easy to drink and I think I'm going to be addicted to it!
Masaaki Sapporo
Good morning, v0ru. ☀I see you were able to visit many other breweries besides the one in Mie 👀 They all look delicious and it would be interesting to compare tastes ✨I'd get drunk easily myself 😅.
Masaaki Sapporo, thank you for your comment! There were about 10 breweries besides Mie that came to the event! Most of them were totally ready for a drinking contest 😂.
Mimurosugi辛口 露葉風特別純米
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" in Okage Yokocho There seemed to be limited menus only for this day at the restaurants around the venue, and there were great smells wafting through the venue. I couldn't go out much with my child because I had to babysit him 😭. The grilled sweetfish looked so delicious! I'll definitely try the limited menu next time I come to this event... The fifth one is Mimuro cedar! It's a very dry, sharp, and fresh wine. It was dry, sharp and fresh! 👍
Jikon雄町 火入れ純米吟醸
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" in Okage Yokocho Apparently there was also a sake tasting contest. I'm not sure, but I wanted to participate as a commemorative event! LOL! The fourth bottle was Jikin! 🍶 This was the main attraction of the event! I've been waiting for this! I've been waiting for this "moment"! I can get it at my local liquor store, but not often, so I have to drink it when I can! ✨️ And it's delicious! Sour and fruity as always, very satisfying! 🙆‍♀️
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" at Okage Yokocho There was a lottery and I won the 3rd prize! 🥳🥳🥳. I'm so lucky! It was worth coming here just for this! We were given a bottle of Sake and it was Amayadori! The third bottle was a bottle of Takihama! The third bottle was Takihitama! I found out later that it was a PB brand of Morishita's sake called "Crystal"! It had a fruity mouthfeel with a bitter aftertaste! It had a delicious flavor and was typical of Mie's local sake! I was watching the announcement of the raffle while drinking it.
Zakuインプレッション G純米原酒
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Okage Yokocho (おかげ横丁)
Sake Banquet" at Okage Yokocho I thought I could start drinking at 5:00 p.m., but apparently they started serving alcohol at 3:00 p.m., so I was late. I came at 18:00 because I had something to do, and it turned out to be a short festival with only one hour before the banquet ended at 19:00. I was so sorry 😭 The second bottle was a Saku! 🍶. I came late and there was only one more kind left 😭. However! It was an IMPRESSION that I've been curious about for a long time ✋. It was so delicious with a good balance of sourness, sweetness, and umami! This is seriously fire-roasted ????? Too good, fresh. Amazing.
Nice to meet you, v0ru. Impression is really astounding ✨. I originally loved Gennochi as my favorite sake, so I love this Impression too 😊. By the way, Sake Banquet...sounds great!
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-! The crops are all delicious! 👍 It was a great event, as "Sake Banquet" sounded, so lively and lively! 🍶