This time it was "Hashu Honor 50 horizon" 🍶.
I bought this sake from the same liquor store as the previous Urasato! I went there more for this one 🦵.
I'm not sure if there is any Kangiku in my neighborhood, so I have to go a little bit out of my way every time I visit the store...
However, since I went all the way out here for this, I will enjoy it 🙏.
The style is very much based on sweetness!
The sweetness is the standard, and the thirst-quenching taste is refreshing with a strong acidity! ✨
The taste is reminiscent of lychee!
The taste is reminiscent of lychee and lasts until the end 💪.
Well, it's sweet... ❤️
This flavor is also a characteristic of Kangiku! I think the brewery's policy is to make mostly modern products, but I wonder how it will be when they develop more classic products... I'd love to taste it when it comes out! 👍