Hakurakusei's stability is amazing! It's still delicious. osugi#624
I think it has been a long time since I had a Tottori sake.
It is dry, smooth and easy to drink! osugi#623
Sake from Fukuoka. This is cold.
We all enjoyed it together. osugi#622
This is also hot. Goes well with seafood salad. osugi#621
Hot sake.
Light and refreshing. JuleSake made from ancient purple-black rice
Rich taste with sweet and sour like rosé wine
Japanese rice
Sake degree: -18
Alcohol content: 14
JuleKame-no-o's typical acidity and rice flavor
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Yeast: Association No. 7
Sake meter rating: +6
Acidity: 1.8
Alcohol percentage: 16-17 JuleLight on the palate
Clear and easy to drink
Yamadanishiki produced in Fukuoka Prefecture
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Alcohol content: 15%.
Brewing department oryzae JuleWell-integrated rice flavor
Medium dry, umami-guchi sake
Domestic rice
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Sake degree: +7
Alcohol content: 16%.
Brewing family oryzae
JuleAcidity and sweetness
Refreshing taste
Okuidumo Sako Nishiki
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Alcohol content: 14.1
Brewing family oryzae JuleFizzy and refreshing on the palate
Slightly bitter and sharp
Iwate Ginga
Polishing ratio: 50
Yeast: Association No. 7
Sake meter: +9
Acidity: 1.8
Alcohol percentage: 14.8
Brewing Family oryzae Ten'on純米吟醸 馨 小料理 kokoro 舞ラベル純米吟醸 JuleCollaboration of Tensho's standard sake "Kaoru" series and Izakaya kokoro in Shinjuku
Warmed sake with a soft mouthfeel and sweet umami flavor
Koji Rice : Gohyakumangoku/ Kake Rice : En no Mai
Koji Rice : En no Mai/Kake Rice : Gohyakumangoku
Fast brewing k1 yeast,
Hayasaka k101 yeast
Fast brewing k1 yeast, Fast brewing k101 yeast
Sake meter degree +6
Acidity 1.8
Amino acidity 1.2
Alcohol content: 14.7
Brewing family oryzae
JuleIf you don't say it, it's cider.
Green apple tartness and sweetness
Yamadanishiki produced in Tokushima Prefecture
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Sake meter: -10.0
Acidity: 4.1
Alcohol percentage: 15
Brewing Family oryzae 長珍しんぶんし60 五百万石 純米生原酒純米原酒生酒 JuleGood rice flavor
The acidity tightens and the sharpness is good.
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Acidity: 2.0#.
Alcohol content: 18%.
Brewing Family oryzae
長珍Summer Jun 純米無濾過生詰純米生詰酒無濾過 JuleHint of cucumber aroma
Bitter taste precedes refreshing summer sake
Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture, Yume-nishiki from Hyogo Prefecture
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Alcohol content: 15-16%. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title