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Sawanohana超辛口純米吟醸 ささら純米吟醸
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Let's make this the last sake (since we've had many others in the past) Sawa no Hana Sasara The label on this previous sake said it was 🟦 very spicy, but this time it was not! I'm not sure what I remember it tasting like, but it wasn't as spicy as it sounded. It was a delicious sake that went down relatively easily! The pasta was peperoncino with asari! It is served with lots of cheese! The fourth one is the tomato flavored pasta with crab that we had for lunch the day before! I really wanted to pair this with sake too 🍶! After this, I finished it off with a Dabada Fire Swing on the rocks! Thank you very much for the meal! extensive knowledge It has a slightly gorgeous ginjo aroma and a moderate volume of flavor with a dry and dry sharpness at the end of drinking. It goes well with fish dishes. Hitogokochi 60% polished rice. Ingredients : Rice, Rice Koji 100% Nagano Prefecture Hitogochi Polishing ratio: 60 Sake meter degree:+12 Acidity: 1.5 Alcohol content: 15
Bunkajin夏純吟 「限定 おばけシール」付純米吟醸無濾過
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Summer sake still available! The young waitress, who poured me sake several times, and we became good friends. He asked me what I thought of this sake! Actually, this was the most delicious sake of the day! The waiter also said it was very tasty and aromatic! We were in agreement! We became good friends again at our favorite restaurant! The fried Genghis Khan and rolled asparagus are almost gone, so let's order the pasta dish that the restaurant has prepared for us 🍝. extensive knowledge Limited Edition with Obake Sticker This junmai ginjo-shu is perfect for summer, with a fun label featuring a ghost of a sake, inspired by the pattern of a summery, refreshing white tenugui towel. It is slightly sweet, but has a refreshingly clean finish. It has a mild aroma and a taste you will never get tired of. This is a bottle to be enjoyed well chilled during the hot and humid summer months ahead. Don't miss out on this summer-only sake that is made with a lot of care, including unfiltered filtration and ice storage.
Kid純米吟醸 夏の疾風純米吟醸
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Let's move on to Junmai Ginjo from here. I asked for Kukai, but it's already sold out! Too bad 😢! Then the next one is Kido's summer sake! It has an apple-like taste like rice wine! The next dish was rolled asparagus with meat! Enjoy summer sake while eating snacks dipped in vinegar and soy sauce! Fried Genghis Khan and meat rolls🥓🍖! Guts and Sake Delicious sake is still waiting for you! knowledge Junmai Ginjo-shu made from Gohyakumangoku. When you open the bottle, the fruity, apple-like ginjo aroma invites you in. When you drink it, it is light and gentle on the palate, with a cool breeze like a wind blowing through the mountains. However, it is not only light, but also has a firm umami flavor, and the crisp dryness and refreshing malic acidity will soothe the summer heat while providing plenty of drinking power. Rice used: Gohyakumangoku Polishing: Koji rice: 50% / Kake rice: 55 Specified name sake, etc. Junmai Ginso/Hiirei-shu
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There is also my favorite Sanzen Sakura! What's the Junmai? Yellow labeled R It's a classic sake! The regulars are in my strike zone and I enjoyed them! I want to drink Sakura Nigori at the end of the month, so I have my favorite place to store it ahead of time so I can enjoy it again! For my entrée, I was curious about the fried Genghis Khan! Bite-sized pieces with mayonnaise and sake! The fried Genghis Khan is a bit sweet, so a dry sake is a good combination! a little bit of knowledge R" stands for Rich Taste & Reasonably priced, with a pleasant natural ginjo aroma with a hint of fragrance. It is a junmai-shu for eating with a moderate flavor of rice. Ingredients: 100% Higashikawa-grown Nanatsuboshi Rice polishing ratio 65 Sake degree +3 Acidity 1.6 Alcohol content 15
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Mountain Kotobuki Junmai, which is often seen at Sakegawa these days. I wonder what's coming out of it. Yamakotobuki-colored label This is Yamanokotobuki Freaks 2. Low alcohol, fruity So it's a popular sake, this taste A little thinner than the first three. But it went well with raw oysters! Let's drink a little more Junmai type 🍶🍶🍶🍶. knowledge Yamanokotobuki Freaks 2" is the second product of "Yamanokotobuki Freaks", which is a new type of sake from Yamanohisyu, and was developed and brewed as a product containing 4MMP, a new aroma component of sake. This 4MMP aroma component is also found in white wine (mainly Sauvignon Blanc) and some craft beers, and has a refreshing aroma reminiscent of grapefruit and muscat.
Sharaku純米酒 一回火入れ純米
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We have a lot of famous drinks for you to choose from. There's Collage! Let's go! It's more fruity than the Akabu F The oysters are very big, so you eat a little bit of oyster and pour some Collage into your mouth. It's been a long time since I've tasted Collage, but now I know it's good again! You don't have to be a jun-dai or jun-gin to enjoy this evening's sake. The staffs are friendly and newcomers sometimes talk to me. Which one do you want to try next? It's hard to decide, isn't it? extensive knowledge The sake rice used is 100% Yumenokoh from Fukushima Prefecture. In addition to its fresh and gorgeous aroma, the taste of this junmai sake is characterized by its sharpness due to its clean acidity and its deep umami. Ingredients Koji rice: 60% Yumenokou (domestically produced) Kake rice: Yumeno Kou (domestic) 60 Alcohol level: 16%. Sake Degree +1~2 Acidity Not disclosed Yeast used: Undisclosed Water used for brewing: Water from the Aizu Bandai mountain range
AkabuAKABU F エフ 吟醸造り吟醸
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Let's go next. Which one will come for the red armour? It was F. It's been a while! If Tasake is apple, Akabu is pear! Yesterday's culinary recommendations included many items that caught my attention! It's really hard to choose the right one 😫. There are so many delicious drinks to choose from, so let's try the meat, fish and the pasta to top it all off 🍝. Let's leave it at this! extensive knowledge High quality evening sake for you ・・・・ and named "F" as an abbreviation of For You. It has a subtle ginjo aroma and moderate sweetness, and is light and easy to drink. It has a sharp taste and can be enjoyed without getting tired of drinking. 2017 Iwate Prefecture New Sake Competition Winner of the 1st place Governor's Prize SAKE COMPETITION 2018 Junmai-Daiginjo Category GOLD Award Junmai Ginjo Category GOLD Award International Wine Challenge 2019 SAKE Competition Junmai category GOLD award Junmai Ginjo category GOLD award
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After a long absence, we went to Peach Blossom Restaurant. Tonight's all-you-can-drink menu consists of 12 kinds of drinks! Let's enjoy a little at a time! The famous sake runs out early, so let's start with Tasake! We haven't had Tasake since the purple can the other day! Tonight we'll have our standard brown bottle of special junmai sake 🍶. It's still full of apple flavor 🍎! We drank it all before we finished the appetizer! Let's go next time! knowledge Rice : Hanabukiyuki Rice polishing ratio : 55 Alcohol content : 16
Minami特別純米 無濾過 生酒特別純米生酒無濾過
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Dry Sake I'll make it auras. South of Kochi I've had this special junmai unfiltered nama-shu from Torin several times in the past, but this was the first time for me! It is fresh as the word "Nama-shu" implies! Not too spicy! It was easy to drink! It was a delicious sake to go with the meat sauce gratin I just had! Now let's drink all-you-can-drink shochu! We were told that we could drink Sato Black and Dabada Hiburi, so we had a glass of each on the rocks! There were also some liqueur liquors such as yuzu, mandarin orange and grape, but let's save them for next time! This spring, I will be able to visit Okayama (Kurashiki), Kagoshima, Fukuoka (twice), and Kyoto, so I will be on the lookout for good sake 🍶. extensive knowledge This sake is an unfiltered seasonal special junmai sake made from "Matsuyama Mitsui" rice refined to 60%. Although the junmai ginjo has been changed to Dewasan, this special junmai is still made with Matsuyama Mitsui as in previous years. It has a clean and crisp aroma as if from the south, fresh and full rice flavor, and a refreshing and moderate acidity that gives it a nice crispness. Although unfiltered, it has a well-balanced flavor and is a dry sake that you will never get tired of drinking.
Hidakamiひたかみ 超辛口 純米酒 +11純米
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If there are no more sweet jungin types, let's go with dry! The last dish was a hot meat sauce gratin! It was mashed potatoes topped with meat sauce and baked in the oven! Mix it well, put it in your mouth hot, and now for the dry sake! Sweet and sour meat sauce goes well with dry sake! To be honest, I really think that sake is an alcoholic beverage that can be easily matched with any food and accompaniments! Let's have another glass of dry sake tonight! extensive knowledge Hidakami's super-harsh junmai sake is sold only at a limited number of stores in Miyagi Prefecture. This is a gem of a dry sake that is super-harsh but also full-bodied and umami. It goes well with blue fish and red meat. Rice used: ・・・・ Hitomebore Polishing ratio: ・・・・60 Sake degree: ・・・・+11 Acidity・・・・1.7 Alcohol content・・・・・15-16
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Pizza and grilled oysters There's more to come, so let's keep drinking! The strategy meeting was not fruitful, and the bottles, all you can drink and nothing is missing! Tonight, we were informed that the bottles of Romain and Otters were sold out😭. We wanted to have a little sweet sake between the two. But let's get back on track and have a dry one! Let's see what's going to be served at Bakuren! Azuki, white, or the recently popular black? The standard azuki color is here! Looking at the past postings, azuki was served for the fourth time tonight! But this is my first time here at Momo-Rin. I don't mind the fact that I'm an azuki, but I don't mind. This punchy bakuren is recommended to be served cold! I wish I could see black somewhere soon! Today's recommended menu There are many dishes you may be interested in! extensive knowledge This extremely popular super-harsh ginjo-shu is sold only at a limited number of about 50 specially contracted sake stores nationwide. This azuki-colored labeled product is commonly known as "Aka-bakuren" and was the very first "bakuren" and the original standard from which the "bakuren series" was created.
Sawanohana超辛口純米吟醸 ささら純米吟醸
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Saku Sake Sawa-no-Hana Let's go! Just in time for two dishes! Today's special is 50 yen per grilled oyster! I was also curious about the mackerel and shiso pizza🍕, so I ordered it! It was described as "super dry" but it didn't feel that way at all! It's jungin, so it's more fruity. The cooked mackerel and the sour shiso pizza went very well with the sake! It was a good experience! extensive knowledge Slightly gorgeous ginjo aroma and moderate flavor volume with a dry and dry sharpness at the end of drinking. It goes well with fish dishes. Hitogokochi 60% polished rice. Ingredients : Rice, Rice Koji, 100% Nagano Prefecture Hitogochi Polishing ratio: 60 Sake meter degree:+12 Acidity: 1.5 Alcohol content: 15
Emishiki特別純米 黒ラベル Sensation gen 9 BLACK 生特別純米生酒
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After the appetizer of yuba leaves, the dishes did not come out very well. In the meantime, let's drink sake! On the menu, I found "Laughing Four Seasons"! I wonder what it is! Yesterday I had Sensation White, so tonight I wondered if it would be the same or black, or what would be the occasional black? Black. It was black. This is my first time! The sake rice was changed from Yamadanishiki to Shiga Prefecture's Koshikagura! It is a little more voluminous than White, but has a fruity finish! There was not much left, so I had to have a refill! The Tokachi mushroom ajillo arrived just as I was pouring my second glass! The saltiness and the fruity sake somehow go well together! A few words of knowledge While the white label has a delicate, cool, dry taste, the black label has a robust, rugged flavor with body. The overall taste is cohesive, with a firm acidity asserting itself amidst the beautiful sweetness. Sake is the sustenance for living life happily and serves as a lubricant that bonds people together. The brand name "Emishiki" was named in the hope that people will be able to spend their days smiling in each of the four seasons. Koji rice: Koshigaraki produced in Shiga Prefecture Kake rice: Ginomi produced in Shiga Prefecture Rice Polishing Ratio: 50 Alcoholic Beverage : 16 Sake Degree : +0 Acidity: 1.6 Yeast: Kyokai 701
Oze no YukidokePadlock of Love 純米大吟醸生酒純米大吟醸生酒
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I came back to Sapporo from Iwamizawa. I was going to check out a restaurant that I was planning to use for serving customers, but I was told that it would be difficult on the same day, so I went to Momorin for the first time in a while! A generous restaurant that accepts one person for all-you-can-drink! There was snow on the ground, so we were just getting started. The waitress offered us a special limited edition Padlock of Love Junmai Daiginjo Nama Sake for Valentine's Day! This is the second time I've had it at Kagurazaka in the past! A sweet and delicious sake with a hint of strawberry! Let's drink from the middle of the strike zone first! I had a strategy meeting for a while to decide the order of today's all-you-can-drink! Knowledge Sweet and mellow, just like the image of "Love"! It is a sensual and beautiful sake with a gorgeous aroma, flavor and sweetness. This limited edition sake is perfect for Valentine's Day, the Dolls' Festival, White Day, graduation ceremonies, and other times of the year when love abounds. Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Alcohol content: 15 Sake Degree : Undisclosed Acidity : Undisclosed Rice : Undisclosed Rice Polishing Ratio:50
Nabeshima純米吟醸 山田錦 (パープルラベル)純米吟醸
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Let's go for a little sweet drink♪ We went to Momorin, the second store of Torin near our hotel. The friendly waitress welcomed us with a warm welcome! We decided to have only a little bit of food and all-you-can-drink sake. Of course, there were many of my favorite brands! Tonight we were told that Tazake and Shoki were sold out, which was a shame! Then let's start with Nabeshima! What will be served? It was purple label! Delicious Yamadanishiki sake! Sweet and fruity! Good, ladder up. Now, let's drink some more! In case you are wondering, this is the second time I've had Purple Label! I was drinking in Tokyo at the time (no sake-no-wa post, no rice) (I didn't post any comments on the Sakewa post) Some of them say "Yamadanishiki" on the lower left of the label, and some say "Ihyakumangoku". I'm not sure what the difference is. If you know, please let me know😊.
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From Sanzensheng to Sanzensakura The names are similar I finally understand it recently. I've been into Sanzen Sakura recently! This time it was labeled Junmai sake, so I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for me! Junmai R First time with a yellow label! The last Junmai R had brewing alcohol in it, but not this time! I think Sanzen Sakura is more suited to nigori or high-spec sake. We've been drinking at a pretty good pace, so it's time to slow down 🍶🥂. knowledge R is for Rich Taste & Reasonable. The natural ginjo aroma with a hint of fragrance is pleasant. A Junmai-shu for eating, with a moderate flavor of rice. It is also suitable for warming sake.
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I wasn't sure which order to put the rice wine in. The last time I came here, I was going to ask for Kiri number, but they ran out of sake. So let's ask for it as soon as possible! The taste of apple in the mouth is just as I expected! This indescribable feeling spreading in the mouth! Now, let's try various sakes from here! We have a lot of great sake tonight! We also have a pasta dish! The pasta is even more delicious than I expected! extensive knowledge Ingredients: Hanabukiyuki Rice polishing ratio: 55 Sake degree: +2 Acidity: 1.5 Alcohol percentage: 15.5 Sake type: Tokubetsu Junmai-shu The top-rising aroma is subtle, with a muscat-like fragrance. The full-bodied umami and sweetness are pleasant, reminding one of a beautiful ginjo type of sake without the weight. It is a junmai sake that has a full-bodied flavor and breadth, but is also crisp and easy to drink.
Tsukasabotan裏 純米生酒純米生酒
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We went to Momorin, the second store of Torin Honten, which we visited last week. Our friendly waitress was at this restaurant this week! I was looking forward to the all-you-can-drink service, as she accepts it even if you are alone! We started with Ura Shibotan! Tsukiyotan has a strong image of dry sake, but it is juicy! Maybe because it's a draft sake! We enjoyed asparagus sautéed in butter, assorted sashimi, and pasta (pasta left to us) with our drinks! Knowledge Junmai Nama Sake" is specially shipped through a back channel with a reversed label. Junmai Namaishu" is limited to special dealers and reserved bottling. It has a fresh aroma with a hint of citrus fruits and a juicy, concentrated flavor. The juicy and concentrated flavor spreads in the mouth, and the soft balance is exquisite. The soft balance is exquisite. It has a dryness that is typical of Tsukasa Botan. It is a very refreshing and pleasant sake with a crisp, dry taste that is typical of Shibotan. It has a light and concentrated flavor. It is perfect as a mid-meal drink.